Biography of Wang Han: If you stay upright for a long time, you should be regarded as the prime minister. Only by sincerely discussing with each other and attaching importance to their affairs can we get the right people. Shen Songkuo talks about personnel: At the end of Xining, I was in the capital, and some dignitaries sent me to Dadingfu for business. There are six or seven halls, and there are doors in the east and west corridors, which is the most solemn.
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China's classical philology refers to a discipline that comprehensively applies the theories and methods of edition, collation, bibliography, annotation, textual research, discrimination, compilation and retrieval. Scientifically analyze, sort out and study the ancient documents in China, and then explore the laws of the generation, dissemination, exchange and utilization of ancient documents, and summarize the laws and methods of analyzing, sorting out and studying ancient documents.
1, China classical philology generally includes the following branches.
On the other hand, China's classical philology generally includes the following branches, namely, morphology of classical literature, edition of ancient books, collation of ancient books, bibliography of ancient books, annotation of ancient books, textual research of ancient books, discrimination of ancient books, compilation of ancient books and retrieval of ancient books.
2. Keep the documents in centralized custody after filing.
Documents refer to ancient contracts, official documents, contracts, letters, cases, letters, memorials, proclamations, complaints, etc. , such as post-Shu, Dunhuang, Turpan and Huizhou documents. Archives are all kinds of documents and materials with reference and utilization value after centralized filing and preservation, which are called archives.
This is the original written record.
Archives are naturally produced by people in various social activities, are original written records, have never been modified and processed, are first-hand materials for studying history, and can directly reflect the original appearance of history. Archives are different from books.
Because of its originality and objectivity, archives are more authentic and reliable than other historical materials and classics. Class books are reference books that collect or copy all kinds of ancient books in China, sort them out in different categories, and arrange them under subordinate categories for people to consult.