The ten brothers of Bo Yi Kao were deeply taught by their mother Tess since they were young, so they never did anything contrary to common sense and absurd. Among the ten brothers who took the Bo Yi exam, only Zhou Wuwang and Zhou Gongdan man of great talent were the right-hand men who assisted Zhou Wenwang, so Zhou Wenwang gave up the Bo Yi exam and made Zhou Wuwang his successor.
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Xiqi's submission to Shang Dynasty was not as strong as that of Shang Dynasty, but he was still feared by Zhou Wang. Zhou Wang asked King Jichang of Zhou Wen at that time to send his eldest son, Gao Boyi, as a hostage to Chao Ge, and Gao Boyi drove to Zhou Wang. Because of his good reputation among the people, he was called a saint by everyone and was suspected by Zhou Wang. Zhou Wang imprisoned Ji Chang in his palace, killed Bo Yikao, and made his meat into broth for Ji Chang to eat.
Ji Chang ate this bowl of broth, and Zhou Wang said, "A saint will not eat the broth made by his son. It seems that Xibohou is not a saint. " You can rest assured that Ji Chang will go back. After Xibohou returned to Xiqiao, he vowed to retaliate against Zhou Wang. He preserved his strength in Xiqiao and cultivated a strong military force. After years of hard work, Xiqiao has the strength to fight against businessmen.
It's a pity that in the end, Ji Chang didn't wait until the day when he personally avenged his son. He had to hand over the task of revenge to his brother Ji Fa. Ji Fa lived up to expectations and eventually destroyed the Shang Dynasty and established the Zhou Dynasty. Legend has it that Ji Chang later spat out the broth he ate, and the meat turned into a rabbit and ran away, so people living there had the habit of not catching rabbits.
Baidu encyclopedia-Boyi exam