In Zhou Zhou, I was a doctor of Lu and worshipped as a teacher. After his death, he was buried with his wife, Mr. Yu, in East Yanshan, Kaifeng, Henan. In the twenty-seventh year of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty (739). Fang Lin was named "Qinghe Bo". From the Confucius Temple to the first one in Xi 'an, to the later Xiangxian Temple. When he was alive, he had studied the Lin family tree, which was obtained in Changlin Mountain. Therefore, in the second year of Dazhong Xiangfu (1009), the forest was sealed as Changshan Hou. In Confucius temples in many places, there is a memorial tablet of Fang Lin, which is placed with the memorial tablets of other disciples of Confucius, so that they can enjoy the worship of young disciples like Confucius.