The main content of this kind of people is that some people are responsible for stealing citizens' personal information online, while others are responsible for buying fake collections and "equipping" fake collections with notarial certificates and collection certificates. Some people are responsible for the logistics of goods, and some criminal suspects fabricate the sales language model "Speech Art" to trick customers into buying fake collectibles, and teach the deception method of "Speech Art" to the sales staff.
Then every day, according to the pre-programmed "words", we sell products to customers by making internet calls. The content of the phone call is nothing more than promoting the "collectibles", asking customers to pay certain fees such as membership fees and gold card fees, and falsely claiming that an auction can be held in the name of China Collectors Association, so as to double the value of the "collectibles" they bought and trick customers into continuing to buy a large number of "collectibles".
Common fraud processes:
1, stealing citizens' personal information through TV shopping, internet, etc.
2. Fabricate sales language to trick customers into buying fake collectibles;
3. According to the pre-fabricated sales language, sell counterfeit collectibles to customers by telephone, text messages and other forms;
4. Ask the customer for a certain amount of membership fee and gold card fee;
5. Lie that you can hold an auction for customers, so as to improve the value of their collections and trick customers into continuing to buy in large quantities.
People's Daily Online-There are many scams in telemarketing collectibles: explain the fraud process in detail.