1, Sun Shuaio
Sun Shuai killed snakes at the age of ten. When Sun Shuai was young, he once went out to play and met two snakes, so he killed them and buried them. I cried when I got home. When his mother (Sun Shuaizhong) asked him why he was crying, Sun Shuai said, "I heard that people who see two snakes will definitely die. I saw them, and I was afraid that (I) no mother would die first. "
Mother said, "Where is the two-headed snake?" Sun Shuai said, "I'm afraid that later people will see it again and kill it and bury it." Mother said, "I heard that people who help others secretly will be rewarded by God, and you will not die." It was not until Sun Shuai became the hermit of Chu State and the Chinese people believed in his benevolence and righteousness that they put forward their own concept of governing the country.
2. Ganluo
Ganluo became an official at the age of twelve. Although Ganluo is small, he can think of a strange way to make Qin get more than a dozen cities with little effort. As a result, Qin Shihuang sealed his official position and became famous in later generations. Although he was not an upright gentleman, he was also a veritable counselor in the Warring States period.
3. Huo Qubing
Huo Qubing was blocked at the age of eighteen. Huo Qubing was the captain of Park Yao at the age of eighteen, and led 800 cavalry into the desert. He won the championship with a total victory twice. In the second year of Yuanshou (12 1 years ago), Huo Qubing, who was only 20 years old, was promoted to a title of generals in ancient times. He commanded two battles in Hexi, captured the Huns to worship the gods, took Qilian Mountain directly, and killed the Huns in Hexi by nearly100000, which dealt a heavy blow to the Huns' right wing.
4. Yue Yun
The young general Yue Yun. Yue Yunshan used a hammer, which made him extremely brave. The army called him "the winner". Yue Fei took part in the conquest and made great achievements. /kloc-joined the army at the age of 0/2, and made meritorious service with Yue Fei in Zhang Xian.
1 134, Yue Yun took part in Yuefei's battle to retake Xiangyang and other six counties, attacked Suizhou (now Hubei), bravely crowned the three armed forces, took the lead in boarding the city, and then breached Dengzhou (now Henan), making the first contribution. Because Yue Fei failed to report his achievements many times, Yue Yun moved to Wuyishan a few years later.
5. Xia Wanchun
Xia Wanchun took part in the anti-Qing movement at the age of 14. Xia, his father, is a celebrity in Jiangnan. Teacher Chen Zilong, General Kang Qing. He was smart since he was a child. "At the age of five, he knew the Five Classics, and at the age of seven, he could write poetry.". /kloc-joined the army at the age of 0/4. In the first year of Hong Guang, his father, Jiangnan, led a fierce battle. After his defeat and suicide, Xia Wanchun and Chen Zilong continued to oppose the Qing Dynasty. After being defeated and captured, they died indomitable at the age of seventeen.
After Xia Wanchun was arrested, he laughed in prison. The poem written from arrest to imprisonment, entitled "Southern Crown Grass", is a work dedicated to the world, hurting people, caring for friends and mourning the dead. It is generous and sad and has been passed down through the ages.