Cosmic wonders in 2011? There will still be astronomical phenomena in 2011. Here is a note:
Venus will be conjunct the moon at 0:00 on January 1, and Venus will be at 7.0° north of the moon
Mercury conjuncts the moon at 23:00 on January 2, and Mercury is 3.8° north of the moon
Partial solar eclipse on January 4, visible in the northwest region
At 21:00 on January 4 Jupiter is conjunct Uranus, and Jupiter is 0.5° south of Uranus
The Quadrant Meteor Shower will be extremely large on January 5
At 0:00 on January 9, the greatest westward elongation of Venus is 47.0°
At 22:00 on January 9, Mercury’s western elongation is 23.3°
At 1:00 on January 11, Jupiter is conjunct with the moon, and Jupiter is 7.0° south of the moon
January Saturn conjuncts the moon at 18:00 on the 25th, and Saturn is 8.1° north of the moon
Saturn remains at 16:12 on the 27th, changing from direct motion to retrograde
January 30 At 12:00, Venus conjuncts the moon, and Venus is 3.5° north of the moon
At 1:00 on February 5, Mars conjuncts the sun
At 18:00, February 7, Jupiter conjuncts the moon, and Jupiter is at the north of the moon 6.8° south
Saturn will be conjunct the moon at 1:00 on February 22, and Saturn will be 8.0° north of the moon
Last quarter at 7:26 on February 25
Mercury will be conjunct the Sun at 17:00 on February 25
Venus will be conjunct the Moon at 12:00 on March 1, and Venus will be 1.6° south of the moon
Mars will be conjunct the Moon at 20:00 on March 4 , Mars is 6.2° south of the moon
The vernal equinox at 7:21 on March 21
Saturn is conjunct the moon at 8:00 on March 21, and Saturn is 8.0° north of the moon
At 09:00 on March 23, Mercury is at the eastern elongation, 18.6°
At 1:00 on March 31, Mercury remains, changing from direct to retrograde
March 31 Venus conjuncts the moon at 21:00, and Venus is 6.0° south of the moon
At 6:53 on April 4, Saturn is closest to the earth, 8.61 AU; at 7:56, Saturn opposes the sun,
Jupiter will conjunct the sun at 23:00 on April 6th
Mercury will conjunct the sun at 4:00 on April 10th
Saturn will conjunct the moon at 16:00 on April 17th, and Saturn will be at 8.1 north of the moon. °
Mercury will conjunct Mars at 23:00 on April 19, and Mars will be 0.6° south of Mercury
The Lyrid meteor shower will be extremely large on April 22
April 22 At 13:00 on the same day, Mercury remains, changing from retrograde to direct motion
At the beginning of May, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter gather together
At 7:00 on May 1, Venus conjuncts the moon. 7.0° south of the moon
At 15:00 on May 1, Mercury conjuncts the moon, and Mercury is at 7.8° south of the moon
At 12:00 on May 1, Mars conjuncts Jupiter, and Mars is between Jupiter 0.4° north
At 3:20 on May 2, Jupiter will be conjunct the moon, and Jupiter will be 5.9° south of the moon
At 3:42 on May 2, Mars will be conjunct the moon, and Mars will be at 5.5° south of the moon
The Aquarid meteor shower will be extremely large on May 6th
At 3:00 on May 8th, Mercury will be at its greatest western elongation, 26.6°
May 9 From the 13th to the 13th, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter gather
At 24:00 on May 9, Mercury conjuncts with the stars, and Mercury is 1.5° south of Venus
At 23:00 on May 11, Venus conjuncts with Jupiter , Venus is 0.6° south of Jupiter
At 4:00 on May 12, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter, and Mercury is 2.0° south of Jupiter
At 23:00 on May 14, Saturn conjuncts the moon, and Saturn At 8.2° north of the moon
At 17:00 on May 16, Mercury is in conjunction with the stars, and Mercury is at 1.4° south of Venus
From May 19 to 25, Venus, Mercury, and Mars gather
At 9:00 on May 21, Mercury will be conjunct with Mars, and Mercury will be 2.1° south of Mars
At 16:00 on May 23, Venus will be conjunct with Mars, and Venus will be 1.0° south of Mars
At 23:00 on May 29, Jupiter will be conjunct the moon, and Jupiter will be 5.6° south of the moon
At 4:00 on May 31, Mars will be conjunct the moon, and Mars will be 3.8° south of the moon
Venus will be conjunct the moon at 12:00 on May 31, and Venus will be 4.4° south of the moon
Partial solar eclipse on June 2, visible in the northeastern region
Venus will be conjunct on June 8 Pleiades star cluster
Saturn will be conjunct the moon at 5 o'clock on June 11, and Saturn will be 8.2° north of the moon
Mercury will be conjunct the sun at 8 o'clock on June 13
At 12:37 on June 14, Saturn will remain, changing from retrograde to direct motion
Total lunar eclipse on June 16: initial waning at 2:22, eclipse at 3:22, and severe eclipse at 4:13. Light will be born at 5:03, and it will be full again at 6:2. The eclipse and sunset are visible in the eastern region, and the entire process can be seen in the western and southwest regions.
Venus will be conjunct Aldebaran at 16:00 on June 18, and Venus will be 4.8° north of Aldebaran
Summer solstice at 1:17 on June 22
At 17:00 on June 26, Jupiter will be conjunct the moon, and Jupiter will be 5.4° south of the moon
At 3:00 June 29, Mars will be conjunct the moon, and Mars will be 1.7° south of the moon
6 At 17:00 on July 30, the moon occults Venus, and Venus is 0.1° north of the moon
On July 1, there is a partial solar eclipse, which is not visible in China
At 10:00 on July 3, Mercury conjuncts the moon. Mercury is at 5.1° north of the moon
At 15:00 on July 6, Mars will be conjunct Aldebaran, and Mars will be at 5.5° north of Aldebaran
At 12:00 on July 8, Saturn will be conjunct On July 20, Saturn is at 8.0° north of the moon
At 13:00 on July 20, Mercury is at the eastern elongation, 26.8°
At 9:00 on July 24, Jupiter is conjunct with the moon, and Jupiter is at the north of the moon. 5.0° south
At 1:00 on July 28, the moon occults Mars, and Mars is 0.5° north of the moon
At 15:00 on August 2, Mercury remains, changing from direct motion to retrograde< /p>
Saturn will conjunct the moon at 20:00 on August 4, and Saturn will be at 7.7° north of the moon
The Perseid meteor shower will be extremely powerful on August 13
August 16 At 20:00 on August 20th, Venus ascends and conjuncts the sun
At 11:00 on August 17th, Mercury conjuncts on the inferior side of the sun
At 20:00 on August 20th, Jupiter conjuncts the moon, and Jupiter is 4.8° south of the moon
Neptune opposes the sun at 7:25 on August 23
Mars conjuncts the moon at 22:00 on August 25, Mars is 2.7° north of the moon
August 26 At 12:00 on the same day, Mercury remains, changing from retrograde to direct motion
At 9:00 on August 28, Mercury conjuncts the moon, and Mercury is 2.6° north of the moon
At 1:30 on August 31 Jupiter stays apart, changing from direct motion to retrograde
At 7:00 on September 1st, Saturn conjuncts the moon, and Saturn is 7.3° north of the moon
At 14:00 on September 3rd, Mercury is in the west Distance, 18.1°
At 10:00 on September 9, Mercury conjuncts Regulus, Mercury is 0.7° north of Regulus
At 2:00 on September 17, Jupiter conjuncts the moon, Jupiter At 4.7° south of the moon
At 16:00 on September 23, Mars conjuncts the moon, and Mars is at 4.8° north of the moon
At 8:14 on September 26, Uranus opposes the sun
p>On October 2, Mars will be conjunct the Pleiades star cluster
At 20:00 on October 3, Venus will be conjunct Spica, and Venus will be 3.0° north of Spica
10 At 4 o'clock on October 14th, Jupiter will be conjunct the moon, and Jupiter will be at 4.8° south of the moon
On October 21, the Orionid meteor shower will be extremely large
At 8 o'clock on October 22, Mars will be conjunct the moon, and Mars will be at The north of the moon is 6.5°
At 2:44 on October 28, Jupiter will be closest to the earth, 3.97 AU
At 9:41 on October 29, Jupiter will oppose the sun
The Southern Taurus Meteor Shower will be extremely large on November 5th
Jupiter will conjunct the moon at 3:00 on November 10th, and Jupiter will be 5.0° south of the moon
Venus will conjunct the center at 5:00 on November 10th Venus, Venus is 4.0° north of Antares
At 13:00 on November 11, Mars will be conjunct Regulus, and Mars will be 1.4° north of Regulus
November 12 The Northern Taurus meteor shower will be extremely large
At 17:00 on November 14th, Mercury will be at the eastern distance of 22.8°
The Leonid meteor shower will be extremely large on November 18th
November 19 Mars conjuncts the moon at 18:00, and Mars is 7.7° north of the moon
At 17:00 on November 24, Mercury remains, changing from direct motion to retrograde
A partial solar eclipse on November 25. Invisible in China
At 12:00 on November 27, Venus conjuncts the moon, and Venus is 2.8° south of the moon
At 17:00 on December 4, Mercury conjuncts the sun
Jupiter will conjunct the moon at 4:00 on December 7, and Jupiter will be 5.2° south of the moon
Total lunar eclipse on December 10: initial waning at 20:45, eclipse at 22:6, and severe eclipse at 22:31 , it gave birth to light at 22:57, and returned to full form at 0:17 the next day.
Our country has good observation conditions all over the country
At 10:00 on December 14, Mercury will stay and change from retrograde to direct
The Geminid meteor shower will be extremely intense around 1:00 in the morning on December 15
At 21:00 on December 17, Mars will be conjunct the moon, and Mars will be 8.5° north of the moon
At 18:00, December 20, Saturn will be conjunct the moon, and Saturn will be 6.5° north of the moon
Winter Solstice at 13:30 on December 22
The Ursid Meteor Shower will be extremely large on December 22
At 11:00 on December 23, Mercury will be at its greatest western elongation, 21.9°
At 12:00 on December 23, Mercury conjuncts with the moon, and Mercury is 2.6° north of the moon
At 19:26 on December 26, Jupiter remains, changing from retrograde to direct motion
Venus will be conjunct the moon at 19:00 on December 27, and Venus will be 6.4° south of the moon