"Mencius" Chapter 1 of Mencius and King Hui of Liang

Mencius met King Hui of Liang. The king said: "The old man has come from a thousand miles away, will he benefit our country?" Mencius said to him: "Why should the king say benefit? It is just benevolence and righteousness." The king said, "How can it benefit my country?" The doctor said, "How can it benefit my family?" The scholars and common people said, "How can it benefit my body?" If a country of ten thousand chariots kills its king, it will lead to a house of a thousand chariots; if a country of a thousand chariots kills its king, it will lead to a house of a hundred chariots. Take a thousand out of ten thousand, take out a hundred out of a thousand, it is not too much. Gou will benefit first for the sake of righteousness later, and he will not be satisfied if he does not take it away. It is the person who leaves behind his relatives without benevolence, and the person who succeeds his king without righteousness. The king also said that it is only benevolence and righteousness, why should it be called profit?

Mencius saw King Hui of Liang. The king was standing on the marsh, looking at Hongyan and the elk, and said: "A wise man also enjoys this?" Mencius said to him: "A wise man" And then enjoy this, although the unworthy people have this, they are not happy. The poem goes: "After passing through the Shiling Tower, we will build it and the common people will attack it, but it will not be completed in a day." Don't be anxious at the beginning, the common people will come. The king is in Lingbo, the deer are crouching, the deer are crouching, and the white birds and cranes are there. The king is in the spiritual marsh, and the fish is jumping on the boat. ?King Wen used the power of the people as his platform and marsh. And the people were happy about it, calling its platform Lingtai, calling its marsh Lingmarsh, and they were happy that there were elk, fish and turtles there. In ancient times, people enjoyed themselves with the people, so they were able to enjoy themselves. Tang swore: "The time will bring about mourning. I will die together with my daughter." ?The people want to die with them, even if there are birds and beasts in the pond, how can they be happy alone?

King Hui of Liang said: ?I am a man who only devotes his whole heart to the country. If there is bad luck in Hanoi, move the people to the east of the river and the millet to the riverside. The same goes for east of the river. Observing the government of neighboring countries is nothing like the intentions of a few people. If the people of neighboring countries are not reduced, and the people of the few are not increased, why not? Mencius said to him: "The king likes war, please use the metaphor of war." After filling up the drum, he caught the weapon, abandoned his armor and followed the soldiers away. It may take a hundred steps and then stop, or it may take fifty steps and then stop. What if he laughs at fifty steps and laughs at a hundred steps? He said: "No, it's not as straight as a hundred steps. This is also walking." ? Said: ? If the king knows this, there is no hope that the people will be more numerous than those of neighboring countries. If it is not contrary to the farming season, the grain will not be enough to eat; if a few grains of grain are not entered into the pond, the fish and turtles will not be enough to eat; if the ax weighs a pound of ax and enters the forest at the right time, the wood will not be enough to use. The grain, fish and turtles cannot be eaten, and the wood cannot be used, so that the people can live and die without regret. Maintaining one's health and losing one's life without regrets is the beginning of the king's way. For a five-acre house with mulberry trees, the fifty-year-old can use it for clothing; for the chickens, dolphins, dogs, and pigs, don’t lose their season; for the seventy-year-old, you can eat meat; for the hundred-acre field, don’t take away the season for several mouthfuls. There can be no hunger in the family; if you follow the teachings of Xiangxu and support them with filial piety and brotherhood, they will live up to their duties on the road. Those who are seventy years old can wear silk and eat meat, and the people are neither hungry nor cold. However, there is no such thing as a king. A dog eats human food without knowing how to check it; a dog eats human food without knowing how to eat it; when a person dies, he says: "It's not me, it's Sui." ?How is this different from stabbing people and killing them, saying: ?It's not me, it's a soldier. ?The king is innocent, and the people of the world are here. ?

King Hui of Liang said: "I am willing to accept the teaching." ?Mencius said to him: ?There is a difference between killing people with a stile and a knife? He said: ?There is no difference between them. ?There is a difference between using a blade and politics? He said: ?There is no difference. ? Said: ? There is fat meat in the kitchen, fat horses in the stables, the people are hungry, and there are hungry weeds in the wild. This is how the beasts eat people. Animals eat each other, and humans hate it. As parents of the people, administration cannot avoid leading beasts and cannibalism. The evil is that they are the parents of the people. Zhongni said: "The first to make figurines, they have no descendants!" They are used to resemble human beings. How could it be that the people of Si were starved to death?

King Hui of Liang said: "The Kingdom of Jin is not strong in the world, and the old man only knows it." As a widower, I was defeated by Qi in the east, and my eldest son died; I lost my territory seven hundred miles to Qin in the west; I was humiliated by Chu in the south. I am ashamed of it, but I wish I could spread it like a dead person. What can I do? Mencius said to him: "A place of a hundred miles can be king." The king was benevolent to the people, sparing punishments, collecting taxes lightly, and plowing deeply to make farming easier. The strong ones spend their spare time cultivating their filial piety and loyalty, serving their fathers and brothers when they are in, and serving their superiors when they are out, so that they can control the stiles and attack the strong armor and powerful soldiers of Qin and Chu. When he captured his people, he was unable to cultivate the land to support their parents. Their parents were frozen and hungry, and their brothers and wives were separated. He is drowning his people, and the king goes to conquer them. Who can be the enemy of the king? Therefore, it is said: "The benevolent are invincible." ?King, please don’t be suspicious!?

Mencius met King Xiang of Liang. When he came out, the speaker said: "Looking at him does not look like a human king. How can he be afraid of him when he comes to see him?" Su Ran asked: "Is the evil in the world determined?" I replied: "It is determined to be one." ?Who can do it? He said: ?He who is not fond of killing can do it. Who can resist it? He said to him, "Everyone in the world cannot resist it." Wang Zhifu, where are the seedlings? If there is a drought between July and August, the seedlings will be withered. The sky is cloudy and the rain is falling, and the seedlings are flourishing. If it is like this, who can control it? Today, among the people in the world, there is no one who does not like to kill. If there is someone who does not like to kill, then all the people in the world will lead and look forward to it. It is true that when the people return, they will descend from the water. Who can control it? The disciples of Zhongni who did not follow the rules of Dao, Huan and Wen will not be passed down to future generations. I haven't heard of it yet. If there is no such thing, then he will be a king. He said: "If you have such virtue, you can be a king." He said: "If you protect the people and become a king, there is no one who can control it." ? Said: ? If you have few people, can you protect the people? ? Said: ? Yes. ? Said: ? How do you know that I can do it? ? Said: ? The minister heard that Hu He said that the king was sitting in the hall, and a cow passed by the hall. The king saw it and said: ? Where is the cow? He said to him: ? To provoke the bell. The king said: "Give him up! I can't bear to see him look down upon him. If he is not guilty, he will die." ? He said to him, ? Then abolish the provocation bell and ? said, ? How can it be abolished? Use a sheep to change it! ? I don't know that there are such things? ? Said: ? There is it. ? Said: ? This heart is enough to be a king. The people all love the king, but I know that the king cannot bear it. ?The king said: ?Of course. Those who sincerely have common people. Although the state of Qi is small, why do I love an ox? I cannot bear to see it growl, and it will die if it is innocent, so I trade it with a sheep. ? Said: ? The king is no different from the people who love the king.

A small thing is easy to make a big thing, how can he know it? If the king hides his innocence and dies, how can he choose between cattle and sheep? The king laughed and said, "Why do you want to be sincere? I don't love your wealth." And it is easy to use sheep, which is suitable for people to call it "I love". ? Said: ? There is no injury, this is the art of benevolence, seeing the cow but not the sheep. A gentleman is like an animal: when he sees it alive, he cannot bear to see it die; when he hears its sound, he cannot bear to eat its flesh. Therefore, a gentleman is far away from the kitchen. ?Wang said: ?The poem goes: ?If others have intentions, let me think about them. ?The so-called Master. Husband, I do it, but I seek it, and it doesn’t get my heart. Master said, I feel very close to you. What is the reason why this mind is in line with the king? He said: "I am strong enough to lift a hundred jun", but not enough to lift a feather; "I am strong enough to detect the end of an autumn hair", but I can't see the feather. Then the king promised it and said: "No." ? Today's kindness is as great as that of animals, but if the merit does not reach the people, what is the use of it? However, if a feather is not lifted, it is a lack of effort; if the public support is not seen, it is not clear, and if the people do not see protection, it is a lack of kindness. Therefore, if a king is not a king, he does not do it, not because he cannot do it. ? Said: ? What is the difference between the shapes of those who do not do and those who cannot? ? Said: ? Holding Taishan Mountain to cross the North Sea, saying to people: ? I can't? This is because you can't do it sincerely. Breaking branches for the elders and saying to them, "I can't", is not a matter of not doing it, but it's not a matter of being unable to do it. Therefore, to be a king without being a king is not to take advantage of Mount Tai to reach the North Sea; to be a king to be a king is not to be a king, but to break a branch. When I am old, I am in harmony with others; when I am young, I am in harmony with others. The world can be transported in the palm of your hand. The poem goes: "The punishment is for the widow, and for the brothers, it is to protect the family and the country." ?It’s just a matter of words and thoughts. Therefore, if you extend your kindness, you can protect the world, but if you don't extend your kindness, you cannot protect your wife. The reason why people in ancient times were superior to others was because they were good at judging their actions. Now, if the kindness is enough for the beasts, but the merit is not for the common people, then what can be done with it? With power, you can then know the severity; with measure, you can then know the length. Everything is the same, but the mind is the same. The king asked to save him! The king raised troops, endangered his ministers, and complained to the princes, and then he was quick to fight with his heart. The king said: "No." Why should I do this so quickly? I will pursue my great desires. ? Said: ? The king's great desire can be heard and told? The king smiled and said nothing. Said: Because fat and sweetness are not enough for the mouth, lightness and warmth are not enough for the body, and color is not enough for the eyes and ears. The sound is not enough for the ears to hear. He offered it, but the king said, "No." I don't think so. ? Said: ? Then the king’s great desire can be known. In order to expand the land, he went to Qin and Chu, and came to China to appease the barbarians. Doing what you want and asking for what you want is like asking for a fish based on a tree. ? Said: ? If that is the case? ? Said: ? There is almost no such thing. If you seek fish from a tree, even if you don't get it, there will be no disaster. If you do what you want, seek what you want, and do it with all your heart, there will be disaster later. ? Said: ? Ke Dei heard and said: ? The people of Tsou fought with the people of Chu, then the king thought who was victorious? He said: ? The people of Chu won. ? Said: ? However, a small solid cannot defeat a large one, a small solid cannot defeat a large number, and a weak solid cannot defeat a strong one. There are nine places within the sea that are thousands of miles apart, and there is one of them. With one serving eight, how is it different from Zou's enemy Chu Zai? Gai is also going against his nature. Today, the king is promoting benevolence, so that all officials in the world want to establish themselves in the king's dynasty, all farmers want to cultivate in the king's fields, all merchants want to hide in the king's city, all travelers want to come out of the king's territory, and all the people in the world want to harm the king. Everyone wants to go to the king. If so, who can control it? The king said: "I am afraid that I cannot advance forward." May Master support my ambition and teach me clearly. Although I am not sensitive, please try it. ? Said: ? Those who do not have permanent property but have perseverance can only be talented. If you are a people, you will have no permanent property because you have no perseverance. If you have no perseverance, you will be unrestrained, evil and extravagant, you will do everything for your own sake. To fall into a crime and then punish him is to neglect the people. How can a benevolent person be on the throne and do nothing for the people? Therefore, if a wise king controls the people's property, they will be able to serve their parents and feed their wives, and they will be full in happy years and avoid death in bad years. Then the good will be driven out, so the people will follow it easily. Nowadays, the property of the people is controlled. If you look up to your parents, you will not be able to serve your parents, and if you bow down to you, you will not be able to support your wife. In good years, you will suffer hardships for the rest of your life, and in bad years, you will not be immune to death. This is just to save people from death, but they are afraid of not being able to support them, so they are making fun of etiquette and righteousness in their spare time. If the king wants to do this, he will go against his original principles. A five-acre house with mulberry trees can be used to clothe the fifty-year-old; chickens, dolphins, dogs, and pigs will not be lost in their time, and the seventy-year-old can eat meat; a hundred acres of land should not be taken away from the eight. There can be no hunger in the family; if you follow the teachings of Xiangxu and show the meaning of filial piety and brotherhood, those who are awarded white will live up to the road. The old man wears silk and eats meat, and the people are neither hungry nor cold. However, there is no such thing as a king.
