Confucius and Liu are friends, and Liu is his younger brother, whose name was stolen from his feet. 9000 people stole their feet and died. They overrun the world, invaded feudal lords, drove away people, animals and horses, and took away women. They are insatiable, forget their relatives, regardless of their parents and brothers, and do not sacrifice their ancestors first. The cities we passed through, big countries guarded the city, small countries entered the insurance, and the people suffered. Confucius said to Liu, "If a husband is a father, he will certainly be able to call his son ⑦; Brothers can teach brothers. If a father can't write to his son and a brother can't teach his brother, there will be no relatives of your father and son. Mr. Jin is a talented person in the world, his brother is a thief and harms the world, but Fu can teach him, and Qiu is ashamed of Mr. Qian. Qiu, please speak for your husband. " Liu said to him, "Mr. Wang said that a father can petition for his son and a brother can teach his brother. If the son doesn't listen to his father's petition, his brother won't be taught a lesson by him. Although teacher Wang's statement is (1 1), it's nothing! And men are like springs (12), which means floating in the wind (13). He is strong enough to stay away from the enemy (14), and he can argue that he can make a fool of himself. He is happy when he does what he wants, angry when he accepts it, and easy to insult people. Mr. Wang will never leave. " Confucius didn't listen, Yan Hui was the king (15) and Zigong was the right (14). See the stolen feet.
Note 1 Liu: Dr. Guo Lu, surnamed bird, whose surname is Ji, was granted a fief in Liuxia; Liu was nearly a hundred acres earlier than Confucius, not a contemporary. Therefore, the so-called "Confucius and Liu are friends" is just a fable here. (2) Plantation theft: the leader of the slave uprising in the late Spring and Autumn Period and the early Warring States Period; Thief, a disparaging term for an uprising slave. (3) Followers: people who follow the foot uprising. (4) Violent aggression: armed aggression. ⑤ Points: chisel point, puncture point, fulcrum and door shaft. Treasure: Bao Tong, a small town. ⑦ Imperial edict: teaching. 8 not expensive: worthless. Steal: In private, secretly. Attending to say (tax, silver tax): advise, advise. (1 1) Although: Even if; Debate, eloquence, eloquence. (12) Mind: refers to thoughts. (13) Gone with the Wind: Storm, whirlwind. (14) Distance: Pass and reject, resist. (15) Yan Hui: Confucius' favorite pupil; Control, drive. (16) right: right; In ancient times, when riding a car, the honorable person was on the left, the driver was in the middle, and the right person was the accessory.
Confucius and Liu are friends, and Liu is his younger brother, whose name is Stealing Feet. There are 9,000 foot soldiers running around the world, invading princes by force, breaking into houses, driving away other people's cattle and horses, taking away their own women, greedy for property, forgetting their relatives and friends, not caring about their parents and brothers, and not offering sacrifices to their ancestors. Where the foot passes, big countries strictly guard the city, small countries close the city to protect themselves, and the people are miserable. Confucius said to Liu: "A father can certainly teach his son; Of course, an elder brother can educate his younger brother. If a father can't teach his son and a brother can't educate his brother, then the blood relationship between father and son is worthless. Now, sir, you are a wise man in the world, but your brother is a thief, which is a great harm to the world, but you can't educate him. I'm ashamed of you in private. I asked to persuade him for my husband. Liu said: "Mr. Wang said that a father can teach his son and a brother can educate his younger brother. If the son doesn't listen to his father's teaching and the younger brother doesn't listen to his brother's education, even with Mr. Wang's eloquence, what can he do? "More importantly, as a person, his thoughts flow freely like a spring, his mental changes are as sudden as a storm, he is strong enough to resist the enemy, his eloquence is enough to whitewash his mistakes, he is willing to obey his own wishes, he is annoyed if he does not obey his own wishes, and he is easy to insult others with words. Sir, don't go. " Confucius didn't listen to Liu's advice, so he asked Yan Hui to drive, and Zi Gong was his attendant to see the stolen foot.
Stealing chickens and eating rice is the way to stop death, act as the sun of the mountain and nourish the liver. Before Confucius got off the bus, he saw the admirer say, "Lu people, I heard that generals are virtuous." I respect the admirers again. " When worshippers entered the entrance (4), the thief flew into a rage. With eyes like stars, he put on his finger crown and said, "Is Lu's adulterer a villain? Tell me:' You make up words and sentences, pretend to be Wen, Wu, Guan Zhi Shu, frighten dead cows, create more fallacies and heresies, eat without plowing, dress without weaving, talk eloquently, and be good at making trouble, so as to charm the master of the world, so that all the scholars in the world can be filial brothers without violating their roots. Fortunately, they are sealed. My son is guilty of a terrible crime, so run (12)! Otherwise, I will eat a diet that nourishes the liver during the day (13). Confucius said (14): "Autumn is lucky in time (15), and may the curtain be lifted (16)." When the messenger resumed communication, he stole his foot and said, "Before the messenger came!" " Confucius followed suit (17), turned away from the table (18), and worshipped stealing feet. Stealing the soles of the feet was furious, and both sides showed the clues. Sword closing (19) sounds like a milk tiger. He said, "Qiu, before you come! If you say (20). If you obey my will, you will live, but if you go against my will, you will die. "
Note 1 Hugh soldiers: Hugh soldiers; Mountain, namely Mount Tai; Yang, Shannan; The ancients called it sunny in the south and cloudy in the north. 2: Fine cutting; Feed (tonic yin) to eat. Counselor: the person in charge of notification in ancient times. (4) Access: Go in and report to the metatarsal bone. ⑤ Word-making: Word-making refers to Confucius lobbying everywhere. 6. Text: refers to Zhou Wenwang; Wu, refers to. ⑦ Belt: refers to the belt; Threatened refers to the skin on both sides of the cow. Be good at: be good at. Lord: monarch, monarch. Participate in the opposite: the same return; This refers to the nature of nature. (1 1) Filial piety: refers to the ethical norms respected by Confucianism when treating parents and brothers; Brother, the same. (12) disease: fast. (13) benefit: increase; Eat, eat. (14) Communicate again: I want it again. (15) Fine, it's a pleasure. (16) shoes: shoes. (17) trend: small steps and quick steps. (18) Avoid the seat: it means to stand away from the seat to show respect; Walk backwards, get off your seat and walk backwards. (19) case sword: hand pressed sword; Open your eyes and stare big. (20) If: you, you.
At this time, the thief is resting in the south of Mount Tai, chopping people's livers for food. Confucius got off the bus and stepped forward. He said that he was from the state of Lu, and he heard that the general had a great sense of righteousness. Please respectfully convey my interview request. "The announcer went in and announced it to Sun Zhi. When Sun Zhi heard about it, he was very angry. His eyes are as bright as stars, and he is angry. He asked, "Is this man a traitor of Lu? Tell him for me:' You gossip, pretending to praise King Wen and King Wu, wearing gorgeous hats and belts made of cowhide, talking nonsense, eating well, dressing well and not spinning, wagging your lips, and being good at creating right and wrong, so as to confuse the world's monarchs and ministers, so that the world's bachelors can't return to the original, and pretending to be filial to their parents and princes. You have committed a terrible crime. Step back. Otherwise, I will use your liver to add food and vegetables. Confucius once again invited worshippers to inform his audience, saying, I am honored to be friends with Liu, and I hope to see my account before the first step. After the informant told him again, the thief said, "Let him come." Confucius walked into the tent with small steps, respectfully left his seat, stepped back and saluted the stolen feet again. The thief was furious. He straightened his feet forward, put his hand on the sword, opened his eyes wide and made a sound like a little tiger. He said, "Kong Qiu, come to the front! You said, you can live if you obey my heart, and you will die if you don't obey my heart. "
Comment on Hu Wenying's Loneliness View of Zhuangzi: "This description. Then I opened a novel school for future generations. "
Qing Liu Feng Bao's Snow Heart in the South: "Description is just a style of novel."
Confucius said: "Qiu Wen knows that there are three virtues in the world: born and raised, beautiful and unparalleled, short and noble, all in all, those who also know heaven and earth, those who can argue everything, and so do China and Germany; It is also a virtue to be brave and fearless and gather people to lead troops. Mortals have this virtue, which is enough to be called loneliness in the south. There are three generals today. They are eight feet three inches long and have the face of Zhang Mingliang. Their lips are like Dan, their teeth are like Becky, and their voices are like Huang Lu, but they are called stealing feet. Qiu is ashamed of being a general. Pet-name ruby general interested in listening to my words, I asked wuyue in the south to attend to one thing and lose another, Qilu in the north, Wei Song in the east and Chu Jin in the west, so that he could build a hundred-mile city and hundreds of thousands of cities, respect the general as a vassal, and join the world (1 1) to start a new stove, so as to stop fighting and adopt Kundi (12). The saint's journey. And so is the wish of the world. "
Note ① Length (constant tone): large and high. 2 Say (Yin Yue said): The same. 3 know: Tongzhi; Wei, Bao 4 debate: general debate, discrimination. ⑤ Nan Gu: refers to the king. 6 Ji Dan: bright cinnabar; Excited and vivid. ⑦ Kibaki: neat beads; Bay, Zhu. ⑧ Zhong (Zhong Audience): Consistent; The yellow bell is one of the tones in the ancient six tones. Chen: Confucius claimed to be. (10) Ambassador: Ambassador. (1 1) and: Yes; Start over, get rid of the old and innovate. (12) Kundi; Brother. (13) * * (Gongyin Palace): Dedicate, Dedicate, Dedicate.
Confucius said: "I have heard that there are three virtues in the world: being big and beautiful, being happy for all ages, and being a top-grade virtue;" Wisdom can contain heaven and earth, so that it can distinguish everything, which belongs to medium virtue; Brave, tenacious, decisive, fearless, able to gather energy and lead troops, belonging to medium virtue. Anyone with these virtues can be king in the south. Now, the general has these three virtues. He is eight feet three inches tall, his face is radiant, his lips are like bright cinnabar, his teeth are like neat pearls, his voice is as loud as Ling Huang's, but his name is stolen feet. Privately, I am ashamed of the general, and think that he should not have such a reputation. If the general can listen to my advice, I will send you to Wu Yueguo in the south, Qi and Lu in the north, Song and Wei in the east, and Jin and Chu in the west to build hundreds of miles of cities for the general, establish hundreds of thousands of fiefs, respect the general as a vassal, and get rid of the old and the new together with the vassals in the world, stop fighting, adopt brothers and sacrifice their ancestors. This is the behavior of sages and wise men, and it is also the wish of all people in the world. "
The thief was furious and said, "Qiu, before you came! A husband can make rules to benefit, and he can make suggestions, and fools are all ears. Today, she looks beautiful and is welcomed by everyone. It is my parents' legacy. Although Qiu doesn't have my reputation, I don't know my sins? And I heard that people who have a good reputation for others are also good at ruining others' reputations. Today, Qiu told me to take the big city and the people in order to control my profits and raise people's livestock. I am also 6, and I can be safe for a long time! The biggest city is the world. Yao and Shun win the world, but there is no place for their children and grandchildren. Tang Wuli became the son of heaven ⑦, and later generations became extinct; Not for its benefit, right? Moreover, I heard that there were many animals and few people in ancient times, so people lived in nests to escape, picking acorns and chestnuts during the day and sitting on perches at dusk, so they were called nest people. People in ancient times didn't know clothes, so they made a lot of money in summer and did it in winter (1 1), so they were called people who knew life (12). In Shennong's world, lie down and live (13), starting from (14). People know their mothers, but they don't know their fathers. When they are with elk, they plow the fields to eat, weave and dress, and they don't hurt each other. This is the highest virtue (15). However, the Yellow Emperor was unable to achieve virtue (16), and fought Chiyou in the land of Zhuolu (17), with a hundred Li of blood. Yao Shun wrote (18), set up a group of ministers, put soup on his master (19), and the king of Wu attacked him. Naturally, after that, bullying the weak with force and fighting violence with violence. There has been chaos since Tang Wu. Today, I practice the way of civil and military affairs (2 1), take charge of the debate of the world (22), teach future generations, sew shallow clothes (23), confuse the real with the fake, and confuse the master of the world, but I want to be rich and how to steal more than me. Why does the world call me a thief instead of a thief? Zi told him with sweet words and made him follow (24), so that he got rid of his dangerous crown (25), untied his long sword and was taught by Zi. The whole world is saying that Kong Qiu can control violence and prohibit injustice. As a chess piece, Luz tried to kill Wei Jun but failed (26). He died in the East Gate of Wei (27), which is beyond the reach of Suburb (28). The son calls himself a genius, a sage? Then we will chase after Lu (29), lose track of Wei, be poor in Qi (30), be trapped in (3 1), and cannot live in the world. The son taught his son to suffer from this, and looked down on himself in the world and others in the world. Is the way of the son worthy of evil? The height of the world, if the Yellow Emperor, the Yellow Emperor has not yet been fully virtuous, is the field of fighting Zhuolu, bleeding for hundreds of miles. Yao was heartless (32), Shun was unfilial (33), Yu was dry (34), Tang was released to his master, Wu Wang was attacked, and Wen Wang was detained (35). These six sons, regardless of their status in the world (36), are all trying to confuse their truth and oppose their temperament (37), and what they have done is very shameful. The so-called sage of the world, Boyd Shu Qi. Uncle Boyi resigned from the solitary bamboo king and starved to death on Shouyang Mountain, leaving his flesh and blood unburied. Baojiao pretended to be a fairy (38) and clung to the wood. Shen Tudi remonstrated but didn't listen (39). He threw a negative stone into the river and was eaten by fish and turtles. The meson pushed to Nakano (40), cut its shares to eat Wengong (4 1) and Wengong's back (42). The meson pushed back in anger and burned to death with wood (43). Weisheng and the woman live under the beam (44). If the woman doesn't come, the water won't go, and she will cling to the housing beam. These six sons are no different from those who beg for money (45). They all die less than fame and fortune (46) and don't care about life or death. So-called loyal subjects all over the world, Prince Murrow is not as good as Wu Zixu (47). Son Xu Shenjiang (48) is more careful than Gan. The second son was called a loyal minister, but died laughing for the world. From the top, as for child deficiency, it is not expensive. Qiu said that if he accused me of ghosts, I wouldn't know. If you accuse my personnel, it's just, I know everything. Today, I told my son to be a man, to see colors with his eyes, to listen to sounds with his ears, to observe tastes with his mouth, and to have full aspirations (49). People live to 100 years old, 80 years old, 60 years old, except for birth and death (50). Among them, those who open their mouths and laugh are only four or five days in January. Heaven and earth are infinite, sometimes people die, sometimes there are tools (5 1), and relying on infinity (52) suddenly makes no difference with running horses (53). Can't say its will (54), all the channels that support its life are right and wrong. I abandoned everything Qiu said. I am eager to go home. Don't say anything! The child's way, crazy and arrogant, deceitful and hypocritical, can't be completely true (56), ridiculous! "
Note 1 regulation: admonition. ② Hengmin: Ordinary people. 3 is not my reputation: don't praise me; Fame, praise. 4 good (Yin Haohao): preference; Praise people to their faces. ⑤ Behind-the-scenes destruction: behind-the-scenes slander. 6 livestock: feeding. 7 soup: soup; Wu, a man. 8 Oak chestnut: the fruit of an oak tree can satisfy hunger. Pet-name ruby Habitat: Habitat, here refers to accommodation. (10) accumulated salary: accumulated salary; Wages, firewood. (1 1) Yang Shengyang: Keep warm. (12) Destiny: refers to survival. (13) Juju: It looks quiet. Yu Yu: Carefree. (15) Dragon: Sheng. (16) Supreme Virtue: Achieving the ultimate virtue. (17) Chiyou: the legendary primitive tribal leader; Zhuolu, now Zhuoxian County, Hebei Province. (18) Left: Up. (19) release: exile, exile. (20) Violence: Invasive violence. (2 1) The way of civil and military affairs refers to a set of political systems practiced by Zhou Wenwang and Zhou Wuwang. (22) Debate: speech and public opinion. (23) Joints: common; Every piece of clothing, a broad and mature Confucian clothing; Shallow band, broadband. (24) Sweet words: beautiful words. (25) The crown of danger: a tall hat. (26) Wei Jun: refers to Kuaiqin. (27) Zu Yinzu: Chop into paste. (28) less than: less than. (29) Again: twice; Be, be expelled. Poverty: Exhaustion means the end of the road. (3 1) Chen and Cai: small countries in the Spring and Autumn Period. (32) "Yao does not stab": According to legend, Yao once killed his eldest son. (33) Shun is unfilial: According to legend, Shun once exiled his father. (34) Excessive dryness of Shu: refers to the disease of excessive dryness caused by controlling water movement of Shu; Partial dryness, hemiplegia. (35) Xian (You) Li: Place name, the location of Shang prison. (36) which theory: in-depth discussion; Which one looks familiar? (37) Truth: Truth, nature; Violate, violate (3 8) Bogart: Zhou Zhou is a hermit, cynical and honest, and refuses to be the minister of the son of heaven or lobby the prince. Zi Gong said to him, "I heard that those who don't take charge don't benefit from their land, and those who pollute their monarch don't benefit from their land." I live on the land and eat its benefits. What can I do? " Bogart replied: "I heard that honest people pay more attention to retirement, and smart people are suicidal because of shame." So he held the tree and stood dry and dead; Decorate and whitewash one's behavior; Be ignorant of the world and dissatisfied with current affairs. (39) Shen Tudi: In the Shang Dynasty, it was said that he could not bear to see the chaos and died in the river. The business of protest is unknown. (40) meson push: Zuo Zhuan is meson push, a loyal minister of Jin Wengong; Jin Wengong Zhong Er was framed by Li Ji, and he was hungry and sleepy on the way to escape, and there was no food. Meson pushed off a piece of meat to satisfy Wen Gong's hunger. After Wen Gong was reset, he rewarded his followers when they ran, but forgot to recommend them. Meson pushed Mianshan to live in seclusion. When Wen Gong learned of it, he sent someone to chase it, but the meson evaded it. Duke Wen ordered the release of Yamakaji in an attempt to drive him out, but meson Tui failed to escape. Finally, he burned the tree. (4 1) shares: shares. (42) back: abandon. Burn it, burn it. (44) Wei Sheng: One is Wei Sheng, and the Warring States Policy is Gao Sheng, which is famous for keeping promises; Date, date; Beam, bridge. (45) ⑩ dog: a dog with a dismembered body; Zhen (Zhejiang) split the sacrificial body and sacrificed to the gods; Runner, a dead pig thrown into the water, begging with a ladle, (46) leaving: bronze man; Fame refers to suffering because of the pursuit of fame. (47) Prince Bigan: Shang Zhouwang's uncle was cut off by Zhou Wang for his advice; Wu Zixu, surnamed Wu, was a loyal minister of Fu Cha, the king of Wu. He was given a sword to commit suicide because he opposed the peace between Fu Cha and Gou Jian, the king of Yue. After his death, his body was put into a bag and thrown into the river. (48) Shen: Same sinking. (49) Surplus: abundant. (50) thin: it is a mistake of words; Illness. (5 1) Fuck: Fuck; Sometimes it means a limited life. (52) entrustment: entrustment; Between infinity, refers to heaven and earth. (53) Suddenly: a glimpse; A horse, a horse; Gap, gap, gap. (54) Say (Yue): Same as Yue. (55) Urgent (Ji): Urgent. (56) True preservation of human nature.
The thief said angrily, "Kong Qiu, come out! Anyone who can be persuaded by fortune and corrected by words can be called an ignorant person. Now I am big and beautiful, and everyone is happy to see me. This is inherited from my parents. Even if Kong Qiu doesn't praise me, don't I know? And I heard that people who like to praise people in person like to hurt people behind their backs. Since you promised me to have a big pool and people, you want to convince me with Eli Lu and buy me off as a fool. How long can this last? The biggest city, there is no bigger city than taking the world as the city. Yao and Shun won the world, but there is no place for future generations. Shang Tang and Zhou Wuwang became emperors, but their descendants became extinct; Isn't that why they covet big profits? In addition, it is said that there were many animals and few people in ancient times, so people built wooden nests on trees to avoid animals, picked oak fruits for food during the day and spent the night on trees, so they were called people with nests. In ancient times, people didn't know how to dress. They have accumulated a lot of firewood in summer and used it for heating in winter, so they are called people who know how to survive. In Shennong, people sleep quietly and don't bother, but get up and move leisurely. People only know that they have a mother, but they don't know that they have a father. They live with wild animals, farm the land to get food, weave fabrics and make clothes, and people don't hurt each other. This is a society with extremely high morality. However, the Yellow Emperor could not reach this benign society. He fought Chiyou in vilen, Zhuolu, and his blood flowed like a river. After the rise of Yao and Shun, officials were set up, Shang Tang exiled the monarch, and King Wu killed Shang and Zhou. Since then, the society is full of bullying by the strong, and the majority infringes on the minority. Since Shang Tang and Zhou Wuwang, they all belong to the category of insurrection. Now, you are studying a political system in Zhou Wenwang and Zhou Wuwang, which holds the world's public opinion and is used to educate future generations. You wear a wide Confucian suit and a wide belt, and your words and deeds are hypocritical, which is used to confuse the monarchs of the world and seek wealth. There is no greater thief than you. Why do people call me a thief instead of calling you a thief? You coaxed Luz to follow you, let Luz take off his top hat, untie his sword and accept your teaching, so people said you could stop the violence. In the end, Lutz tried to kill Wei Jun and rescue Kong Mao, but failed. He was chopped to pieces above the east gate of Weiguo, which is where your education failed. Do you think you are a wise man or a wise man? But I was expelled from Lu twice, and the footprint left by wei ren was eradicated. Qi has no way to go, and I am trapped between Chen and Cai. There is almost no place for you in the world. Your education has been cut into paste, you have become a teacher, have nowhere to live, and have disciples, so you can't stand on the world. Is the theory you preach worthy of respect? The most honorable person in the world can't surpass the Yellow Emperor, who can't reach the whole virtue, but he fought against Chiyou in Zhuolu Yuanye, bleeding hundreds of miles. Yao killed his son heartlessly, Shun demoted his father unfilial, Yu ran around and got hemiplegia, Shang Tang demoted his monarch, attacked and killed Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and Wen Wang went to prison. These six people are highly respected in the world. If we comment on them in depth, they are all confused by their greed for interests, thus forcing themselves to act against their natural temperament. This is a shame. The sages mentioned in the world are Boyi and Shu Qi. Boyi Shu Qi resigned from the throne of the solitary bamboo country, and later starved to death on the shouyangshan, leaving his bones unburied. Baojiao whitewashed her words and deeds, was dissatisfied with current events and finally died in a tree. Shen Tudi advised the monarch, but the monarch didn't listen, so he threw a stone on his back and died. The body was swallowed by fish and turtles. Meson Tui is the most loyal courtier. He cut off the meat from his thigh to satisfy Wen Gong's hunger. Duke Wen later rewarded the meritorious person and forgot him. Zitui got angry and left Wengong. Later, he was burned to death in a tree. Weisheng met a woman under the bridge, but the woman didn't come. When the flood came, Weisheng didn't leave the meeting. She was drowned on the bridge post. These six people are no different from dismembered dogs, dead pigs thrown into the water and beggars begging with spoons. People who value fame and have suicidal tendencies, regardless of their own nature, do not maintain their own lives. No loyal minister in the world can surpass Prince Wu Zixu of Bigan. However, Wu Zixu was killed, his body sank into the river, and Bigan was gouged out of his heart and died. These two men are loyal ministers in the world, but in the end they can't help but be laughed at by people who have ways in the world. From the above, from the Yellow Emperor to Wu Zixu and Bigan, it is not admirable. Kong Qiu once convinced me that if you tell me about ghosts and gods, that's what I don't know; If you tell me what happened in the world, I know so much. Now I'll tell you about human temperament. Eyes want to see beautiful colors, ears want to hear beautiful sounds, mouth wants to taste sweet taste, and ambition wants to be full. People's life expectancy is 100 years old, the middle life expectancy is 80 years old, and the next life expectancy is 60 years old. Apart from birth, illness, death and sadness, the time to smile in January is only four or five days. There is no end to heaven and earth, and there is a certain time limit from birth to death. Putting a limited life between heaven and earth is like a fine horse passing through a gap. You can't make yourself comfortable, you can't support yourself, and you are not a person who knows the way. Kong Qiu, everything you said has been abandoned by me, so go back and stop talking! Your reasons are all false and deceptive, and can't be used to preserve human nature. It is worth talking about! "
Comment on Lin Qingyun-ming's Zhuangzi karma: "(Comment on the sentence" a good face honors one person ") is indeed the ultimate word, and people who are condescending to the world are also hated by robbers."
Qing Liu Feng Bao's "Southern Snow Heart": "(Comment on the sentence" Don't be a confidant ") Flattery to your face and stealing your feet behind your back are intolerable and absolutely hopeless."
Confucius bowed again and hurried away. He went out and got on the bus, lost with three in his hand, but his eyes were blank. If his color is dying, he bows his head and cannot vent his anger. Return to Dongdong Gate in Shandong and meet in Liuxia season. Liu Dao said, "I haven't seen you for many days today, and the horses and chariots are colorful." Confucius looked up at the sky and sighed, "naturally." Liu said, "Is your foot really not upside down?" Confucius said, "Of course. Qiu's so-called self-moxibustion is also 6, and it is inevitable that he will be anticlimactic and weave a tiger beard! "
Note 1 Mangran: Absence; Mans, with mans. According to the stone: leaning on the crossbar in front of the car; The stone is in front of the car and the crossbar is three: empty, not there. 4 micro: still Murphy; Slight, nothing. ⑤ If before: As said in the past. 6 Moxibustion: Acupuncture. ⑦ Material: Tongliao.
As soon as Confucius said goodbye, he stole his feet and walked quickly. I got on the bus as soon as I went out, but I didn't hold the reins three times. He is blind and can't see anything. His face was like dying embers, and he leaned his head against the beam in front of the car, unable to vent his anger. Back to the east gate of Lu, I happened to meet Liu. Liu said, "I haven't seen you for many days. Your horses and chariots seem to walk a long way. Are you going to stand up? " Confucius sighed at the sky and said, "Yes." Liu said, "Is the metatarsal against your wishes, as I said before?" Confucius said, "Yes. This is what I call acupuncture for myself, asking for trouble, and rushing to tease the tiger's head and braid the tiger's beard, which was almost eaten by the tiger. "
Comment on Ouyang Xiu of Song Dynasty: "Folding three sentences and combining beams is also strange in writing."
Wang Song Anshi: "The language front is slightly like the Japanese historical records, and it is easy to escape."
Song Lu Xiufu: "This chapter is full of words, such as Hongyuan Note, which cannot be suppressed." (For the above three articles, see Liu's "Compilation of South China Snow Heart")
The debate between the master case and Confucius is a story with the most complete plot, the most tortuous plot, the most distinctive personality and the most vivid image in Zhuangzi. Previous people have pointed out that Stealing Feet W is the first of China's classical novels, which is quite insightful. The author describes Zhi W and Confucius, and pays great attention to choosing the actions and language that best reflect the characters' character. For example, when I wrote that Confucius was "furious, his eyes were like stars, and his fingers were crowned", I shouted, "Go home quickly, or I will feed my children with my liver!" After Confucius saw it, he "showed his sword anger and sounded like a tiger cub". When he wrote, he saw his person and heard his voice, showing his mighty and tough personality everywhere. Writing about Confucius vividly describes the process of Confucius' psychological changes, such as not listening to Liu Xia's advice, asking for an audience again and again, showing a humble attitude when seeing him, and finally returning down in the world, "losing sight and bowing without anger." This description has a great influence on later novels.