During Xuande's reign, the palace was still promoting weaving dramas, and at the age of 18, people were recruited. This thing is not made in the west; There is also Huayin who wants to kiss up to Shangguan, and he wants to fight because of his responsibility. Make it up with responsibility. The best of those urban vagrants are all kept in cages, upright and upright, and they are imported. Xu Li is a fool. If this one is accepted, he will be responsible for one end and pour out the property of several families.
There are celebrities in the city who fuck the boy business and don't sell it for a long time. As a pedantic person, I have always been a cunning professional newspaper, and I can't get away from it if I don't try my best. If you don't reach the end of the year, you will be exhausted. I will be promoted, but I dare not accept my account, but I have no compensation. I am so depressed. The wife said, "What's the use of death? It is better to search for it yourself, just in case. "
Very natural. Go out early and come back late, lift the bamboo tube and copper wire cage, and explore the hole in the grass-blocked place without doing anything. That is to say, catch three or two heads and feel inferior and weak. Slaughter is strictly limited to mating, more than ten days, sticks up to 100, pus and blood running between the two strands, insects can not be caught. Turn to the side of the bed, but think of yourself.
At this time, a hunchback witch came to the village, and she could predict with the gods. Having a wife is worth asking. See the old woman with gray hair, the red lady, Simon. When I entered the room, there was a curtain hanging in the secret room, and there were some incense outside the curtain. Say goodbye to Ruoxiang Yu Ding. The witch looked from the side and asked for nothing but a kiss on the lips. I don't know what this word is. Stand up and listen. A few times, a piece of paper was thrown out of the curtain, that is, the Taoist priest wanted whatever he liked, and nothing was refreshing.
In the case of wife's money, worship as predecessors. While eating, the curtain moved and a piece of paper fell. Looking around, painting without words: Chinese painting halls are graceful, like Lan Ruo. Behind the mountain, there are strange rocks lying around, thorns clustered in needles, and the head is green and hemp. Next to the frog, if you can dance. You don't know what to do. However, seeing the promotion of the weaving department is hidden in my mind. Fold it up, hide it, and show it.
I've been thinking it over and over, so there's nothing to teach me to hunt insects. Looking at the scenery, it looks like the Buddha Pavilion in the east of the village. It is a sturdy crutch. Behind the Yi Tu Temple, there is an ancient tomb. Walking along the mausoleum, I saw squatting on the stone steps, just like painting. So I listened to Xu Xing in the middle of Hao Lai, as if looking for needle mustard. But the brain and ears are poor, and there is no sound. Before I could find it, a frog suddenly jumped away. Cheng Yishu, take advantage quickly, and the frog will enter the grass. Crawling around, I saw insects crouching on thorns. Jump up and enter the cave.
With sharp grass, you can't get out; Fill the bottled water and it will come out, which is extremely handsome and healthy. Take it one by one and examine it, huge body, neat tail, green neck and golden wings. Great joy, cage home, family celebration, although even the arch wall. Pot culture, crab white chestnut yellow, extreme protection, leaving the deadline to plug the official responsibility.
During the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty, cricket gambling prevailed in the royal family and was collected from the people every year. This thing is not native to Shaanxi. There is a county magistrate in Huayin county who wants to please his boss and offer a cricket. The boss tried to make it fight to show his courage and fighting ability, so his superior ordered him to supply it all the time. The county magistrate delegated the supply task to various towns for business trips.
So those idle young people in the city, when they catch good crickets, feed them in bamboo cages and raise the price; Store it and wait for a high price as an exotic product. Village officials are cunning and treacherous, and take this opportunity to apportion expenses to the people. For every cricket shared, several families often go bankrupt.
There is a man named Cheng Ming in the county, who is a scholar and has not been admitted to the scholar for a long time. He was dull and inarticulate, and was reported to the county by cunning petty officials, demanding to take over Li Zheng's work. No matter how hard he tries, he can't get rid of (his post). In less than a year, the meager family property went up in smoke. I happened to meet a cricket, but I didn't dare to blackmail the people after I became famous, but I didn't have the money to pay for it. I am sad, depressed and want to die. His wife said, "What's the good of dying? It is better to find it yourself, hoping to have one tenth of the harvest. "
Fame thinks these words are right. Going out in the morning, going home at night, carrying bamboo tubes and silk cages, digging stones and holes in the ruins and weeds, all kinds of methods have been tried. I didn't find it after all. Even if two or three are caught, they are weak and do not meet the specifications. The county magistrate set a strict deadline and pursued him severely. In ten days, he was beaten hundreds of times, his legs were covered with blood, and he couldn't even catch crickets. Tossing and turning in bed just wanting to commit suicide.
At this time, a hunchback witch came to the village. She could predict bad luck through ghosts and gods. The famous wife prepared a gift to pray for God. I saw a girl in red makeup and an old woman with white hair, crowded at the door.
The famous wife walked into the witch's house and saw only a curtain hanging in the dark room. There was an incense table outside the curtain. People who pray for God burn incense, worship and worship on incense burners. The witch looked at the sky and prayed for them, her lips closed and she didn't know what to say. Everyone is in awe. Listen. After a while, a piece of paper was thrown indoors, which said that there was nothing wrong with what the prayer man wanted to ask.
The famous lady put the money on the case and burned incense and bowed down like the people in front. About a meal, the curtain tilted and a piece of paper fell. Pick it up, not words, but paintings: paintings are temples, like temples; At the foot of the mountain behind the pavilion, there are grotesque stones lying everywhere, and a cricket is hiding among thorns; There is a toad next to it, as if to jump.
She began to think, unable to understand. But when I saw the cricket painted on it, which coincided with my own idea, I folded the paper and put it away, and gave it to the famous artist after I went home.
Thinking about fame repeatedly, I'm afraid it refers to the place where I catch crickets. Look carefully at the scenery on the picture, much like the Giant Buddha Pavilion in the east of the village. Reluctantly, he got up, held the staff and took the painting to the back of the house. There is a towering ancient tomb. Fame ran along the ancient tomb and saw pieces of stones arranged like fish scales, just like in the painting.
So he listened carefully and walked slowly in the weeds, as if looking for a needle and a grass; However, my heart, eyesight and hearing are all exhausted, and there is still no trace of crickets. He was exploring with his heart when suddenly a toad jumped over. Fame is even more surprising. I hurried after him, and toad jumped into the grass. He followed the toad's trail, separated from the bushes and found a cricket lying under the thorn root. He rushed to catch it and the cricket jumped into the hole.
He poked it with a fine grass, but the cricket didn't come out; Then he poured water into the hole with a bamboo tube, and cricket came out, extremely handsome and strong. He chased it and caught it. On closer inspection, this cricket is very big, with a long tail, a blue neck and golden wings. I'm glad to be famous. I put it in a cage and took it home. The whole family celebrated. I regard it as more precious than priceless Baoyu, put it in a basin and feed it with crab meat and chestnut powder. I take good care of it. I just wait for the deadline and send it to the county to make up the difference.
1, Xuande: year number of Xuanzong (1426- 1435).
2, Shang: advocating, hobbies.
3. West: This refers to Shaanxi.
4. Huayin Order: county official of Huayin County.
5, only: (have) talent. This refers to courage and fighting.
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"Promoting Weaving" is narrated in the natural order of things, with tortuous plot and complete story. Generally speaking, this novel is divided into four parts: beginning, development, climax and ending. At the end of the article, the author's comments on October in Yi Shi are added. Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio often has the author's comments on the people and things written at the back of the novel, which is an incidental part of the work.