Confucius said, "Uncle Tai, that can be said to be the noblest person." He has ceded his country to Ji Li many times, and it is difficult for people to find suitable words to praise him. "
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Confucius said: "politeness and rudeness are both labor;" Caution and rudeness are embarrassing; Courage and rudeness are chaotic; Straight and rude are twisted. Gentlemen are loyal to their relatives, and benevolent people are prosperous; If the old are not left behind, then people will not steal. "
Confucius said, "If you don't know courtesy, you will be tired and tired.": Only know caution, do not know comity, will be timid; Just brave, but not polite, will be reckless; If you speak frankly but are not polite, you will be sharp and mean. A gentleman can treat his relatives with affection, and the spirit of benevolence and righteousness will rise among the people; Gentlemen don't forget to abandon the old for the new, and people won't be indifferent to others. "
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Ceng Zi was ill, so he called his brother and said, "Give me enough. Give me my hand." "Poetry" said:' Treading on thin ice with trepidation. Occasionally, I know my husband and children! "
Ceng Zi was ill, so he called his disciples and said, "Look at my feet! Look at my hands! The poem says,' I'm afraid, as if I'm facing an abyss, as if I'm walking on a thin layer of ice.' From now on, I know I can avoid the scourge of punishment! Students! "
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On one occasion, Meng asked if he was sick. Ceng Zi said: "The bird will die, and its song will also mourn;" The dying man speaks the truth. A gentleman is more valuable than Tao: move by appearance, stay away from violence, and stay away from it; Positive color, close to letters; If you say it, you will be more contemptible. Speaking of beans, there is a secretary. "
He was ill, so Meng went to inquire about him. Ceng Zi said: "When birds are dying, their songs are sad, and when they are dying, they all mean well. A gentleman should pay attention to three aspects: to make his appearance solemn, so as to avoid rudeness and neglect of others; Let yourself become dignified and solemn, which is easy to convince; Pay attention to words and sounds to avoid rudeness and mistakes. As for the details of etiquette, all the officials in our department are here. "
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Ceng Zi said: "If you can ask, you can't; Ask more questions and ask fewer questions; If you have nothing, you will be honest with Xu Re. If you make a mistake, you won't go to school. In the past, my friend tried to work in Yi Gi. "
Ceng Zi said: "Talented people ask people without talent, and people with extensive knowledge ask people with poor knowledge;" Learning if you don't learn, learning if you have nothing; Even if you are offended, don't care. A friend of mine once did this. "
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Ceng Zi said, "You can entrust an orphan of six feet, and you can send a hundred miles of life. The big festival cannot be taken away. Gentlemen and men? A gentleman is also a human being. "
Ceng Zi said: "We can entrust the young orphan to him, and we can pin the lifeline of our country on him. In the face of the critical moment of life and death, we can unswervingly yield. Is such a person a gentleman? Such a person is a gentleman. "
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Ceng Zi said: "Scholars have a long way to go to strive for self-improvement. Isn't it important to think that benevolence is your responsibility? Isn't it far after death? "
Ceng Zi said: "A scholar must be bold, because his task is great and he has a long way to go. Isn't it important to realize benevolence as your own task? Isn't it far to stop until you die? "
Detailed translation
Confucius said, "Be happy with poetry, stand on ceremony."
Confucius said: "From the beginning of learning poetry, we should take etiquette as the foundation of our life and master music to complete what we have learned."
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Confucius said, "People can let it go, but they can't make it known."
Confucius said, "We can make people follow our path, but we can't let them know why."
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Confucius said, "The brave are ill and chaotic. People are ruthless, very sick and chaotic. "
Confucius said, "Those who love courage hate poverty and are a scourge. It is also a curse to hate unkind people too much. "
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Confucius said, "If you have the beauty of the talents of the Duke of Zhou, you will be arrogant and stingy, and the rest will be insufficient."
Confucius said: "Even if you have the wonderful talent of the Duke of Zhou, if you are proud and stingy, then other aspects are not worth mentioning."
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Confucius said, "Three years of study is not rare. "
Confucius said: "After studying for three years, I didn't expect to get a salary as an official. This is rare. "
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Confucius said, "I believe in learning, and I am good at dying. Dangerous countries do not enter, and chaotic countries do not live. There is a road in the world, you will see it, and without it, you will hide it. The country has a good way, and it is extremely vicious and shameful; The country has no choice but to be rich and expensive, which is shameful. "
Confucius said, "Believe in our Tao, study hard and defend it to the death." Don't enter a dangerous country or live in a turbulent country. If there is a road in the world, you will come out to politics; If there is no way in the world, you will live in seclusion. It is a shame that the country has a good way to be poor and mean; The country has no road, and wealth is also a shame. "
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Confucius said, "If you are not in your position, you will not seek politics."
Confucius said, "If you are not in that position, you will not consider its government affairs."
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Confucius said, "When the teacher offered at the beginning, the chaos of the official gathering echoed!"
Confucius said, "From the beginning of Tai's performance to the end of Guan Ju's performance, wonderful music filled my ears."
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Confucius said, "I don't know if I'm crazy but not straight, but I don't want to, but I don't believe."
Confucius said, "Pride does not stand up, youth is careless, and it seems sincere and unbelieving. I don't know why some people do this."
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