In the twelfth month of winter, the Di people attacked the Wei. Wei Yigong likes cranes, and there are cranes who can ride on them. When the battle was about to begin, the people of the country who received the armor all said: "Send He, He really has a salary and position, how can I fight!" The Duke, Shi Qi Zijue, and Ning Zhuang Ziya, envoys, said: "This is to praise the country and choose the advantage. He embroidered clothes with his wife and said, "Listen to the two sons." Qu Kong Yurong, Zi Bo is on the right, Huang Yi is in the front, and Kong Ying is in the hall. When the Di people fought in Yingze, the guards were defeated and the guards were destroyed. The Marquis of Wei did not remove his flag, so he was severely defeated. The Di people imprisoned Shi Hualong Hua and Li Kong to drive away the Wei people. The two said: "I, the great historian, am actually in charge of its sacrifices. If I don't do it first, the country will not be able to win." They did it first. When he arrived, he told the guard: "You can't wait." He went out with the people at night. Di entered the defense, followed him, and defeated Zhuhe.
At the beginning, when Hui Gong came to the throne, the people of Qi sent Zhao Bohao to Xuanjiang. No, force it. He gave birth to Qi Zi, Duke Dai, Duke Wen, Mrs. Huan of Song, and Mrs. Xu Mu. Wen Gong was in trouble because of the many dangers in his defense, so he had to prepare everything first. When they were defeated, Duke Huan of Song Dynasty crossed the rivers and went to Jiji at night. The remnants of the Wei were seven hundred and thirty, men and women, and the people of Teng and Teng were five thousand. They established Dai Gong and lodged in Cao. Mrs. Xu Mu wrote "Zai Chi". The Marquis of Qi sent the young master Wu Kui to command 300 chariots and 3,000 soldiers to guard Cao Cao. Gui Gong rides on a horse, wears five sacrificial robes, and has three hundred cattle, sheep, hogs, chickens and dogs, as well as door materials. Returned to Mrs. Yuxuan, thirty taels of heavy brocade.
The people of Zheng were jealous of Gao Ke and sent their commanders to the river. However, they failed to summon them for a long time and the troops collapsed and returned. Gao Ke Ben Chen. Zheng Ren wrote "Qingren" for it.
In winter, in December, the Di people attacked Weiguo. Wei Yigong liked He, who rode in a doctor-level carriage. When the battle was about to begin, the people who received the armor all said, "Let the crane go. The crane actually enjoys the official position. How can we fight?" Duke Yi gave the jade pendant to Shi Qizi and the arrows to Ningzhuangzi, asking them to defend themselves, saying "Use this to support the country and choose what is beneficial." He gave the embroidered clothes to his wife and said, "Listen to them two!" Qukong drove the chariot for Wei Yigong, Zibo was on the right side of the chariot; Huang Yi During the charge, Kong Yingqi commanded the rear army. He fought with the Di people in Yingze, and the Wei army was defeated. The Di people destroyed the Wei state. The Marquis of Wei refused to remove his banner, so he was defeated miserably. The Di people imprisoned the historians Hualong Hua and Li Kong to pursue the Wei people. These two men said: "We are the officials of Taishi, in charge of sacrifices. If you don't go back first, you won't be able to get the capital." So they were asked to go back first. When they arrived, they told the guards: "We can no longer resist." They retreated with the people in the capital at night. The Di people entered the capital of Wei State, followed them, and defeated the Wei people on the bank of the Yellow River.
?At first, when Duke Hui of Wei came to the throne, he was still very young. The people of Qi asked Zhaobo to have an affair with Xuan Jiang. Zhaobo disagreed and forced him to do it. They gave birth to Qi Zi, Duke Dai, Duke Wen, Mrs. Huan of Song, and Mrs. Xu Mu. Duke Wen came to Qi first because of the many disasters caused to the country. When the Wei Kingdom was defeated, Song Huan Gong met him at the edge of the Yellow River and crossed the river at night. There are 730 male and female remnants of the Wei Kingdom, plus 5,000 people living in the areas of Xing and Teng. Make Dai Gong the king. While temporarily staying in Caoyi, Mrs. Xu Mu composed the poem "Zai Chi". Duke Huan of Qi sent Prince Wu Kui to lead 300 chariots and 3,000 armored warriors to guard Cao Yi. He presented to Duke Dai the horses for driving, five sets of sacrificial robes, and 300 cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, and dogs. There is wood for the door. He presented to his wife a car decorated with fish skins and thirty pieces of fine silk.
?The people of Zheng hated Gao Ke and sent him to lead the army to live by the Yellow River. They did not call him back for a long time. The army broke up and fled back. Gao Ke fled to Chen State. The Zheng people wrote the poem "Qingren" for Gao Ke.
Everyone is familiar with the story of Wei Yigong losing his country because of his misfortune. However, the political turmoil in Weiguo over the years has led to a serious decline in national power. This is considered a problem left over from history, and it is not about Wei Yigong raising a few more birds. Pets can be solved by having fewer pets.
Let’s review the turmoil of the past few decades in Weiguo. At the beginning, Duke Xuang of Wei chose the daughter of Duke Xi of Qi as his wife for his son Jizi. When he saw how beautiful it was, he snatched it away and used it for himself. This was Xuan Jiang. Xuan Jiang gave birth to Shou and Shuo for Wei Xuan Gong. Xuan Jiang framed Ji Zi for his own status. Unexpectedly, Shou died for Ji Zi, causing Wei Xuan Gong to lose two sons at once, and Shuo took advantage and became the heir.
In the twelfth year of Duke Huan (700 BC), Duke Xuang of Wei died. Prince Shuo succeeded him as Duke Hui of Wei. (Year) finally launched a coup to drive away Duke Hui of Wei, and established Jizi's younger brother, Prince Qian Mou, as the king of Wei.
Duke Hui of Wei ran back to his grandma's house in Qi State. His uncle, Duke Xianggang of Qi, naturally vented his anger on his nephew and gathered some allies to attack Wei State. In the sixth year of Duke Zhuang (688 BC), it took eight years of struggle. , Duke Hui of Wei finally returned to his hometown in Wei State, and his son Qian Mou ran to the Zhou royal family to seek asylum.
Duke Hui of Wei felt that I, Hu Hansan, was back again. He took what was mine and sent it back to me, and when he ate what was mine, he spat it out for me. He wielded a butcher knife and massacred the opposition parties in the country. As a result, the political situation in Weiguo was very serious. turmoil. In order to stabilize the situation in Wei State, Qi Xianggong made a bad idea and remarried Xuan Jiang to Jizi's third brother, Gongzi Nian. Gongzi Nian transformed from Wei Huigong's half-brother to Wei Huigong's stepfather. Not to mention, the two major forces represented by Wei Xuangong's two wives, Yi Jiang and Xuan Jiang, have calmed down on the surface, and the situation in Weiguo has been relatively stable. Gongzi Wan and Xuan Jiang worked hard to create humans and gave birth to three daughters and two sons. These five people all played a role in the survival of Weiguo.
In the 19th year of Duke Zhuang (675 BC), Duke Hui of Wei participated in the Prince Decan Rebellion because he resented the Zhou royal family for protecting his son Qian Mou. However, King Zhou Hui was restored to power soon after, and Wei Hui It was obviously a thankless job for him, and this caused the overlord Qi Henggong to launch a crusade. In 669 BC, Duke Hui of Wei died and Duke Yigong of Wei succeeded to the throne. Wei's international relations were no longer good.
Now in the second year of Min Gong (660 BC), Wei Yigong was defeated and died. Wei State was in danger of annihilation. More than 700 remaining soldiers were defeated by Song Huan Gong (Mrs. Song Huan, the son of Nian and Xuan Jiang). Daughter) came back and reunited about 5,000 fleeing citizens. Duke Dai of Wei (son of Gongzi Nian and Xuan Jiang, died not long after, perhaps from excessive shock or illness on the way to escape) formed a government in exile, and under Cao Cao The city settled down. Mrs. Xu Mu (the daughter of Gongzi Wan and Xuan Jiang) came to Cao Yi to express her condolences and suggested asking the overlord Qi for help. The state of Qi sent Gongzi Wukui (the husband of Qi Zi, and the son-in-law of Gongzi Wan and Xuan Jiang) with soldiers, horses and supplies to rescue Weiguo. After the death of Duke Dai of Wei, Duke Wen of Wei (also the son of Gongzi Wan and Xuan Jiang) succeeded to the throne and restored the vitality of Wei State.