"Magnolia" quotes Confucius and Yan Yuan from "Biography of Korean Poetry" to visit Lushan Mountain and Wuchang Gate. Yuan said, "When I saw a training horse, I was born blue." Confucius said, "A white horse is blue."
Yulan 897 quoted Lun Heng as a Confucian book, saying that Confucius and Yan Yuan both went to Ludongshan and saw the Wuchang Gate. He said, "What do you think?" "Horses are trained, and blue is born before." Confucius said, "Hey!" This white horse is a straw. "Let a person see, sure enough.
"In general? The book Xu Chuanshi wrote or said: Yan Yuan and Confucius both climbed Lushan Mountain, and Confucius looked southeast. There is a white horse outside Wuchang Gate. Yan Yuan pointed to it and said, "What if you see Wuchang Gate?" Yan Yuan said, "See? Confucius said, "What's outside the door?" He said, "It's like training." Confucius stopped looking at his eyes because he kept up with the times. Yan Yuan's teeth went white, so he died. Gai Yi's spirit can't be like Confucius. He was so powerful that he exhausted his essence, so he died.
"Continued Natural History" Seven Yan Yuan and Confucius climbed Mount Tai and looked outside the southeast Wuchang Gate. When Confucius saw the white horse, Yan Yuan pointed out, "What if I saw Wuchang Gate?" Yan Yuan said, "Yes. This is like an exercise. " Confucius closed his eyes. Yan Yuan turned pale, his teeth fell off, and he died. Gai's energy is not as good as that of a saint, but his service is strong.
Liezi? The forest in Tian Rui is a hundred years old. It was picked at the end of spring and in the same place, keeping pace with the singing. Confucius looked at Yuan Ye warily. Gu said to his disciples, "You can talk to the speaker and try to find out." Zigong, please. On the contrary, he sighed: "Have you ever sung and picked your ears without regret?" You will never stop singing until you leave the forest. Zi Gong knocked on him, and he looked up and said, "Why should I repent?" Zi Gong said, "If you are young and don't work hard, you won't argue for a long time, but you have no wife. When your death is coming, why are you happy to pick up your ears and sing? " Lin Lei said with a smile: "Everyone has it, because I am happy, but I am worried. If you don't work hard and don't compete for a long time, you can live long; " I am old, widowed and dying, and I can be happy about it. Zi Gong said: "The love of the long-lived is the evil of the dead. "I take pleasure in death. Why not? " The forest class said, "Death and life are opposites, so you are dead. Do you know that you were not born there?" So I know it's different. I know how to camp. Is it confusing? "Do you know that my death today will not cure my past life?" Zi Gong heard about it, but he didn't mean to. He also told the master. Confucius said, "I know it can be said, but it is actually." However, Peter is inexhaustible. "
Liezi? "Yellow Emperor" Fan has a son, a son, who is good at raising private names and serving the country. If you get Jin Jun's favor, you will live in the rights of the three ministers without being an official. The eyes are biased, and the state of Jin is a knight; Fat mouth, the state of Jin is arrogant. People who travel at court live in North Korea. Hanako asked the chivalrous men in his works to attack their wits and despise their enemies, and the strong and the weak competed with each other. Although it's broken, don't mind. It is fun to play day and night, and the countryside has almost become a custom. He Sheng, Zi Bo and Fan's guests went out, crossed the gate and lived in the house opened by Tiangeng Shangqiu. In the middle of the night, Wosheng and Zibo talked about Zi Hua's fame, which can make the living die, the dead live, the rich are poor, and the poor are rich. Shangqiu was hungry and cold at first, and let it go in the north. Because of the fake grain, the son of Lotus is at the gate of China. Hanako's disciples are all from the same clan. They wear the porch and gradually broaden their horizons. Seeing Shangqiu open, he was senile, dark and disheveled. Insult and bully, get slapped in the face when you block, and do nothing when you die. Shangqiu has been open, but the guests are tired of playing, laughing and walking up the high platform with Shangqiu, saying in the crowd, "Those who can vote for what they like will be rewarded with a hundred dollars." Everyone is competing. Shangqiu was convinced, so he threw it first, shaped like a bird, lifted it to the ground, and his bones and muscles were not destroyed. Fan thought it was accidental and didn't blame it. Because he also pointed to the lewdness of Hequ, he said, "There are pearls in it, and you can get them by swimming." Shangqiu started a tour, and it was fruitful. Many people became suspicious, and Zi Huayun ordered them to eat meat, wear clothes and wear silk. The hidden fire of orphans. Zi Hua said, "If you can get brocade from the fire, how much will you get?" Going to Shangqiu, there is no difficulty, and returning to the fire, Egypt is not diffuse, and the body is not burnt. Fan Dang thought there was a way, and Xie Zhi said, "I don't know the way of a son, so I gave birth to a son. I don't know my son's god, and he humiliated my son. I am stupid, deaf and blind. Dare to ask her the way. " Shangqiu said, "I die. Although my heart, I don't know why. Although, here is one thing, try to talk to your son. My family is also a family of two guests. I heard that Fan's power can make the living die, the dead survive, the rich are poor, and the poor are rich. I am sincere and have no second thoughts, so I am not far away. And come, to the son of the party's words are true, afraid of sincerity, action, I don't know what to do with my body, and what benefits exist. Just a heart. So much for people who have nothing. I learned the Communist Party of China (CPC)'s birthday today, and I was thinking inside, watching and listening outside. I was lucky not to be scalded and drowned in the past, but I was very hot inside and I was shocked. Can fire and water be restored? " After that, Fan's disciples met beggars and horse doctors, and if they dared to insult them, they got off the bus and paid their respects. Kill me, smell it and tell Zhong Ni. Zhong Ni said, "What about your husband? People who trust their husbands have feelings. Aren't those who move heaven and earth, feel ghosts and gods, cross six rivers without rebelling? Shangqiu's belief in fakes has not been reversed, and I am sincere. The boy knows! "
Liezi? Yan Hui asked Zhong Ni about the Yellow Emperor: "I have tasted the depth of water, and Tianjin people are like gods when sailing. I asked Yan,' Can you learn evil by boating?' Yes, those who can swim can be taught, and those who can swim can count. However, if there is no one, you will never see the boat or fuck it. I asked without telling. Dare to ask what is also? "Zhong Ni said," alas! I played for a long time and didn't reach the truth, but I was solid and harmonious! Those who can swim can be taught, and those who can swim can swim lightly. How many good travelers can forget water. However, if no one has seen the ship before, he will do so. He regards the abyss as a mausoleum and the ship as his hood. Everything is covered, you can't go deep into it. Evil triumphs over good? Those who dig with tiles are smart, those who dig with hooks are afraid, and those who dig with gold are worried. Smart is proud, and the appearance is heavy. Everything heavy outside is inside the arch. "
Zhuangzi? Foreign articles? "Sheng Da" Yan Hui asked Zhong Ni: "I have tasted the depth of the river, and Tianjin people sail like gods. I asked Yan,' Can you learn evil by boating?' Said,' Yes, a good traveler can count. If Naifu is alone, fuck without seeing the boat. I ask questions, but I don't tell them. Dare to ask what is also? Zhong Ni said, "A good swimmer can calculate his ability and forget about water. If the husband has never seen a boat, he will fuck it. When he sees a deep tomb, the boat will cover his car. But you can't enter the house, and evil is invincible? Those who bet on tiles are smart, those who bet on hooks are afraid, and those who bet on gold drown. It's a coincidence and a pity, but it's also very important. Anyone who looks heavy is clumsy at heart. "
Liezi? Confucius saw the Yellow Emperor in Lvliang, where the water hung for thirty miles and the foam flowed for thirty miles, where the giant fish and turtles could not swim. Seeing a husband swimming around, I thought he was in pain and wanted to die, so I let my disciples walk together. A hundred paces away, sing songs and swim in the Tang Dynasty. Confucius then asked him, "Lvliang hangs for 30 miles, while foam flows for 30 miles. The giant fish and turtle can't swim. Seeing my son dancing with him, he thought he wanted to die because of the pain and made his disciples flow to Tsuguko. The song played when my son came out, I took my son as a ghost. Look at the children, you are human. Is there any way to swim in the water? " He said, "When I die, there is nothing I can do." I started from the past and grew up in sex, which made my destiny. I follow the car, come out with the paddle, and follow the water without selfishness. That's why I did it. "Confucius said," What do you mean, it begins with reason, is longer than sex, and ends with destiny? "Yue:" I was born in Yu Ling and settled in Yu Ling, so I am also; Longer than water and content with water, sex is also; "I don't know why I am so lucky."
Zhuangzi? Foreign articles? Confucius visited Lvliang in Shengda, where the water is 30 meters and the foam is 40 miles. Fish and turtles can't swim. Seeing a husband swimming around, I thought he died because of suffering, so that my disciples could swim with him and save him. Hundred paces away, sing songs and swim under the pond. Confucius said, "I regard my son as a ghost, and if I examine him, I will be human." Is there any way to swim in the water? Yue Wu, I have no choice. I started from the past and grew up in sex, which became a fate. Shun qi, shun mi, shun shui, not for personal gain. That's why I did it. "Confucius said," What do you mean by starting from reason, being longer than sex, and becoming a destiny? "Yue:" I was born in Yu Ling and settled in Yu Ling, so I am also; Longer than water and content with water, sex is also; "I don't know why I am so natural, but I am doomed."
Liezi? "The Yellow Emperor" Zhong Ni is suitable for Chu State. It's a pity to see those people rolling around for food when they get out of the forest. Zhong Ni said, "What a coincidence? There are evil ways? " He said, "I have an idea. Tired in may and June, if you don't fall, you will lose; If you are tired of three, you will lose eleven; It's a pity to be tired. My place is also like a pony; I grabbed my arm like a branch. Although the world is big and there are many things, we only know its wings. " I don't take sides, and I don't put wings on anything. Why not? Confucius pointed to his disciples and said, "No matter how ambitious we are, we are all focused on God." "How embarrassing!" My father-in-law said, "You are a man in clothes. How can you ask?" ? "I'll teach you why first, and then I'll tell you."
Zhuangzi? Foreign articles? "Sheng Da" Zhong Ni's suitable Chu, out of the forest, still see those who roll grain. Zhong Ni said, "What a coincidence? There are evil ways? " He said, "I have an idea. Tired pills in may and June, if you don't fall, you will lose; If you are tired of three, you will lose eleven; It's a pity to be tired. I am also in a position if I am arrested; I grabbed my arm like a branch. Although the world is big and there are many things, we only know its wings. " I am not against everything, and I don't want everything to change. Why not? Confucius pointed to his disciples and said, "No matter how ambitious we are, we are all focused on God." "How embarrassing!"
Liezi? Zhao Xiangzi, the "Yellow Emperor", led hundreds of thousands of disciples to Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, and still burned the forest fans for hundreds of miles. A person comes out of the stone wall and goes up and down with the smoke, which is called a ghost. When the fire is over, Xu Xing will come out, if no one is involved. Xiangzi was surprised and fell behind, but Xu realized: all kinds of things are strange, and so are people; Breath and sound, people also. Q: "Tao and stone?" Xi smashed into a fire? "The man said," to laugh at things, call them stones? Laugh at things and call them fire? Xiangzi said, "What went out was a stone; Whoever enters the fire will have fire. He said, "I don't know." Hearing this, Wei Wenhou asked Xia Zi, "Who are you?" Xia Zi said: "According to the master's words, harmony is similar to things, without hurting its worshippers, and it can swim rocks and go through fire and water." Hou Wen said, "Why doesn't my son laugh?" Xia Zi said, "If you put your mind on wisdom, you will not be able to do business." Although, I have time to try my language. "Hou Wen said," Why doesn't Master Xi do this? " Xia Zi said, "The master can do it but can't." Wen Houda said.
Liezi? Zhou Muwang: Hanako in Songyang forgot his illness in middle age. He forgot to take it at night, forgot to take it at night, forgot to walk on the way, and forgot to sit in the room. He doesn't know the present first, and then he doesn't know the present. Close the room and poison it. Look at the historical forecast and explain it; Pray for the witch and forbid it; It's no use attacking doctors. Lu has a Confucian scholar, who can manage the media himself, and his wife asks her for half of her property. Confucian scholars said, "This is not a sign of divination, a prayer of prayer, or an attack of medicine stone." I will try to change her mind and worry about it. What a pity! "So try to be exposed and ask for clothes; Hungry, but begging for food; Quiet, seeking clarity. Confucian scholars readily told their son, "This disease can be cured. However, my secret has been handed down from generation to generation and I haven't told anyone. "Try the screen, stay alone in the room for seven days." From it. I don't know what it did, but I got rid of the long-accumulated disease. Hanako flew into a rage when she realized this. He married a wife and punished his son, driving the Confucian scholars away. When the Song people insisted on it, Huazi said, "If I forget it, I won't feel the existence of heaven and earth. Today's people know the past. For decades, life and death gains and losses, joys and sorrows, likes and dislikes have disrupted everything. " I am afraid of the chaos of life and death, gain and loss, joys and sorrows, likes and dislikes in the future. How can I recover from sudden death? "Zi Gong listened and told Confucius reproachfully. Confucius said, "This is impossible!" On Monday, Yan Hui to think of it.
Liezi? Zhong Ni: Zhong Ni lived in seclusion, but he was worried because he was a tribute to an assistant minister. Zi Gong didn't dare to ask, so he told Yan Hui and Yan to go back and help Qin and sing. Hearing this, Confucius asked in retrospect, "Are you enjoying yourself alone?" He replied, "Is Master Xi worried about himself?" Confucius said, "Speak first, then do it." He said: "I used to hear the master say,' I am happy in know life, so I am not annoyed." It's good to be back. Confucius suddenly found a room and said, is this true? Your intention has disappeared. What I said in the past, please refer to what I said today. You only know that Lotte knows that life is carefree, but you don't know that Lotte knows that life is worried. If you tell me the truth, I will be a poor person, knowing that it is not me who comes and goes, and worrying about death and chaos. This is the so-called carefree knowing life. When I write poems and books, I will rule the world and the afterlife, not only the whole body, but also the country of Lu. However, the princes of Lu were out of order, benevolence and righteousness declined, and their feelings became thinner. This way is not the same as that of a country, but it is like this world and the afterlife! I began to know that poetry, books, rites and music can't be saved from chaos, but I don't know the way to reform it, which is the trouble of those who know that life is happy. Although, I get it. A person who is eager to learn is not called eager to learn in the ancients. Ignorance without happiness is real knowledge. Therefore, I am happy, omniscient, troubled and do everything. Poetry, books, rituals and music, why abandon them? What is leather? "Yan Hui bowed to the north and said," You can have it back. "When I told Zigong, Zigong was at a loss. He went home for seven days, didn't sleep or eat, and even the bones stood. Yan Hui emphasized the metaphor of facing the halls and recited books with string songs all his life.
Liezi? Chen hired Dr. Lu and personally met his uncle. Uncle Sun said, "There are saints in our country." He said, "Not Kong Qiu?" Say, "Yes." "How do you know it's sacred?" Uncle Sun Shi said: "I often hear Yan Hui say,' Kong Qiu can abandon his heart and use form.' "Dr. Chen said," There are saints in our country, too. Are they wise? " Yue: "Who is a saint? Yue: "If your disciples have Kang Cangzi, they can learn to see and listen with their ears." Frightened, Shangqing gave him a gift. Kang Cangzi applied for the job, so Lv Hou humbly asked him for advice. Kang Cangzi said, "The preacher is false. I can see and hear without eyes and ears, and I can't use them easily. " Lv Hou said, "This is the difference. So what? Finally want to hear it. Kang Cangzi said, "My body and mind are in harmony, my heart and qi are in harmony, qi is in harmony with God, and God is in harmony with nothing. Although it's far away from the Eight Wilderness and close at hand, I will know those who come to fuck me. But I don't know how I feel in the seven holes and four branches. What my bosom friend Liu Zang knows, he also knows. "Lu Hou Dayue. One day, I will sue Zhong Ni, but Zhong Ni just smiled.
Shang Taizai saw Confucius and said, "Are you a high saint?" Confucius said, "How dare the holy mountain! However, Qiu is also a knowledgeable person. " Shang Taizai said, "Are the three kings saints?" Confucius said, "Three kings are wise and brave, while saints are stupid." "Five emperors and saints?" Confucius said, "The five emperors are kind, and the saints are wise." He said, "The Holy One of Huang San?" Confucius said: "Huang San is good at adapting to the times, but the sage knows it." Shang Taizai said in horror, "But who is holy?" Confucius was deeply moved and said, "Westerners have saints, but after they are cured, they will not be chaotic. They are confident beyond words, but they go their own way without words. They doubt the incompetence of the people and their sacredness. Do you know it's really sacred? What a shame! " Still thinking: "Kong Qiu is lying to me!"
Did everything wrong? In the forest, I saw Confucius of Shang Dynasty. Confucius went out and his son went in. May I ask the guest? Taizai said, "I have met Confucius, so I think my son is as thin as fleas and lice." I came to see you. "I was afraid that Confucius was more valuable than you, so I invited Taizai to say," You have seen Confucius, and Confucius will treat Confucius as fleas and lice. "Goodbye, Thai slaughter inver.
Liezi? When Confucius traveled eastward, he saw two children arguing and asked why. A son said, "I was close to people when the sun first rose, and I was far away when the sun was in China." Another child thinks that the sun is far from the sun when it rises, and it is closer to people at noon. A son said, "When the sun rises, it is as big as a hood, and at noon, it is like a dish. Isn't this small for people far away and big for people near? " A Confucius said, "It's cool at the beginning of the day, like exploring soup at noon. The near one is not hot, and the far one is not cold? " Confucius couldn't decide. The two children smiled and said, "Who is wiser than you?"
"Golden house? Confucius traveled eastward and saw two children fighting. A son said, "I get close to people as soon as I go out one day." A son said, "Japan and China are very close. "A son said," When the sun rises at the beginning of the day, it is like a car cover, and when it is cut in the middle, it is like a vegetable bowl. Isn't the near one big and the far one small? "A son said," It's cool at the beginning of a day, just like exploring soup in a day. Is it cool when it's not far away and hot when it's near? "Confucius doesn't know that the sky is small, but it is very big.
Liezi? Zi Lu defended himself from Lu and watched the battle by the river. There are thirty miles of hanging water and ninety miles of flowing water. Fish and turtles can swim, and giant pandas can live. A husband will be sharp, and Confucius made people stop at the same time: "This water hangs for 30 miles and flows for 90 miles. Fish and turtles can swim, but giant salamanders can live. What can they do to help? " Husband didn't mean to, so he came out. Confucius asked, "What a coincidence? Is there magic? So who can get in and out? " The husband said to him, "when I do as the Romans do, I must be faithful first;" And I am also outside, I am loyal. " Faithfulness wronged my health, Apollo. Personally, I dare not use it, so I can go in or out. Confucius said, "Two or three sons know it! Water can still be loyal and sincere. And the situation is so bad! "
"Master yuan? Miscellaneous Notes "Confucius' point of view in Lvliang is that water hangs for forty miles and circulates for ninety miles. Fish and turtles can't pass, and giants dare not live. Only one husband will be involved, and Confucius made people pull back from the brink. He said, "The water hung for forty miles and flowed for ninety miles. Fish and turtles dare not cross it, and giants dare not live there. If you care, it's hard to help. " Husband didn't mean it, so he crossed it out. Confucius asked, "What a coincidence? And magic? So who can get in and out? " The husband said to him, "when I went in, I was loyal first;" I survived. I was loyal. Loyalty is my physical problem, Apollo, but I dare not use it personally. This is why I can get in and out. " Confucius said to his disciples, "Being faithful for a long time is a human matter!"
Liezi? Bai Gong asked Confucius, "Can people talk to me?" Confucius should not. Bai Gong asked, "What if you throw a stone into the water?" Confucius said, "No one can cure Wu Shan." He said, "What if you throw water into the water?" Confucius said, "Yi Ya knows Zi Lu He." Bai Gong said, "Why can't people talk to you?" Confucius said, "Why not? Only people who know what they are talking about are almost the same! The husband knows what he says, but he doesn't use words. People who compete for fish are eager, and people who chase animals are eager. This is not fun. Therefore, empty talk is inaction. " The argument about which my husband knew little ended like this. "Bai Gong had to die in the bathroom.
"Lu Chunqiu? Review to see? " "Bai Gong asked Confucius," Can Yu Jing talk to you? "Confucius should not. Bai Gong said, "If you throw a stone into the water, what about Xi Ruo? Confucius said, "No one can take it away." "White said," if the water is thrown into the water, Xi Ruo? "Confucius said:" It is also elegant to know the combination of the son and the uncle. " White male said, "but people? Confucius said, "Why not do it?" "Only those who know what they are saying can be heard."
Huainanzi? "Tao should be taught," Bai Gong asked Confucius. "Can people say something?" Confucius should not. Bai Gong said, "What if you throw a stone into the water?" He said, "No one can take away the beauty of wuyue." He said, "What if you throw water into the water?" Confucius said, "Yi Ya tastes the hydration of bamboo." Bai Gong said, "But people can't be solid?" Confucius said, "What do you mean? Who knows what you said! The husband knows what he says, but he doesn't use words. Those who fight for fish are eager, those who chase animals are eager, and those who don't like it are also. Therefore, empty talk is inaction. " The argument about which my husband knew little ended like this. "Bai Gong had no choice but to die in the bathroom.