First, sitting on the ground to make money (Kong Xuan Feng Shui). There is a cloud in the ancient book: the star handle of the disaster.
There is a cloud in the mirror of the Eight Houses: "Yangfu is the first gate, and the door is the outlet. Prosperity is auspicious, and decline is fierce." There is another cloud: "The house takes the door as good or bad, and the road helps, and the door is divided into noble and low."
Second, the house should be square and afraid of missing corners. Square and smooth in shape;
Third, the surrounding environment is good. Buying a house depends on the right and left hands, and there is building protection around; Looking at the mountain, with your back against the Ming mountain, sitting in the air is very comfortable.
Fourth, the yang should be sufficient, the yin and yang should be harmonious, and the light is sufficient to add auspiciousness.
Five, fire and water avoid crossing. Water here refers to the toilet, and fire refers to the kitchen. As the saying goes, fire and water are incompatible. There should be no kitchen and bathroom in the front, back, left and right of the house and in the center of the house.