Yu Shun, the son of Pian, is filial by nature. His father is stubborn, his mother is arrogant, and his brother is proud of his elephant. He plowed Mount Li with an elephant, and so did the birds. His filial piety is like this. Emperor Yao heard that he had nine men and two women, so he gave way to the world.
Teams of elephants ploughing in the spring take care of the grass and birds one after another.
Shun, a legendary ancient emperor and one of the Five Emperors, was named Yao, Zhonghua and posthumous title Yu, and was called Yu Shun in history. According to legend, his father Gu Sou, stepmother and half-brother tried to kill him many times: when Shun was ordered to repair the roof of the barn, he set fire to the roof from the barn and jumped off with two hats to escape; When Shun was asked to dig a well, Hexiang buried the well, and Shun dug a tunnel and escaped. Afterwards, Shun was not jealous, but still obeyed his father and treated his younger brother well. His filial piety touched the emperor. Shun cultivates in Lishan, the elephant cultivates the land for him, and the bird mows the grass for him. Hearing that Shun was very filial and capable of handling political affairs, Emperor Yaodi married his two daughters. After years of observation and test, Shun was chosen as his successor. After Shun ascended the throne, he still went to see his father respectfully and made him a vassal.
2. Play with color to entertain relatives
Zhou Laolaizi is the most filial and sweet. He is 70 years old, and his words are not old. He often wears colorful clothes and plays for the babies around him. He also tried to bring water to class, cheat and lie down and make a baby cry to entertain his relatives.
In the Spring and Autumn Period (Eastern Zhou Dynasty), Lao Laizi, a hermit of Chu State, cultivated himself in the southern foot of Mengshan Mountain in order to avoid the chaos in the world. He is filial to his parents and tries his best to choose delicious food for them. At 70, he was not old enough. He often wears colorful clothes and plays rattle like a child to amuse his parents. He once sent water to his parents, pretended to fall and went to school on the ground. The child cried and the second old man smiled.
Like simple and naive playing and dancing, the spring breeze moves brightly colored clothes. Parents laugh and the house is full of joy.
3. Deer milk serves relatives
Zhou Zanzi is filial. His parents are old, both eyes are sick and they want to eat deer milk. Zanzi is wearing deer skin and going to the mountains to get deer milk for relatives. The hunter wanted to shoot when he saw it. Zanzi has news to avoid.
Scorpions were born in the Spring and Autumn Period. His parents are old and suffer from eye diseases, so they need to drink deer milk for treatment. He went into the mountains in deerskin, mingled with the deer, and milked the deer to offer sacrifices to his parents. Once when he was taking milk, the hunter saw it and thought it was an elk. He wanted to shoot him. Scorpion quickly uncovered deerskin and came out, informing the hunter of the fact that he milked deerskin to treat his parents, thus avoiding being killed by mistake.
Miss deer milk and wear a brown sweater. If you don't talk loudly, the arrow will return in the mountain.
4. One hundred miles MINUS one meter
Zhou, from a poor family, often eats quinoa hundreds of miles away for his parents. He swam with his parents in Chu, took a hundred rides and accumulated thousands of minutes. When he was tired of sitting, he ate, but sighed and said, "Although I want to eat quinoa, I can't give it to my parents."
Zhong You, a native of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period, was a proud disciple of Confucius. He is straightforward, brave and very filial. In his early years, his family was poor, but he often picked wild vegetables to cook, but he went home from a hundred miles away to serve his parents. After his parents died, he became a big official and was ordered to go to Chu. There are hundreds of chariots and horses with him, and the accumulated food is as high as 10 thousand. He sat on a brocade mattress. Confucius praised: "You served your parents best when you were alive, but you missed them after you died!" " (Thoughts on Confucius' Family Language)
It is better to say goodbye than to leave a hundred miles away.