If you don't learn poetry, there is nothing to say; If you don't learn manners, you can't stand it
The meaning of this sentence is clear. One day, when Confucius was standing in the courtyard, his son Kong Li "hurried across the courtyard", that is to say, he walked very fast and took little steps. Walking in front of the superiors, you should "rush", keep your head down and walk quickly. This is called "trend".
So Kong Li saw his father Confucius standing in the yard, so he bowed his head and left in a hurry. Confucius said, "Come on, how about learning poetry?" "Can't" speak without learning poetry? "-how can you talk without learning poetry?
Another day passed, Confucius stood in the courtyard again, and Kong Li "hurried through the courtyard". Confucius said, "Come on, how about learning etiquette?" Not yet. "Why don't you learn manners?" How to be a man without learning etiquette?
Appreciation: This story is called "court language", also called "court training". Later, according to this story, the father's education for his son was called "court training" in ancient times. Learning poetry and etiquette are about reading and doing things, which are two very important issues in life.