20 18 basic knowledge test questions and answers of intermediate publishing specialty 9

20 18 basic knowledge test questions and answers of intermediate publishing specialty 9

First, multiple choice questions

1. The cost-volume-profit analysis method is mainly used to calculate ().

A. the amount of profit that can be realized when the sales volume reaches a certain amount B. the sales volume of the break-even point

C. Trends in the publication market D. Sales volume that should be achieved in order to obtain a certain profit

E. Publication pricing under a certain sales volume and profit target

[Answer] Abd

2. In addition to cost, profit and production quantity, the main factors that affect publication pricing include ().

A. the education level of readers B. the consumer psychology of readers C. the brand D. the length of distribution channels E. the price status of similar publications

[answer ]BCE

The formulation of publication price is influenced by cost, profit, production quantity, market demand, price status of similar publications, consumer psychology and brand.

3. The right to modify, as a kind of copyright, includes (), etc.

A. authors can modify their works.

B. If the author changes the published work, the publisher shall republish the work according to the change as soon as possible.

C. An author may authorize others to modify his work.

Without the consent of the author, our staff shall not make any changes to the work.

E editing published works in other newspapers and periodicals must be approved by the author.

[answer] AC

4. Adaptation as mentioned in the Copyright Law means () not changing the basic ideological content of the original.

A. Change the work into Braille for publication. B. Revise the original version.

C. change the typesetting format of the work D. change the type of the work E. expand, rewrite and abbreviate the work

[Answer] Germany

5. Regarding the compilation work, the correct statement in the following statement is ().

A. A work composed of several works or a combination of several works is a compilation.

B. A database with originality in arrangement formed by collecting materials that do not constitute works is a compilation of works.

C. The compiled works shall include new unpublished works.

D. the copyright of a compiled work shall be enjoyed by the assembler.

Authors of compiled works still enjoy the copyright of their works.

[Answer] Abd

6. In the following works, all rights of copyright belong to the creator ()

A map drawn by a mapping team.

B textbooks prepared by teachers for teaching in this school.

Journalists write news reports for this newspaper.

The script and soundtrack written by the main creator of Group D for this group.

The computer software designed by the programmers of E Software Company for the company.

[Answer] BCD

In general, the copyright of job works belongs to the creator. However, the author only enjoys the right of authorship for works such as engineering design drawings, product design drawings, maps and computer software. Works created mainly by making use of the material and technical conditions of the unit, and job works that are copyrighted by the unit in accordance with laws, administrative regulations or contracts.

7. When introducing foreign works into copyright trade, we should mainly pay attention to () and so on.

A. Has the work been introduced to other countries B. The binding form of the work

C. The cultural value of the work D. The popularity of the work and its author overseas

E. the economic benefits of introducing and publishing this work

[Answer] CDE

When analyzing the introduction of foreign works in copyright trade, we should pay attention to the following issues: the cultural value of the works; The popularity of the author overseas and the market situation of the original work; The publication time of the original work; Market forecast and economic budget; The social and economic benefits of introducing and publishing this work; The professional strength of the publishing house; Expert opinions, etc.

8. In the following cases, you should write a rejection letter ()

A. the quality of the manuscript can't meet the publishing requirements. B.the manuscript is basically available, but it needs some modification.

C. the content of the manuscript is inconsistent with the nature of this agency and this journal.

D the manuscript has a certain quality, but our department already has similar manuscripts that meet the quality.

E. the submission is similar to the published works of the unit;

[Answer] ACDE

9. Among the following items, () belongs to my business document.

A. Topic selection report B. Review report C. Executive summary D. Interview with author report E. Index [answer] ABD

[Resolution] In addition to the above three business documents, there are my plan, submission report and research report.

10. Generally, the supplements of books and periodicals I write are ()

A. Postscript B. Preface to publication C. Cover slogan D. Author introduction E. Postscript [Answer] BCDE

The analysis of auxiliary articles of books and periodicals I write generally includes cover slogan, content summary, publication preface, editor's note, examples, author introduction, publication postscript and so on.