Details of queen Xu
Ming's wife, Queen Xu, 1362- 1407 was born in Fengyang, Anhui. Xu Da, the eldest daughter of King Zhongshan, is young and quiet, pure and bright, good at reading, and is called a female student. When Taizu heard about the virtuous queen, he called and said, "I am with you, and I will repay you with cloth and clothes." Marriage is the ratio of monarch and minister in ancient times. You have a daughter who is worthy of my son, Dee. Dutton first thanked him. Hongwu Nine Years 1376 The book is Princess Yan. The noble queen likes it. In the Ming Dynasty, it became clear that she and her mother-in-law Zhu Yuanzhang's first wife, Ma Huanghou, also had feelings for mother and daughter.