Method 1: Write the document in APA format.
1. Know what a reference page is. The reference page lists the reference files in APA format at the end of the file. The title is "References", which contains all the works cited in the article.
2. Arrange each item according to the first letter on the reference page. You must sort by the first letter of the author's last name, or by the first letter of the book title if there is no author's first name. This page is arranged by author's name (or document title), because the text is also quoted by author's name.
3. List books with only one author on the resource page. The author of a book should list his last name, initials (publication date) and title. Place of publication: publisher. If there is more than one line of information, the second line needs to have a complete indentation at the beginning. For example: Perhamus, C. (20 13), the sky is blue, Boston, Massachusetts: a publishing house.
4. Bibliography of multiple authors is listed on the reference page. You can list the surnames and initials of seven authors, and the one below is the same as the one with only one author above. If there are more than seven authors, list the names of the first six authors with three ellipses, and then list the name of the last author. For example, there are two or seven authors' bibliographies: Hu, C., K., Shier, M., UpadHye, N., Wright, E. (20 13). When the sky is still blue. Boston, Massachusetts: A publishing company.
Bibliography of more than seven authors: Hu, C., Lamson, L., Per harms, C., Hill, M., Upadeye, N? Wright, E. (20 13). If the sky is blue. Boston, Massachusetts: A publishing company.
5. Bibliography without an author: title (year), place of publication: publishing house, for example, the sky is not blue. (20 13). Boston, Massachusetts: A publishing company.
6. List websites. Format: Name, (date of publication). Title of the article, website source. The sky is blue, quoted from
7. List articles in journals. Writing: author's surname, initials (year), article title, journal name, number of issues and number of pages. For example: Kohler, UK (20 13). Health, health, health. Wisdom magazine, 165, 22-43.
Method 2: List the documents in MLA format.
1. List the files in MLA format on the Reference page. The reference page is a page that lists all the works cited in the article. You should arrange it alphabetically according to the information (usually the author's name) that appears when quoting.
2. Quote only one author's book. Format: surname, first name, title, publishing city, publisher, year and method of publication. (For example: Sinclair, Upton. Jungle. New york: Two Days, Page &; Company, 1906. Print. )
3. Cite many authors' books. Format: the first author's name and the last author's name are arranged in alphabetical order, title, publishing city, publishing house, publishing year and publishing method. (For example: Hu, Carol, Carter Kohler and Mary Scheer. Books about things. San Francisco: A publishing house, 20 13. Print. )
4. Cite books by unknown authors. Format: title, city of publication: publisher, year and method of publication. (For example, nobody's book ... San Francisco: a publishing house, 20 13.print. )
5. Quote Web pages. Format: "Title of the article", name of the webpage, name of the organization/institution related to the webpage (initiator or publisher), release time of the original materials (if known, write N.D. otherwise), release method and acquisition time. (For example: "Wait, wait, wait." Citi unlimited. Writing company, Netherlands, August 23, 1965, 438+03. )
6. Quote personal interviews. Format: interviewee's name and interview date. (for example: perhamus, Cody. Personal interview 0 1aug20 13. )
7. Quote published interviews. Format: interviewee's name, visitor's name, publication or program (time), page number (if possible), and publication method. (For example: Smith, John. Interview with Jane Davis. Good night John (20 13). Radio. )
8. Quote personal letters. Format: sender's name, "letter name", method and date. (for example: Perhamus, Cody. "About our discussion." E-mail the author 23aug20 13. )
Method 3: Use Chicage format to list documents.
1, create a reference or document directory. You should know that the Chicage format uses footnotes and endnotes. The reference page is optional-see if you need reference materials or bibliography according to the special requirements you receive. If only the documents cited in the article are listed (that is, those with footnotes or endnotes), the title of the page should be "References". If you list all the documents used in the research process (even if they are not cited in the article) and all the documents cited in the article, you need to title the page as "References". All articles in references and bibliographies should be sorted alphabetically according to the information cited in the articles.
2. Cite books with only one author: name, title, place of publication, publisher and year of publication. For example: Pei Hamus, Cody. The sky is blue. San Francisco, California: Publishing Company, 20 13.
3. Books by two authors. Writing: author's name, author's second name, title, place of publication, publisher and year of publication. For example: Hu, Carol and Shirley. Orphans. San Francisco, California: Publishing Company, 20 13.
4. Books with unknown authors. Format: title, place of publication: publisher, year of publication. For example: a long journey. San Francisco, California: Publishing Company, 20 13.
5. List the pages with authors. Format: name, page title, italicized page organization or page name, publication date or acquisition date (if any). For example: Smith, John. "The world and other things." John's idea.。
6. List web pages without authors. Format: page title, italicized to indicate the page organization or name, publication or acquisition date (if any) and link. For example: "Thinking about references." Idea Unlimited Company 2 1 20 13.。
7. List the published interviews. Format: interviewer's name, interview place, interviewer's name and date. For example: UpadHye, Neeti, Pleasanton, CA, author John Smith, 2 1 October 20 13.
Method 4: Job recommendation letter.
1. Know when to list letters of recommendation. Only when the company or project you are applying for specifically requires submission, you should list it. These companies will use your letter of recommendation to learn about your professional ethics, personality and so on. You should find someone who will give you positive comments to write a letter of recommendation for you, such as the professor of the course where you got better grades in college, or a boss who thinks you did well before.
2. The letter of recommendation should start on a new page and be attached to the application materials you want to submit (such as resume and cover letter). Write a letter of recommendation if required by the company you are applying for. If you are applying for housing (for example, you want to rent an apartment), you may need to provide a letter of recommendation in your housing application. You'd better not mention a letter of recommendation before the company or project you apply for doesn't speak.
3. Set a header on the recommendation letter. Write your name in bold and clear font. Write your address, phone number and email address under your name (these contents are smaller than your name). If you like, you can format the title so that the contact information is aligned at one end. To separate the title from the content, you can underline one side of the name.
4. Add a title under the title. The size and font of the title should be consistent with your name. The title needs to be concise. For example, you can write "professional recommendation letter" or "recommendation letter from XXX (your name)".
5. List the information of referees. There is no particular order here-you can sort it alphabetically or according to how well they know you. Set the referee's name in bold format. Under the name, write down their relationship with you (such as the boss) and the company or project you have worked with.
Under the company name, write down the company address. If your reference is not in that company, there is no need to list the company address.
Write down the contact information provided by your referees under the address. This is where you write their phone numbers, email addresses and so on.
6. Write down the information of the next referee according to the above format. If the referees you list belong to different types (such as professors and people you know at work), you can underline different categories, which is optional.
Prompt to reconfirm your thesis guidance requirements and ensure that you use the prescribed writing format.