World of Warcraft profile World of Warcraft profile

Varian Wrynn 1. Varian Wrynn is an important figure in the online game World of Warcraft produced by Blizzard Entertainment. The human leader of the alliance camp, the former king of Stormwind, the commander-in-chief of the alliance army, and the father of the current king of Stormwind, Anduin Wolin.

2. Bolvar Fautrat Gong. Bovar Fortagan was born in a noble family in Stormwind, and his mother was very famous in the upper class of Stormwind. After the baptism of war, he won the trust of the king. He is the Lord of Stormwind, "the Grand Duke of Stormwind". Help King Varian Wrynn familiarize himself with politics.

3. Reginald Windsor. Important people in World of Warcraft. Guinard Wendell Sol was a soldier under Anduin Losa. Decades ago, when he raided Medivanta with Sir Lothar, he saw his future in Medivanta: he died at the clutches of the black dragon. Over the past few decades, the soldier has grown into a marshal of Stormwind, but there has always been a shadow in his heart, which has always worried him about the status quo of Stormwind.

4. C 'Thun. C CThun is an important role in the series of World of Warcraft games developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Materialization of the erosion power of empty monarch. C 'Thun is one of the ancient gods who dedicated himself to Azeroth in order to corrode the newborn Titan, and was sealed in Angela's temple by the Titan guardian. It was the first ancient god to break the seal and the first ancient god to be destroyed. The name C 'Thun comes from his servant, Angel Bug. Its prototype comes from the old dominator in Cthulhu mythology, and its name comes from Cthulhu.

5. sal. Thrall is a virtual character appearing in the game World of Warcraft, the third chief of the original orc tribe, and one of the leaders of the Turkish Parliament (the Ring of the Earth). Sal is the only son of Durotan, the leader of the Orc Frostwolf tribe, and his wife Dellacqua. After killing the Dulongtan couple, the murderer left the orc children in the ice and snow to die. Later, a human lieutenant named AedelasBlackmoore found the child, took him back to a human castle named DurnholdeKeep, and gave him a human name-SAL, which means "slave". In fact, Blackmore was not nice to Sal. In fact, he raised Sal like a slave. Blackmore trained the little orcs into slaves and gladiators, and wanted to train Sal into an educated leader, so that he could take over the orc tribe and rule the world by the orc army.