Biography of Zhong Ni's Disciples (Excerpt)
Zhong You hippo chef road, then people also. Confucius Xiao Jiu was years old.
Lutz was contemptible, brave and upright, crowned as a rooster and wearing a porpoise, and lashed out at Confucius. Confucius offered gifts to lure Luz, who took Confucianism as a pledge because his teacher invited him as a disciple.
When Luz asked about politics, Confucius said, "First of all, work hard." Please benefit and say, "Never get tired."
Lutz asked, "What about Mr. Shang Yong?" Confucius said, "Righteousness is paramount. A gentleman who is brave without righteousness is chaotic, and a villain who is brave without righteousness is stealing. "
Lutz has a smell, but if you can't do it, you will be afraid of it.
Confucius said, "If a sentence can break the prison, so can its reason!" "You are better than me and there is nothing to learn from." "If it is right, it will not die." "A fox in a robe is not ashamed, and it is reasonable!" "I was promoted to the hall, but I didn't enter the room."
Ji Kangzi asked, "Zhong Youren?" Confucius said, "A thousand times the country can cure its fu, but it doesn't know its benevolence."
Lutz is the butcher of Ji's family. Ji Sun asked, "Is Luz a minister?" Confucius said, "You are a minister."
It's Dr. Pu who resigned from Confucius. Confucius said, "Puduo is a strong man, but it is difficult to treat. However, I say to you: courtesy and respect can be brave; Wide to positive, can be more than the public; Be respectful and calm, you can report it. "
At first, there was a pet girl named Nanzi in Wei Linggong. Fearing punishment, Prince Gong Ling escaped Nanzi and ran away. When Ling Gong died, his wife wanted to set up a son, but she refused, saying, "The son of the late prince needs to be here." Therefore, in order to go public, Wei Li needs to be a gentleman. After working in the public sector for 12 years, his father's building lives far from home and is not allowed to enter. Luz is Kong Mao of Wei, a doctor in the massacre. Rebellion with Kong Mao, seeking to enter the home of Kong Mao, and then attacking the public with his disciples. Going to Lugong for business and going to Li is all for Zhuang Gong. The square hole is in trouble, the road is outside and is being washed away. The lamb went out of the Weicheng gate and said to Luz, "I'm on a business trip, and the door is closed, so I can pay it back, and I don't suffer for nothing." Lutz said, "People who eat its food don't shy away from its difficulties." The lamb died. The messenger entered the city, the gate opened, and the road followed. Show, show, show. Lutz said, "Why did you use this hole? Please kill it. " Hey, listen. So Lutz wanted to burn the altar and was afraid, so he went down for help and attacked Lutz with a pot, interrupting Lutz's tassel. Lutz said: "It is inevitable that a gentleman will die and be crowned." So I tied the tassel and died.
Confucius listened to the chaos and said, "Oh, from the dead!" " Has died. So Confucius said, "I have my own reasons, and I don't listen to bad words." It's time for Zigong to make contributions to Lu and Qi.
(Excerpted from Historical Records, Yuelu Bookstore, first edition, 1988, 10. )
Note: ① crested cocks and porpoises: wearing cocks-like hats and holding swords decorated with wild boar skins.
Question 1: The underlined words in the following sentences are not correctly explained ().
A. Lutz is arrogant and brave. Meaning: simple.
B. create the stage, create the stage. Noisy: Nothing to look for.
C. wide to positive, you can compare with others. Bobby: Take ... Close it.
D. if a speech can be folded in prison, the reason is also the same as! Fold: Decide.
Question 2: Among the following sentences, the underlined word with the same meaning and usage is ().
A.1 don't smell bad words. (2) he is blessed, but also for counting. do you use this hole? Please get it and kill it. (2) From the point of view, it is inhuman without compassion.
C.1 Respect and respect can make you brave. (2) May Master help me and teach me clearly.
D.① You are braver than me, so you have nothing to learn from. (2) There is no long way in the world.
Question 3: Punctuate the wavy line with "/". The correct one is ().
Confucius said, "I don't see good people being evil and heartless, and good people being evil and heartless are benevolent." I don't see anyone weak enough to cover it up. I have no idea. "
A. I don't see a good and evil person/a kind and unkind person/a benevolent person who is not kind enough/an unkind and evil person/an unkind person/a person who can exert his strength on benevolence every day/a person who is weak enough/a person who is covered with benevolence/I don't know.
B. I don't see any kind and evil good people/kind and evil unkind people/kind and evil unkind people/unkind and kind people/people who don't give trouble to unkind people/capable people/people who use their own strength to be kind every day/weak people/covered people/I don't know.
C. I haven't seen benevolent/wicked/benevolent/unscrupulous/benevolent/benevolent/benevolent/people who have the ability to exert their strength on benevolence every day/people with insufficient strength/cover/I have no problem.
D I haven't seen the benevolent/wicked/benevolent/unscrupulous/benevolent/benevolent/benevolent/people who don't make the heartless more capable/people who use their strength for benevolence/people who don't have enough strength/people who cover up/have no opinion.
2. Ancient prose: Historical Records. Biography of Zhong Ni's eldest son Volume 67 Biography of Zhong Ni's disciples Volume 7.
Confucius said that "seven out of seventy people are proficient in business", and they are all capable people. Virtue: Yan Yuan, Min Ziqian, Ran Boniu, Zhong Gong. Politics: You Ran, Lu Ji. Word: Kill me, Zi Gong. Literature: Freedom in Xia Zi. The teacher is also established, the ginseng is also Lu, the firewood is also stupid, the reason is also clumsy, and the reason is empty. If you don't accept the order and Huo Zhi does nothing, 1 billion dollars will be hit repeatedly.
Confucius was strict: Laozi in Zhou Dynasty; , discipline; , Yan; Yu Chu, Lao Laizi; JUNG WOO, a child; Yu Lu, Meng Gong. It is called Zang Wenzhong, Zhuo Xiahui, Shu Tong Bohua and Jieshan Nature. They are all followers of Confucius.
Yan Huan, a native of Shandong, is the source of zi zi. Confucius is thirty years younger. Yan Yuan asked Ren, and Confucius said, "Self-denial and self-respect, the world will return to benevolence."
Confucius said, "Good job! A scoop of food, a scoop of drink, in the alley, people can't bear to worry, don't change their fun. " "Doing things like a fool; After retirement, it is enough to keep privacy, and it is not stupid. " "If you use it, you will do it. Give up and hide. Only you and I are husbands! "
In twenty-nine years, the hair turned white and the fleas died. Confucius wept bitterly and said, "I have my way, and my disciples are good for my relatives." Lu Aigong asked, "Who is a studious disciple?" Confucius said to him, "People who have a good face are eager to learn, and they will never get angry or cross. Unfortunately, I died short-lived and died today. "
Min loses money. Confucius is fifteen years younger.
Confucius said, "Filial piety is Min Zikai! People are not in the words of their parents. " Don't be a doctor, don't eat your wealth. "If there is a reply to me, it must be in Brunei." RanGeng word "cow". Confucius thought there was virtue.
Bo Niu was seriously ill. Confucius asked him, took his hand and said, "Life is also a husband! The people of Sri Lanka also have their own diseases, and their lives are also their husbands! " Ran Yong is a middle bow.
Zhong Gong asked about politics, and Confucius said, "Going out to meet a big guest makes the people like a big sacrifice. There is no complaint in the state and no complaint in the family. " Confucius took the middle bow as virtue, saying, "Harmony can also make the south."
Father Zhong Gong, * * *. Confucius said, "The son of a stubborn ox has horns. Although he wants to use it, why come to the mountains and rivers? " Ran Qiu said that Confucius was twenty-nine years younger. Slaughter for discipline.
Ji Kangzi asked Confucius, "Are you benevolent?" Yue: "A city of thousands of rooms is a home of hundreds of times, and asking for it can also endow it. Benevolence means ignorance. " Asked again: "Is Luz kind?" Confucius said to him, "If you ask."
Q: "Steven Zhu Xing?" Confucius said, "Do it." Lutz asked, "Where's Sven?" Confucius said, "With my father and brother around, how can I smell and act!" Zi Hua wondered, "Dare to ask the same question and answer different questions?" Confucius said, "retreat after planning, so enter." . I retired because I am also a human being. "
Zhong You hippo chef road, then people also. Confucius Xiao Jiu was years old.
Lutz was contemptible, brave, upright, crowned rooster, dressed in dolphins, and violently attacked Confucius. Confucius offered gifts to lure Luz, who took Confucianism as a pledge because his teacher invited him as a disciple. When Luz asked about politics, Confucius said, "First of all, work hard." Please benefit. Say, "Never get tired."
See: ki/forums/3011/showthread X.
3. Read the following classical Chinese and complete the sub-topic 1. B 2。 D 3。 C 4 explosive (1), and gradually induced Lutz. Later, Lutz put on Confucius' clothes and asked to be a student of Confucius through the recommendation of Confucius students.
(2) What a gentleman advocates most is righteousness, which is supreme. If a gentleman advocates courage but not righteousness, he will make an insurrection and revolt; If a villain is noble and brave but does not advocate righteousness, he will steal and rob.
(3) Wearing an old robe made of hemp, standing with a man wearing a fox fur coat without shame, probably only Zhong You! Analysis of 1 Make: Go to visit 2.C.① The conjunctions list is tied for 2. A.① Prepositions, ② Prepositions, B.①② are pronouns, but they refer to different objects. D is a modal particle in the sentence.
3. This question examines the ability of sentence breaking in classical Chinese, combining sentence meaning with sentence breaking. 4.( 1) Sentences such as "slightly", "Confucianism", "Wei", "cause" (2), "righteousness", "chaos", "goodness" (3), "obedience", "shame" and "qi" are fluent. 1.
Zhong You, a native of Bianyi. Older than Confucius and Xiao Jiu.
Lutz was simple-minded, aggressive, ambitious and straightforward. He wore a rooster hat and held a sword decorated with wild boar skin. He once offended and bullied Confucius. Confucius gradually induced Luz by establishing moral norms. Later, Lutz changed into Confucius' clothes, and through the recommendation of Confucius students, he asked to become a Confucius student with a teacher's gift.
Lutz asked how to handle political affairs, and Confucius said, "Set an example for the people first, comfort and care for the people." Lutz asked for further explanation.
Confucius said, "Don't slack off." Lutz asked, "Do gentlemen advocate courage?" Confucius said: "What a gentleman advocates most is righteousness, and righteousness is supreme."
If a gentleman wants to be brave and not advocate righteousness, he will make trouble instead. Villains have to be brave and foolhardy to steal and rob. "
Lutz wanted to hear something, but he didn't act immediately because he was afraid of hearing something else. Another translation of this sentence: Luz heard one thing, but he hasn't done it yet, so he is afraid to hear another thing.
-Tianjin Ancient Books Publishing House. Confucius said: "If you can make a final decision only by listening to unilateral words, I am afraid there are only intermediate reasons!" "I can't use up the courage advocated by Zhong You, so it doesn't apply."
"A temperament like Zhong You will not come to a good end." "The only person who is not ashamed to stand with a man in a fur coat and a tattered linen robe is probably Zhong You!" "Zhong You's learning seems to be in the main hall, but he hasn't entered the inner room yet."
Ji Kangzi asked, "Can Zhong You be called a benevolent person?" Confucius replied: "A country has 1000 personnel carriers, which allows it to manage the military and political affairs. I don't know if he is a benevolent person. " He became the minister of Ji's family. Ji Sun asked Confucius, "Can Luz be said to be an assistant minister?" Confucius said, "It can be said that he is a vassal who is preparing for his position."
Lutz became Puyi's doctor and bid farewell to Confucius. Confucius said, "Puyi is brave and difficult to treat.
But I tell you: with humility, you can control brave people; Generosity and honest and frank can make everyone close; If you are respectful and honest and the society is quiet, you can use it to serve your boss. "In the beginning, there was a man named Nanzi who was very popular in Wei Linggong.
The prince Qin offended her and fled abroad for fear of being murdered. After Gong Ling's death, Mrs. Nanzi wanted Gongziying to inherit the throne.
Zi Ying refused to accept, saying, "Although the prince escaped, the son of the prince is still there." So Guo Wei made Meng the monarch, that is, Wei Gongchu.
Twelve years after he ascended the throne, his father Qin stayed abroad and could not enter the capital of Wei. At this time, Lutz served as the chief of the Wei doctor Kong Mao.
He made an insurrection with Kong Mao, trying to sneak people into Kong Mao's house and attack Father Wei with his henchmen. On business, he fled to Shandong and entered the palace to succeed him. This is Wei Zhuanggong.
When Kong Mao made an insurrection, Lutz had something to do outside and came back as soon as he heard the news. Zi Xiao went out of the gate of Weiguo and happened to meet him. He said, "Wei was on a business trip and couldn't get away. The city gate is closed. You can go back. Don't suffer for him. "
Lutz said, "You can't avoid people's disasters by eating their food." The lamb finally left.
Just as the messenger was about to enter the city, the gate opened and Luz followed. I found the building, the building and the hole on the stage.
Lutz said, "Why did your Majesty appoint Kong Mao? Please let me catch him and kill him. " He didn't listen to his persuasion.
So he was ready to set fire to the platform. Lou was afraid, so he let and went down to the platform, attacked and cut off the strap of his hat. Lutz said, "A gentleman can die, but his hat can't fall off."
So he put on his hat and was killed. Confucius heard the news of the patriotic uprising and said, "Alas, Zhong You is going to die!" Soon, the news of Lutz's death came.
Therefore, Confucius said, "Since you have an excuse, you will never hear anything bad again." At this time, Zi Gong was in the state of Qi as an envoy to Lu.
4. Original and translation of the ancient poem "Biography of Zhong Ni's Disciples": Confucius said: "Seven out of seventy people have received professional skills", and they are all capable people.
Virtue: Yan Yuan, Min Ziqian, Ran Boniu, Zhong Gong. Politics: You Ran, Lu Ji.
Word: Kill me, Zi Gong. Literature: Freedom in Xia Zi.
Division also monarch, ginseng also lu, wood also stupid, from well, back to empty again and again. If you don't accept the order and Huo Zhi does nothing, 1 billion dollars will be hit repeatedly.
Confucius was strict: Laozi in Zhou Dynasty; , discipline; , Yan; Yu Chu, Lao Laizi; JUNG WOO, a child; Yu Lu, Meng Gong. Confucius' disciples Zang Wenzhong, Liu Xiahui, Tong Zhongbohua and Jie Ran are all dead.
Yan Hui, a native of Shandong, has a profound word. Confucius is thirty years younger.
Yan Yuan asked Ren, and Confucius said, "Self-denial and self-respect, the world will return to benevolence." Confucius said, "You are a good man! A scoop of food, a scoop of drink, in the mean lane, people can't bear to worry, and they won't change their fun when they go back. "
"Go back like a fool; If you retire, it is enough to keep your privacy. It is not stupid to retire. " "If you use it, you will do it. Give up and hide. Only you and I are husbands! " Back in 29 years, the hair turned white and the flea died.
Confucius cried bitterly and said, "Since I have something in return, my disciples benefit my relatives." Lu Aigong asked, "Who is a studious disciple?" Confucius said to him, "Those who have Yan Hui are eager to learn, will not be angry but will never fail.
Unfortunately, if you are short-lived, you will die today. You have never heard of a good scholar. "Min loss of money.
Confucius is fifteen years younger. Confucius said, "Filial piety is Min Zikai! People are not in the words of their parents. "
Don't be a doctor, don't eat your wealth. "If there is a reply to me, it must be in Brunei."
RanGeng word "cow". Confucius thought there was virtue.
Bo Niu was seriously ill. Confucius asked him, held his hand and said, "Life is also a husband! The people of Sri Lanka also have their own diseases, and their lives are also their husbands! " Ran Yong is a middle bow. Zhong Gong asked about politics, and Confucius said, "Going out to meet a big guest makes the people like a big sacrifice.
No complaints in the state, no complaints at home. Confucius took the bow as virtue, saying, "Peace can also make the South."
Father Zhong Gong, * * *. Confucius said, "The son of a plowman has horns. Although he wants to use them, what else can he give up? " Ran Qiu said that Confucius was twenty-nine years younger.
Slaughter for discipline. Ji Kangzi asked Confucius, "Are you benevolent?" Yue: "A city of thousands of rooms is a home of hundreds of times, and asking for it can also endow it.
Ren just doesn't know. Ask again: Ren? Confucius said to him, "If you ask." "
Q: "Steven Zhu Xing?" Confucius said, "Do it." Lutz asked, "Where's Sven?" Confucius said, "With my father and brother around, how can I smell and act!" Zi Hua wondered, "Dare to ask the same question and answer different questions?" Confucius said, "retreat after planning, so enter." .
I retired because I am also a human being. "Clock by word road," bian people also.
Confucius Xiao Jiu was years old. Lutz was contemptible, brave, upright, crowned rooster, dressed in dolphins, and violently attacked Confucius.
Confucius offered gifts to lure Luz, who took Confucianism as a pledge because his teacher invited him as a disciple. When Luz asked about politics, Confucius said, "First of all, work hard."
Please benefit. Say, "Never get tired."
Lutz asked, "What about Mr. Shang Yong?" Confucius said, "Righteousness is paramount. A gentleman who is brave without righteousness is chaotic, and a villain who is brave without righteousness is stealing. "
Lutz has a smell, but if you can't do it, you will be afraid of it. Confucius said, "If a sentence can break the prison, so can its reason!" "You are better than me and there is nothing to learn from."
"If it is right, it will not die." "A fox in a robe is not ashamed, and it is reasonable!" "I was promoted to the hall, but I didn't enter the room."
Ji Kangzi asked, "Zhong Youren?" Confucius said, "A thousand times the country can cure its fu, but it doesn't know its benevolence." Luz likes to travel, and he will meet people who have been separated for years, obsessed and worried.
Lutz is the butcher of Ji's family. Ji Sun asked, "Is Luz a minister?" Confucius said, "You are a minister." It's Dr. Pu who resigned from Confucius.
Confucius said, "Puduo is a strong man, but it is difficult to treat. However, I say to you: courtesy and respect can be brave; Wide to positive, can be more than the public; Be respectful and calm, you can report it. "
At first, there was a pet girl named Nanzi in Wei Linggong. The prince of Linggong beat Nanzi and ran away for fear of punishment.
And Linggong pawn and his wife want to set up a son Ying. Should refuse, said: "the son of the late prince needs to be here."
Therefore, in order to go public, Wei Li needs to be a gentleman. After working in the public sector for 12 years, his father's building lives far from home and is not allowed to enter.
Luz is Kong Mao of Wei, a doctor in the massacre. Rebellion with Kong Mao, seeking to enter the home of Kong Mao, and then attacking the public with his disciples.
Going to Lugong for business and going to Li is all for Zhuang Gong. The square hole is in trouble, the road is outside and is being washed away.
The lamb went out of the Weicheng gate and said to Luz, "I'm on a business trip, and the door is closed, so I can pay it back, and I don't suffer for nothing." Lutz said, "People who eat its food don't shy away from its difficulties."
The lamb died. The messenger entered the city, the gate opened, and the road followed.
Show, show, show. Lutz said, "Why did you use this hole? Please kill it. "
Hey, listen. So Lutz wanted to burn the altar and was afraid, so he went down for help and attacked Lutz with a pot, interrupting Lutz's tassel.
Lutz said: "It is inevitable that a gentleman will die and be crowned." So I tied the tassel and died.
Confucius listened to the chaos and said, "Oh, from the dead!" " Has died. So Confucius said, "I have my own reasons, and I don't listen to bad words."
It's time for Zigong to make contributions to Lu and Qi. Kill me.
A flow of words. Since I was educated, I asked, "How long has it been three years? If a gentleman is not polite for three years, the courtesy will be bad; If you don't have fun for three years, have fun.
The old valley has gone, the new valley is rising, and the time has passed. Confucius said, "Are you safe?" Say, "Ann."
"Ruan for it. A gentleman is in mourning, unwilling to eat, and unhappy to hear music, so he is also blessed. "
When Confucius slaughtered me, he said, "It's unkind to do it! The son was born for three years, and then he was rescued from his parents' arms. Losing a husband for three years is a common phenomenon. "
Zaiying sleeps during the day. Confucius said, "Rotten wood can't be carved, nor can the wall of dung be carved."
The butcher asked me about the virtues of the five emperors, and Confucius said, "Give it to others." Confucius was ashamed of killing me as a temporary doctor and insurrection with Tian Chang.
Duan Muci, Ren Wei, Zi Gong. Confucius is thirty-one years younger.
Zi Gong was eloquent, but Confucius often argued according to reason. He asked, "Which is better, you or Hui?" He said: "If you give it, you dare not look back! I also know a thing or two. "
Now that Zi Gong has got his inheritance, he asked, "To whom?" Confucius said, "You are also a tool." He said, "What is it?" Say, "Yes."
Wei Gongsun Sheng asked Zi Gong, "How did Zhong Ni learn?" Zi Gong said, "The way of civil and military affairs has not fallen to the ground. In people, sages know their greatness, and non-sages know their smallness, so there is no way for civil and military affairs. The master doesn't learn, but there are often teachers! " He asked again: "Confucius is a country that must know its politics."
Ask for it? Depressed? Zi Gong said, "The host is gentle, humble and thrifty. What the master wants is also what others want. "
Zi Gong asked, "Rich but not arrogant, poor but not arrogant.