A scholar surnamed Huang was studying near the Taiqing Palace in Laoshan Mountain. He thought his affection had turned into Yu Xiang, so he married him. Later, Bai Mudan was dug up and Yu Xiang disappeared. The scholar mourned all day long. When he mourned, he met the girl in red who was transformed by Camellia and cried and hanged Yu Xiang with him.
The flower god was moved and brought Yu Xiang back to life. After Huang Sheng's death, she became a red bud under the peony flower, which was accidentally cut by the little Taoist priest. Bai Mudan and camellia died one after another.
2, "Wang Liulang" story outline:
Fisherman Xu, open-minded and good at drinking. Every time you drink, you should toast the drowning man first. Strangely, Xu always catches more fish than other fishermen. It turned out that the ghost king Liulang, who fell into the water and was warmed by wine, helped each other every night for gratitude. Ghosts and people became best friends, and Houliulang gave up the chance of reincarnation because he couldn't bear to hurt people's lives. He was moved to heaven and was awarded the land of Wuzhen.
Xu Da took the trouble to travel long distances with wine to pay his respects. Liulang entertained the villagers with his dreams. When Xu left, Liu Lang saw him off in the wind. Many villagers gave me many gifts, and when my family got a little richer, I stopped fishing.
Extended data
The Creative Background of Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio
Pu Songling was born in a scholarly family. In his early years, he also wanted to use the imperial examination to be an official. Unfortunately, he tried again and again and could only make a living by teaching. He has been interested in folk ghost stories since childhood.
It is said that Pu Songling once opened a teahouse in front of his house in order to collect materials. People who come to drink tea can use a story instead of tea money. Pu Songling collected a large number of bizarre stories in this way, and after finishing and processing, they were included in Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio.
According to the notes of the Qing Dynasty, "Three Borrowing Lu Bi Tan", Pu Songling spread a mat on the ground next to the avenue every morning and set up a yancha, waiting for passers-by to collect anecdotes. Every time I hear something, I whitewash it when I go home.
In the first year of Kangxi (1662), Pu Songling began to write stories about foxes and ghosts at the age of 22. In the spring of the eighteenth year of Kangxi, forty-year-old Pu Songling compiled the manuscript into a book Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio for the first time, with a preface in the south. Since then, it has been added frequently. It was not until around 239 and 46 years of Kangxi that there were several addenda in the book. The writing of Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio lasted more than forty years, and Pu Songling devoted most of his energy.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio