Confucius said, "Benevolence is beautiful. If you choose an unkind person, how will you know! "
Mr. Wang said: "it is the most beautiful thing that people can live in benevolence." If you choose where you are and don't choose benevolence, how can you be known? "
Understand; Understanding
It means that it is beautiful to live in a benevolent place. How can it be wise not to choose a benevolent place? The story of Meng Mu's "Three Major Movements" is somewhat similar to this, both of which emphasize the influence of beautiful external environment and atmosphere on people's growth.
In real life, we all know that the external environment has a great influence on all aspects of people, directly affecting their overall quality, outlook on life, values, lifestyle and so on. To give a simple example: children of scholarly family are generally more comprehensive, gentle and gentle, and people who are indifferent in words and deeds dare not say that there is a world of difference. It should be an exaggeration to describe them as distinct. Because I have been influenced by some environment since I was a child, I have unconsciously integrated into my own part. This is the truth that "being kind to others is like entering Lan Zhi's room and not smelling its fragrance for a long time".
In this sense, as the main position of education and training, schools should attach great importance to the creation of a good campus atmosphere. A large part of the phenomenon of "choosing schools", which has a great influence on society, is actually the ethos of schools. As teachers, as watchmen and executors of education, we strive to create a sound of reading throughout the campus, and create a wind of learning and comity that permeates the campus. We want our children to be modest gentlemen, ladies and teachers with great responsibilities.
Original version 4.3
Confucius said, "Only the benevolent can do good and evil."
Mr. Wang said, "Only the benevolent can really like people and really hate them."
Understand; Understanding
This is what Confucius told us. Only benevolent people can be "good people" and "evil people".
"Good" is like "evil", that is, disgust, that is, being able to distinguish good from evil. In the Analects of Confucius Ye Gonglong, Confucius replied to Zhang, "If you don't know, you will get benevolence." . If there is no wisdom, how can we achieve benevolence? In "Yan Yuan", Confucius answered Yan Yuan's "self-denial and benevolence". A truly benevolent person must have wisdom. This kind of wisdom comes from his kindness and compassion, because the benevolent only thinks of others and forgets himself, and there is no selfishness at all. At this time, there is wisdom. In other words, selfishness hinders wisdom. Then how to restrain your selfishness? Then you need benevolence.
A benevolent man would not have done such a thing if he could exercise self-restraint and reciprocate a peach. Likes and dislikes are not based on his own selfishness. Benevolent people have no self and can consider everything from the standpoint of the people. This is a benevolent man. At this time, it can be called "being a good person and being a bad person".
As a teacher, the same is true. You can't hide your selfishness to favor a student, but treat them equally, restrain your selfishness, think from the standpoint of children, calm down and walk into their world, hold their hands, listen to them finish, understand those children with learning difficulties, help them from the heart, teach them with love, and be Bai Yueguang in their hearts.