Zhang Xun ordered the drum to set up a flag and feint; At dawn, it was silent again. Yin was busy all night, but Tang Bing didn't go out of town. Yin Pai's troops flew upstairs for reconnaissance and found that the night in the city was quiet. Yin disarmed the soldiers and let them sleep. Slowly, he became the leader of the largest mercenary group in the Tang Dynasty. Although An Lushan was the semi-final of the conference, he made friends with the DPRK ministers and rose all the way.
Zhang Xun ordered his men to drum and pretend to charge. Yin Jun was quickly equipped and everything was ready. But Zhang Xun's side is put to rest. So many times in one night, Yin Jun is very painful. He made outstanding achievements during his tenure. After the expiration of his term of office, he was suggested to please Yang so that he could be an official in Beijing. But Zhang Xun, who has always been upright, refused, so he was transferred to Zhenyuan (now east of Luyi County, Henan Province) as a county magistrate.
More than thirty thousand people, it is impossible for most of them to be eaten by Zhang Xun and his soldiers. In this case, there is no food in the city, and a large number of people should starve to death. What is the most important thing for a person to live in the world? Life and death are the most important, life is the most important, and it's beautiful to be alive ... This is human nature, and no one should object, right? He was indignant and determined to contribute to the future of Datang with his own flesh and blood. Xu Yuan killed his servant, and then the army began to kill the old, weak, women and children in the city to satisfy their hunger. History records show that nearly 30,000 people became rations for sergeant. However, Suiyang finally fell, and Zhang Xun would rather die than surrender and die generously.
In the end, he was captured and killed because he ran out of food and grass. Tang Dynasty posthumously presented Deng Guogong, the governor of Yangzhou. In 848 AD, Zhang Xun painted a portrait in Lingyange. From the Tang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, the emperors' temples were consecrated. Get the imprint of dynasty and love.