In the past, * * * workers and Zhuan Xu fought for the emperor. In a rage, they touched the mountain where they didn't make progress. Tianzhu was broken and the land was gone. The sky leans to the northwest, so the sun, the moon and the stars move; The land is not satisfied with the southeast, the water is flowing and the dust is returning.
Once upon a time, * * * workers competed with Zhuan Xu for the title of emperor (* * * workers: legendary tribal leaders. Zhuan Xu: one of the legendary Five Emperors, grandson of the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan), (* * * worker) ran into an ill-conceived mountain in a rage (bump: bump, bump. Not Zhoushan Mountain: the legendary mountain), the pillars supporting the sky are broken (according to the ancients, there are eight pillars supporting the sky in a round place, and big ropes are hung at the four corners of the ground), and the ropes hanging on the ground are broken. The sky tilts to the northwest, so the sun, moon and stars all move to the northwest. The southeast corner of the earth collapsed, so the river sediment flowed to the southeast corner. The flowing water here refers to the rivers on the earth. Dust: dust, here refers to sediment. Reflux: Reflux, here refers to the flow direction).
Don't know your own strength
-Excerpt from Shan Hai Jing
Kuafu marched from Japan and entered Japan; Thirst, desire to drink, drink in the river, Wei; He, Wei and Bei drink Ozawa. Before he arrived, he died of thirst. Abandoned his staff and became Deng Lin.
Kuafu raced against the sun until the sun set; He felt thirsty and wanted to drink water, so he went to the Yellow River and Weishui to drink water. The Yellow River and the Weihe River are short of water, so we go to the great lakes in the north to drink water. I died of thirst before I got to the Great Lake. His abandoned cane turned into a peach garden.