Simply pursuing speed without paying attention to the effect can't achieve the goal.
Said by: haste makes waste.
When Qi Jinggong went swimming in the sea, the rider came to pay homage and said, "The baby is very ill and died. I am afraid of the public." Gong Jing stood up and rode again. Duke Jing of Jin said, "If you are tired of driving, you can ride it so that Han Shu, the son of Xunzi, can control it." There are hundreds of steps, and it is not a disease if you manage it well. Can take hundreds of steps to stop the horse from moving forward and leave as soon as possible.
Note: Ride-a person who delivers official documents on horseback. Goodbye. Baby-Yan Ying, Doctor Qi.
Very sick.-very sick. Abrupt-in a hurry. Speed.-speed. Trouble and-the name of a good horse. Take a carriage. An ancient official in charge of horses and chariots. REINS. Royal driving. Finally. Release.-give up.
Gong Jing, the king of Qi, was playing in the small sea, and the attendants who sent letters on horseback came from the city to report, "Yan Ying is seriously ill and will die soon. I'm afraid Gong Jing won't see him until after his death. " Gong Jing stood up quickly. Another attendant rode to deliver the message. Gong Jing said, "Move that troublesome carriage quickly and let Han Shu, the supervisor, drive it." After running a few hundred steps, I felt that Manager Ma was not fast enough, so I grabbed the reins instead of him and drove a few hundred steps or so. I thought the horse didn't run fast, so I got off and ran.