The difference between a bobcat and a bobcat

Gecko and lynx are two different mammals, and the differences are as follows: 1. The species names are different: the scientific name of the gecko is Felis chaus, while the scientific name of the Lynx is Lynx.

2. Different appearance characteristics: raccoons are small cats, with a small size, a body length of 75 to 100 cm and a weight of 2 to 7 kg. Raccoons are mostly yellow-brown, with black spots and stripes and black rings on their tails. Lynx is a medium-sized feline with a body length of 1.2 to 2.2 meters and a weight of 20 to 60 kilograms. The coat color of the lynx is mostly gray-brown, with a white abdomen and a white tail tip, and a black ring pattern at the tail.

3. Different distribution areas: lynx is distributed in forest areas of Asia, Europe and North America, while lynx is distributed in cold areas of Europe, Asia and North America, including forests, grasslands and mountains.

4. Different feeding habits: Raccoons are carnivores, feeding on small mammals, birds, reptiles and insects. Lynx is a carnivore, which mainly feeds on large mammals such as deer, wild boar and rabbits.