A son-in-law is in charge of the overall good luck or bad luck. If you are the second son, Qinglong belongs to the long room and the rest belong to the second room. If you have three sons, Qinglongsha on the left belongs to the long room, Houshan and Qian 'an belong to the second room, and Baihusha on the right belongs to the third room. If there are six sons, Qinglong, from the left shoulder, belongs to the long room, the subordinate four rooms, the second room belongs to the cave field, the fifth room is in the front peak case, and the white tiger, from the right shoulder, belongs to the three rooms and the subordinate six rooms. By analogy, where there is no sand in public places, houses will definitely be destroyed.
For example, at noon in Lizishan, Genyin's family is an inner dragon and belongs to a long room. Mao Yichen is the outer dragon, belonging to four rooms. Xin is an inner white tiger, belonging to three rooms. You Gengshen is a white tiger, belonging to six rooms. The second room is in the back hill and the fifth room is in the front room. There is no sand in the public position, and there is no room first. Where there is sand in the mountains, it is also the first time to be poor. Where there is prosperous slave sand, where it is high and bright, it is rich and developed. Good fortune and bad luck are clear, and they broke up in discord. Suppose you stand on the right side of the mountain, sitting on your stomach nine times and leaning on the soil six times. If the left shoulder Qinglong is tall, it is sand and the main house is defeated. If the flat hill is not high from the dry edge to the peak of Yinyifa, Yinyifa is the place where Baishui Leopard and Tail Fire Tiger live, which is rich in soil and fire, and the public position stops at three.
Grow a house first; If there are four rooms, the four rooms are either rich or expensive; However, if sand is affectionate, it is three rooms, not four. If Muan Jing, the white tiger on the right shoulder, is taller than the mountain peak, it means that the soil where Muke sits on the mountain is sand, and Miyake has been greatly damaged by it. If the golden dog sitting behind the mountain is tall and the peak of the dog leaning forward is also high, it is the sand discharge in Room 25, and the owner is scattered and poor. Therefore, those who know how to pull sand, those who pull high are rich slaves, and those who vent evil spirits at a low level. Since there is no disaster, it is luck, and it is "gathering mountains to pull out evil spirits".
The methods of dividing gold and sand are endless and varied. Fire, water, small wood, strong. It is difficult to support mercury's fire with wood. The origin of the earth will inevitably bring evil spirits. The status of the two men is uneven, and the share of gold is weak. Where sand is twenty feet high, it is better than raw sand. The ancients said, "it is difficult to do good, but easy to do evil."