"If heaven did not give birth to Zhongni, eternity would be like a long night." After thousands of years, what is the judgment?

Confucius was suitable for Zheng, but he missed his disciples. Confucius was independent from the east gate of the country. The people of Zheng or Zigong said: "There are people at the east gate. Their pertobaglu are like Yao, their objects are like high pottery, and their shoulders are like children, but they are less than three inches below Yu. They are like dogs without family members" Zigong told Confucius the truth, and Confucius smiled happily and said: "The shape and the end are like a lost dog, but it is true! No matter what!"

In later generations, failure will Confucius gradually became a "sage" and his worship was everywhere. In the Song Dynasty, an unknown scholar did not know what kind of nerves he was having. He wrote ten words on the wall of a mailbox: "The day is not the birth of Zhong Ni, the years are like night.". It turns out that this kind of uncivilized behavior of graffiti will quietly disappear in the long river of history without causing any waves. Coincidentally, another scholar saw this sentence and recorded it in his Zhu Ziyu class, and his name was passed on to future generations.

This sentence has been considered by many to be the accurate positioning of Confucius' influence in the history of civilization. However, no matter how bright the thoughts are, it will inevitably make people feel depressed, so someone jokingly said: "The sky is the birth of Zhongni, and the night is long." In fact, the long night is not the long night, and Confucius himself has nothing to do with it, but later People are not fighting for it! In ancient times, Confucius was revered as the "Sage of Heaven" and the "Priest of Heavenly Wood". He was one of the most knowledgeable men in society at the time. Later rulers honored him as the saint of Confucius, the holiest and most holy teacher, the holiest Dacheng teacher, the first teacher of King Wenxuan, and the teacher of the world.

His Confucianism has a profound impact on China and the world. Confucius is listed as one of the top ten cultural celebrities in the world. Confucius is considered the ancestor of Confucianism (non-Confucianism). With the expansion of Confucius' influence, Confucius' sacrifice once became a "big sacrifice" on the same level as gods and national ancestor gods.

Regular takers of the General Knowledge test will be given information about Confucius, and you can also try to understand the stories behind what we know. In this way, we can unconsciously expand our knowledge.