Sun Tzu said, "If you use the method of fighting, you must order the army to gather, abandon the land, cross the land, leave the Jedi behind, seek to encircle the land, fight to the death, the army will not attack, the city will not attack, the land will not be disputed, and your life will not be affected." Therefore, those who benefit from the nine changes will know how to fight; Those who will not benefit from the nine changes, although they know the terrain, cannot benefit from the ground; I don't know the skills of managing soldiers in Jiubian. Although I know five benefits, I can't use them.
It is the care of smart people that adulterates interests. Miscellaneous profits and reliable services; Harm is mixed, and pain can be solved.
Note (1) Muddy land: water net swamp area. S: stationed. ② Qu Di: a place extending in all directions. Communication: refers to making friends with neighboring countries. 3 Jedi: a difficult place to live. 4 enclosure: a place that is easily surrounded. ⑤ Death: A place where there is no way out and you can't survive until you fight. 6 yes. ⑦ Nine changes: all kinds of machine changes. There is a theory that refers to the nine principles from "no land to be conceded" to "no land to be contested". Five Blessingg: It refers to five expedient measures, from "I can't resist the plan" to "I can't resist your life", and one refers to Five Blessingg, from "I have nowhere to go" to "I will fight to the death".
Sun Tzu said, generally speaking, the method of fighting is to accept the monarch's orders, gather people to form an army, not to station in Shui Ze, to make friends with neighboring countries in thoroughfares, not to stay in places that are difficult to survive, to plot evil in places that are easily surrounded, and to fight to the death in places where there is no way out and no way back. Some roads can be abandoned, some enemies can't fight, some cities can't attack and some places can. Therefore, a general can master the advantages of the above changes even if he knows how to use troops. The general is not proficient in the advantages of the above changes. Although he is familiar with the terrain, he is not sure about the place. I don't know how to change this mechanism by leading troops to fight. Although I know the "five advantages", I can't give full play to the role of the army. Therefore, a wise general must give consideration to both advantages and disadvantages when considering problems. When you feel harmful, think positive, which will increase your confidence; When you feel good, you should also think about harmful aspects, which can eliminate disasters.
Comment on Zhang Zhichun's "Comment on the Elite of Scholars in the Republic of China": "Syria has changed nine times, and it is not for the monarch's rate, knowing the impermanence of soldiers and temporarily reaching the dignitaries." Nine can't change the interests of two ways, so wisdom is the best. "
In this section of the General's Case, Sun Tzu's Art of War discusses that generals should be flexible in commanding operations under special circumstances, and boldly puts forward the military famous saying that "your life will not be affected". Then he expressed the important idea that "the concerns of the wise will be mixed with interests". The viewpoint is clear, the discussion is profound, and the language is concise and lively.