Chapter 7
(Original text appreciation)
Huangdi asked: People have four classics and twelve subservients. What are they?
Qi Bo said: The four meridians correspond to the four seasons, the twelve meridians correspond to the twelve months, and the twelve months correspond to the twelve meridians. The pulse has yin and yang, and those who know yang know yin, and those who know yin know yang. There are five yangs, five and five and twenty-five yangs. The so-called yin is really dirty. If you see it, you will be defeated, and if you lose, you will die. The so-called yang refers to the yang in the stomach and epigastrium. Those who are different from Yang can know the location of disease; those who are different from Yin can know the period of life and death. The three yangs are in the head and the three yin are in the hands, which is called one. If it is different from Yang, it will know the time of illness; if it is different from Yin, it will know the period of life and death. Be familiar with yin and yang, and don't conspire with others. The so-called yin and yang, those that go away are yin, those that arrive are yang; those that are quiet are yin, those that move are yang; those that are late are yin, and those that count are yang. Anyone with a true visceral meridian will suffer from severe liver failure and will die on the 18th day. If your heart is in a state of despair, you will die in nine days. His lungs were so severe that he died on the twelfth day. If the kidneys are damaged to the point of death, death will occur within seven days. If the spleen is too weak, death will occur within four days.
Said: The disease caused by the two yangs affects the heart and spleen, and if there is no concealed curvature, and women are not menstrual, the disease will be caused by wind and wind, and those who are caused by the disease will die without treatment. Said: The three yang symptoms include cold and heat, carbuncle and swollen lower part, and flaccidity and diarrhea. Its transmission is suoze, and its transmission is shàn.
Said: One yang disease, less qi, a tendency to vomit, a tendency to vent, is caused by heart blockage, and is caused by isolation. When two yang and one yin occur, the main symptom is fear, back pain, and vomiting. The good thing is called Fengjue. Two yin and one yang occur, with good distension, heart fullness, and good qi. The symptoms of three yang and three yin are prone to partial dryness and flaccidity, and the inability to lift the limbs. Drumming one yang is called hook, drumming one yin is called hair, drumming yang wins the urgency and is called string, drumming yang reaches and cuts off the white stone, and the yin and yang phase passes by and slips away. The yin is fighting inside, the yang is disturbing outside, and the sweat is not hidden, and the four channels arise. When it rises, it smokes the lungs and makes people wheeze. Born from Yin, harmony is called harmony. Therefore, when rigidity and hardness are combined, Yang Qi will be broken up and Yin Qi will disappear. Nao (nào) will be hard and soft, and the Menstrual Qi will be extinguished. The Yin type of death only takes three days to die, and the Yang type of life only takes four days. The so-called birth yang and death yin are: the heart of the liver is called birth yang; the lungs of the heart are called death yin; the kidneys of the lungs are called heavy yin; the spleen of the kidneys is called priming yin, and death cannot be treated. If there is yang, the limbs will swell; if there is yin, the blood will rise to one liter, then two liters, and three liters to three liters. Oblique knots of yin and yang, more yin and less yang, stone water, and abdominal swelling; knots of two yangs are called elimination; knots of three yangs are called separation, knots of three yin are called water, and knots of one yin and one yang are called laryngeal obstruction. Yin beats Yang, which is called having a child. If Yin and Yang are deficient, the intestines will die. The addition of yang to yin is called sweating; the deficiency of yin and yang is called collapse. The three Yins were all trembling, and he died in the middle of the night on the 20th. The two Yins are fighting together, and he will die on the evening of the 13th. One Yin fights, and one will die in ten days. The three Yangs are all beating and drumming, and death will occur in three days. The three yin and three yang are all pulsating, the heart and belly are full, the hair is exhausted, and there is no hidden bend, and death occurs in five days. Both yangs are beating, the disease is warm, and the patient will die within ten days without treatment.