The people of Chu have shields and spears, and they say: "My shield is so strong that nothing can fall into it." Those who praise their spears say: " My spear is so powerful that it can trap everything." Or, "What if I use your spear to trap your shield?" This person can't respond.
Adding insult to injury
Those who have a temple in Chu will give wine to their deceased relatives. The stranger said to him: "Several people have not enough to drink, but one person has more than enough. Please draw a snake on the ground, and the one who becomes the first to drink will drink." Holding the 卮, he drew a snake in his right hand and said: "I can do it". When a man's snake was grown, he took its jaw and said, "The snake has no legs. How can I give it legs?" Then he drank the wine.
He who has snake feet will eventually lose his wine.