What is Chang 'e's real name?

Chang 'e's original name was Chang 'e.

Chang 'e's original name was Chang 'e. In the Western Han Dynasty, Liu An, Su Fei, Li Shang, Wu Bei and others of Huainan wrote Lie Hong. This book was later called Huainan Lie Hong, also known as Huainan Zi. Huainanzi? Looking at the ghost training, I said, "I gave the elixir to the Queen Mother of the West, and Brother Heng secretly ran to the moon. The Eastern Han Dynasty's Huai Nan Zi Zhu said, "Heng E has a wife. I invited the elixir of life to the Queen Mother of the West, but I didn't take it. Brother Heng stole the fairy food and went to the middle of the month to be the essence of the moon. "The article narrates the origin of the Goddess Chang'e flying to the moon's legend: Hou Yi asked the Queen Mother of the West for the elixir of life, but before he could eat it, his wife Heng E ate it. Chang 'e got immortal spirit after eating the fairy medicine, flew to the moon and became the moon god.

Hahnge became Heng E.

"Invariance" refers to unchangeable, long-lasting, unchangeable, and also refers to unchangeable will. Today's "horizontal" and "horizontal" are common words in ancient times, and it can also be said that "horizontal" is a common word of "horizontal". Because "Heng" and "Heng" are universal, they are often written as "Heng E" in many ancient books. Later, according to Heng 'e's gender, someone changed the word "you" to "you" and derived a word "Heng". So I wrote "",sometimes referred to as "Heng".

Because the taboo has become "Chang 'e"

"Heng 'e" became a common "Chang 'e" today, which was caused by the taboo in the period of Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty. Because the Chinese Emperor surnamed Liu Min Heng, in order to avoid the taboo of Emperor Wen, he had to change his name to Heng 'e. Because "Heng" and "Heng" mean "Chang 'e", it was changed to Chang 'e. Later, according to the gender of Chang 'e, the word "female" was added to the left of Chang 'e, so Chang 'e was written as "Chang 'e", which has been used ever since.