Introduction to Turtle Bark

Contents 1 Pinyin 2 English reference 3 Overview 4 Latin name 5 English name 6 Alias ??of walnut bark 7 Source and origin 8 Plant form 9 Collection and preparation 10 Properties 11 Nature and flavor 12 Functions and indications 13 Usage of walnut bark Dosage 14 Chemical composition 15 Pharmacological effects of Vitex Bark 16 Pharmacopoeia standards of Vitex Bark 16.1 Product name 16.2 Source 16.3 Properties 16.4 Identification 16.5 Inspection 16.5.1 Moisture 16.5.2 Total ash 16.5.3 Acid-insoluble ash 16.6 Extract 16.7 Content determination 16.8 Turtle bark slices 16.8.1 Processing 16.8.2 Inspection 16.8.3 Identification and inspection 16.8.4 Extract 16.8.5 Content determination 16.8.6 Nature, flavor and meridians 16.8.7 Functions and indications 16.8.8 Usage and dosage 16.8. 9 Storage 16.9 Source 17 Attached reference materials: 1 Prescriptions using the traditional Chinese medicine Cortex Cortex 2 Chinese patent medicines using the Chinese medicine Cortex Cortex 3 Cortex Cortex in ancient books 1 Pinyin

tǔ jīng pí 2 English reference

golden larch bank [Xiangya Medical Professional Dictionary]

Cortex Pseudolaricis (Traditional Chinese Medicine Terminology Approval Committee. Traditional Chinese Medicine Terminology (2004)]

golden larch bark [Traditional Chinese Medicine Terminology Approval Committee. Traditional Chinese Medicine Terminology (2004)] 3 Overview


Stubby bark bark is the name of a traditional Chinese medicine. From "Compilation of Medicinal Materials". That is the alias of hibiscus bark recorded in "Chinese Medicine Bulletin" (1957, 3 (4): 156) [1]. Turtle bark is the dry root bark or near-root bark of the pine plant Pseudolarix kaempferi Gord.[2]. 4 Latin name

Cortex Pseudolaricis (La) ("Traditional Chinese Medicine Terminology (2004)") 5 English name

golden larch bark ("Traditional Chinese Medicine Terminology (2004)") 6 Earth Alias ??of wattle bark

Jin wattle bark[3], wattle tree bark, and golden pine bark. 7 Source and origin

The root bark of Pseudolarix kaempferi Gord., a pine plant in the pine family. Mainly produced in Zhejiang, Anhui, and Jiangsu [3]. 8 Plant Forms

Deciduous trees. The leaves are spirally scattered on long branches and in clusters of 15 to 30 on short branches. They radiate and spread out. They turn golden yellow in autumn, are strip-shaped or oblanceolate-shaped, flat, and have two stomata belts along the raised midrib below. . Monoecious; male cones grow in clusters at the top of short branches; female cones grow singly at the top of short branches. The bract scale is larger than the pearl scale, and there are 2 ovules at the ventral base of the pearl scale. The cones are erect and oval; the seed scales are woody and fall off when ripe; the bract scales are short and small; the seed wings are almost as long as the seed scales. The flowering period is from April to May, and the cones mature in November. Born in mountain forest edges and mixed wood forests; often cultivated. 9 Harvesting and processing

In May, peel off the root bark or near-root bark and dry it in the sun. 10 Characteristics

The root bark is irregular and long, twisted and slightly rolled, 1 to 5mm thick. The outer surface is grayish-yellow and rough, with grayish-white transverse lenticels. The rough skin often peels off in scales and becomes reddish brown; the inner surface is yellowish-brown to reddish-brown and relatively flat. It is tough and has a splinter-like broken surface that can be peeled off layer by layer. The smell is slight, the taste is bitter and astringent. The bark is flaky and about 8mm thick. The bark is thicker, the outer surface is cracked, and the inner surface is rough. 11 Nature and flavor

Bitter, pungent, warm, and poisonous [3]. 12 Functions and Indications

Kill insects and relieve itching. Treat tinea corporis, athlete's foot, scabies, eczema, and neurodermatitis [3]. 13 Usage and dosage of Turtle bark

Soak it in wine and rub it or grind it into vinegar and apply it [3]. 14 Chemical composition

This product contains cynopic acid A, B, C, C2 and its glucoside. Hibiscus bark tincture contains hibiscus acid (a mixture, about 0.8%), which has a certain antibacterial effect on 10 common skin-pathogenic fungi in my country [3]. 15. Pharmacological effects of walnut bark

The ingredients contained in walnut bark can be anti-fertility and anti-tumor. This product has some toxicity. Pay attention to gastrointestinal reactions during administration [3].

16 Pharmacopoeia standard of Tujingpi 16.1 Product name




This product is from Pinaceae Plant Pseudolarir amabilis (Nelson) Rehd. The dry root bark or near-root bark. Peel it off in summer and dry it in the sun. 16.3 Characteristics

The root bark is in the shape of an irregular long strip, twisted and slightly rolled, with different sizes and a thickness of 2-5mm. The outer surface is grayish-yellow, rough, with wrinkles and grayish-white transverse lenticel-like protrusions. The rough skin often peels off in scales, with the peeling areas reddish brown. The inner surface is yellowish-brown to reddish-brown, flat, and has fine longitudinal texture. It is tough and has a splinter-like broken surface that can be peeled off layer by layer. The smell is slight and the taste is bitter and astringent.

The bark is flaky, about 8mm thick, and the rough bark is thicker. The outer surface is cracked and the inner surface is rough. 16.4 Identification

(1) The powder of this product is light brown or brown-red. There are many stone cells, which are almost rectangular, round or irregularly branched, with a diameter of 30-96 μm. Contains yellow-brown lumps. Most of the sieve cells are in bundles, with a diameter of 20 to 40 μm, and there are many elliptical sieve areas on the side walls. Mucus cells are round in shape, with a diameter of 100 to 300 μm. The resin cells are connected longitudinally into tubes, containing reddish-brown to yellow-brown resinous material, and some are buried with calcium oxalate square crystals. Cork cell walls are slightly thicker, some are lignified, and have pits.

(2) Take 1g of this product powder, add 20ml of methanol, ultrasonicate for 20 minutes, let cool, filter, and take the filtrate as the test solution. Another 1g of the control medicinal material of Vitex bark was taken and prepared in the same way as the control medicinal material solution. Then take the acetic acid reference substance from the bark of Cortex acuminata, add methanol to make a solution containing 0.2mg per 1ml, and use it as the reference solution. According to the thin layer chromatography (Appendix VIB) test, draw 5 μl of each of the above three solutions and spot them on the same silica gel G thin layer plate. Use toluene-ethyl acetate-formic acid (14:4:0.5) as the developing agent. , take it out, dry it, spray it with 10% sulfuric acid ethanol solution, heat it at 105℃ until the spots are clearly colored, and inspect it under an ultraviolet light (365nm). In the chromatogram of the test product, fluorescent spots of the same color appear at positions corresponding to the chromatogram of the control medicinal material and the chromatogram of the reference substance. 16.5 Inspection 16.5.1 Moisture content

shall not exceed 13.0% (Appendix IXH Method 1). 16.5.2 Total ash content

shall not exceed 6.0% (Appendix IXK). 16.5.3 Acid-insoluble ash

shall not exceed 2.0% (Appendix IXK). 16.6 Leaching substance

Determination according to the hot soak method under the alcohol-soluble leachable determination method (Appendix X A), using 75% ethanol as the solvent, not less than 15.0%. 16.7 Content determination

Determination according to high performance liquid chromatography method (Appendix VD).

Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test: Octylsilane bonded silica gel is used as filler; methanol 1% acetic acid solution (50:50) is used as mobile phase; the detection wavelength is 260nm. The number of theoretical plates should not be less than 5,000 based on the acetic acid peak of Sodium japonica.

Preparation of the reference substance solution: Take an appropriate amount of the acetic acid reference substance from the bark of Cortex acuminata, weigh it accurately, and add methanol to make a solution containing 45 μg per 1 ml.

Preparation of test solution: Take about 0.2g of this product powder (passed through No. 3 sieve), weigh it accurately, place it in a stoppered conical flask, add 25ml of methanol accurately, seal the stopper, and weigh it. , heat and reflux for 1 hour, let cool, weigh again, make up for the lost weight with methanol, shake well, filter, and take the remaining filtrate to get it.

Determination method: Precisely draw 10 μl each of the reference solution and the test solution, inject them into the liquid chromatograph, and measure.

Calculated as a dry product, this product contains no less than 0.25% acetic acid (C23H2808). 16.8 Tujingpi pieces 16.8.1 Processing

Wash, slightly moisten, cut into shreds and dry.

This product is in the form of strips or rolls. The outer surface is gray-yellow, and sometimes gray-white transverse lenticel-like protrusions can be seen. The inner surface is yellowish brown to reddish brown with fine vertical lines. The cut surface is light reddish brown to reddish brown, and sometimes fine white crystals can be seen, which can be peeled off layer by layer. The smell is slight and the taste is bitter and astringent. 16.8.2 Inspection

The total ash content shall not exceed 5.0% (Appendix IXK). 16.8.3 Identification and inspection

(Moisture, acid-insoluble ash) Same as medicinal materials. 16.8.4 Extract

Same as medicinal materials. 16.8.5 Content determination

Same as medicinal materials. 16.8.6 Nature, flavor and meridians

Pungent, warm; poisonous. Returns to the lung and spleen meridians. 16.8.7 Functions and indications

Kill insects, treat tinea, and relieve itching. Used for scabies itching.

16.8.8 Usage and dosage

For external use, soak an appropriate amount in vinegar or wine and apply it, or grind it into powder and apply it to the affected area. 16.8.9 Storage

Store in a dry place.

16.9 Source