2, Wuhua, Meizhou, Guangdong, Heyuan Chengzi generation: "The country spreads morality, Neo-Confucianism must first, filial piety must be good, and Chongwen must be good." Later, it lasted for twenty generations-this word: "Yan Yi is rich and powerful, and he knows everything. The character is noble and noble, and the prosperity rises. "
3. Hubei Xiantao, Tianmen and Honghu Cheng's generation: "Honesty is far from home, and poetry and painting are long. Guo Ke from Sri Lanka will be virtuous and prosperous. "
4. The generation of the Cheng family in Guang 'an, Sichuan: Chao Di, Zhu Mingjun; Confucianism advocates righteousness, and only morality has glory; In the last episode, Xianze is far away, and the national road is Changqing. ((* * three forks)
5, Xinyang, Henan, Cheng Zi generation: Jiande cultivate oneself, respect for the first. Fu Ru Pei Xue will always inspire his family.