What are the principles of Skopos Theory in translation?

1, purpose principle

Among the three principles of Skopos theory, the most important one is Skopos principle, that is, translation activities are determined by Skopos. Vermeer believes that each text has a specific purpose, and both text and translation should serve this purpose. Translation can have multiple purposes, but there is always a primary purpose, which determines the translation methods and strategies. In a specific translation situation, the translator must choose the main purpose of the translation and make a reasonable and sufficient explanation.

2. The principle of coherence

Coherence principle is also called intralingual coherence principle. According to this principle, the translated text must be coherent within the language, that is, the translation is readable and acceptable, which can make the receiver understand and make sense in the target culture and the communicative context in which the translation is used. Any text is the provider of information and function, but from the linguistic point of view, information and function are not always obvious. Translators choose the aspects and components that serve the purpose according to the purpose principle.

Translation into the target language through language processing makes the translated text a new information provider. In the process of language processing, the translator must pay attention to the readability and understandability of the target language. Only when it is meaningful in the communicative context of the target language readers can the culture and information of the source text be effectively conveyed to the target language readers.

3, the principle of loyalty

The principle of faithfulness is also called the principle of interlingual coherence, and there is a relationship between the original and the translated text that the former provides information to the latter. The principle of loyalty is restricted by the principle of purpose and coherence, and it will lose its function in some cases. For example, in the case of great conflict between purpose and form, the translator makes great adjustments to the language itself in order to serve the purpose of the target language.

Extended data

A philosophical theory that explains the world with purpose or purpose causality. It is believed that the purpose of a concept is to specify the reasons and basis for the existence and development of things and their relationship. Its basic point is to personify the natural process and impose the purpose, an inherent factor in human activities, on nature. There are two main forms of teleology, namely external teleology and internal teleology.

The former thinks that things in the world happen in an orderly way because of God's will. Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher, was an early representative of external teleology, but it was used and developed by religious theology in the Middle Ages and became the core idea of religious theology. Intrinsic teleology holds that the inevitability of things exists in the purpose, and then understands the purpose as the internal regulation of things, which is a principle higher than necessity.

Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher, was the founder of internal teleology. Aristotle put forward teleology of virtue, starting from the purpose of the subject of action or distribution.

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