After a disaster, the night in Lianhua dock is as dignified as blood that cannot be turned away. Wei hid in a boat by the lake without envy, waiting for Wen Ning to save Jiang Cheng. Several Wen's minions staggered to the boat and shouted that the wine in Lianhua dock was not good. Wei Wuxian a slight quiver in my heart. They are drinking lotus wine which is unique to Lianhua dock. Wei Wuxian and Jiang Yan used to live apart, and Jiang Cheng tasted this wine in the lotus leaf in the garden. Now things have changed.
Wei Wuxian is stupidly. Wen Ning has saved Jiang Cheng from coma and gave him purple electricity. Wenning even found someone to transport the bodies of the Chiang couple out for a good burial. Wei looked at Jiang Cheng with envy, but he couldn't help but want to explore his snorts. Wen Ning 'an comforted him, saying that Jiang Cheng was just beaten by Wen Chao and broke his ribs. He was badly injured, but he didn't die. Wei Wuxian only felt sad. Wen Ning suggested that he take Jiang Cheng to Yiling. Warm is already waiting there. She can definitely help Wei Wuxian. Now, Wei has no envy and no retreat, so he followed Wen Ning's advice.
The next day, Wen Chao woke up and found that Jiang Cheng was rescued after being drugged in the wine last night. Wen Chao flew into a rage. He didn't know until after the trial that Wen Ning had been to the kitchen to check vegetables, and he had the best chance to prescribe medicine. Wen Chao gnashed her teeth. He guessed that Wen Ning's mind was pure, and she would go to Yiling with Wei Wuxian and others for help, so Wen Chao was going to go to Yiling with Liu Wenyi tomorrow, which was bound to kill them off guard.
Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning joined Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yan, and four people came to Yiling to supervise the elderly. Wei Wuxian was always vigilant, grabbed Wen Ning by the collar and asked him if his purpose was impure. Wen Ning sincerely explained that Wei Xian let his guard down. At this time, warmth appeared. Seeing Wei Wuxian and others, she was naturally surprised, but she did not expose them, but settled a few people. Jiang Cheng is still in a coma. Wei Wuxian has been at the bedside. He came enthusiastically to inquire about the situation of Lianhua Wharf. Wei Wuxian clenched his fist, and he wanted to bring those murderers who wanted to pay for it to justice one by one.
Warmth gave ginger a diagnosis and treatment, and he found that there was no elixir in his body. Obviously, the warmth of the so-called alchemist melted the elixir of Jiang Cheng's practice and made Jiang Cheng's spiritual power separated. From then on, he can no longer bear the elixir, but can only be an ordinary person without hands to tie chickens. After a few days of rest, Jiang Cheng finally opened his eyes. His expression was wooden and he turned a blind eye to Wei's envious concern. Wei Wuxian tried to please Jiang Cheng with a smiling face, but Jiang Cheng realized that he had lost his martial arts spirit and was equivalent to a cripple, unable to avenge his parents. Jiang Cheng couldn't face the reality, and he became hysterical, because Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan were also killed because they lost their ability to resist. Wennuan wanted to help Jiang Cheng, but she also got rid of him. He doesn't want to see anyone in Wen.
Wei Wuxian asked Wen Qing for many medical books and ancient books to read. He immersed himself in it day and night, hoping to find a cure for Jiang Cheng. The warmth brought food to Wei Wuxian, and Wei Wuxian was just indifferent. Warmly advise Wei Wuxian to see Jiang tired. At this time, Jiang stood in front of Jiang Cheng's bed, exhausted. She hoped that her brother would cheer up and not be defeated. Wei Wuxian stayed up for many days and nights, and the whole person became embarrassed and vicissitudes, but he still tried to look at Wangjiang with a smile and offered to go to Lan and forget to help. Ginger tired hurriedly pulled Wei Wuxian, Wei Wuxian bowed his head in shame. He felt that he was a disaster, which brought disaster to Lianhuawu.
Jiang is tired of crying, and things have come to this. What's the point of blaming him again? Now that his parents are dead and Jiang Cheng is ill, if he loses Wei Wuxian again, he will really be alone. Wei Wuxian can no longer control his emotions. The two brothers and sisters wept bitterly and looked at this scene with warmth. She also began to help consult ancient books together, hoping to get Jiang Cheng remarried. Many things happen. Wei Wuxian finally turned to the relevant records in ancient books. As he watched, his face became more and more dignified.
The next day, Wei Wuxian told Wen Qing the way he discussed it. Wen Qing was surprised and refused to help because the cost of this method was too high. Wei Wuxian repeatedly persuaded him that he was only fifty percent sure. But even so, Wei Wuxian still feels very happy.