Yin Jiaquan was born in Boye, Zhili, and his father Yin was a scholar during Yongzheng's reign. In the early years of Qianlong, he successively served as Zheng Xueguan of Jiangsu, Governor of Henan and Assistant Minister of Rites. How can I put it? Yin Hui is a knowledgeable person. He has his own handed down works on Neo-Confucianism, such as "Heaven governs man, man desires virtue", which was regarded as a famous Taoist school at that time. Moreover, Yin Hui is extremely filial to her mother, or she is very good at acting. When she is an official, as long as she has Xue Wei's achievements and good governance, she will owe it to her mother's teaching.
Doing some public welfare undertakings such as Yicang, Yitian and Yixue in my hometown can also be regarded as benefiting my hometown. When Yin Hui was in his fifties, his mother died. In strict accordance with the ethical requirements of Confucian Neo-Confucianism, he laid clods and straw mats on his own, and faithfully carried out the mourning ceremony according to the ancient ceremony. And strictly abide by it? Ding, you? System, resign from the above table. Therefore, whether at home or in court, I am really moved by it. Emperor Qianlong also needs to set up a Confucian model of loyalty, filial piety and righteousness, so when Yin returned to his hometown, he specially gave him a poem and wrote an inscription before it. ..... Yin is filial to her mother, and her mother is virtuous. Now ... Please give it to her. ?
The poem says: I listened to my mother's training in many aspects at home, without any gossip; Ma Fengcheng is excited, obedient and glorious; The famous Billy Shouhui, filial piety is a subject. I also heard that one day, every time I ask, I will be rehabilitated. How about poetry? That's all. However, Yin won great honor because he was given by the emperor. From then on, he died in his hometown in the thirteenth year of Qianlong (1748), and his reputation was restless and his value was increasing day by day. It is to wipe the moral signboard of the court.
Yin Guquan, the son of Yin, naturally entered the officialdom because of Lao Tzu's reputation. As a juren, Yin Hui was blessed before and after his death. He worked as two local officials in Gansu and Shandong, and finally transferred to the central government as the secretary of Dali Temple, ranking among the famous nine ministers. Although he soon became an official because of his age, Yin Jiaquan is still a local official because of his father's reputation and years of floating experience in officialdom. Respected, a scholar is a mirror? .
Yin Jiaquan, who has had a smooth life, seems to have a perfect merit and no regrets. After his death, he can engrave the honorary title given by the court on the tombstone, and he will be satisfied. In the forty-sixth year of Qianlong (178 1), in March, Emperor Qianlong visited Wutai Mountain and stayed in Baoding on his way back to Beijing. At this time, Yin Jiaquan, who was over seventy and retired at home, was probably bored or wanted to by going up one flight of stairs, so relying on his father's popularity in the government and the public, he wrote a letter that he thought was the best overnight, and sent his eldest son Yin to Baoding to submit it face to face before the arrival of Emperor Qianlong. What is the content of this paper?
In fact, it was Yin Jiaquan who boasted to Emperor Qianlong about the achievements and achievements of his father Yin Yisheng. The memorial says: My father Yin's works have benefited the whole village, and his filial piety has been blessed by the emperor. He once praised his virtue of benevolence, righteousness and morality, which was well-known at home and abroad. Now my father has been dead for more than 30 years, and now the emperor has ruled the world for 40 years, and the martial arts of Wenzhi has reached the previous dynasty, and peace and prosperity have reappeared. So I got scared and asked the emperor to give posthumous title a special gift in the first year of Qianlong? Masataka Shimizu? Take Lu (a famous Taoist preacher in Kangxi Dynasty) as an example. According to the words given to my father in Imperial Poetry, I also gave him a posthumous gift to show the great kindness of the emperor and the reason why he ruled the prosperous times and the sage (Emperor Kangxi) was inferior.
When Emperor Qianlong received the memorial, he was worried: whether to trust posthumous title Minister posthumous title or not, and what to give him, are very serious matters, involving the evaluation of the late minister's life. No matter who he is, what achievements he has, and how much influence he has on future generations, the memorial service was drafted by the cabinet, submitted to the emperor for examination and approval, and delineated by himself. Yin's political achievements are very high, and his moral career is thriving. This is not the reason why his son can take the initiative to ask the court for posthumous title. Yin Jiaquan's action is really suspected of concussion, and his behavior is ridiculous!
Yin Jiaquan was careless, took Emperor Qianlong as a friend and sent a son to the throne casually, which made Emperor Qianlong's anger rise. I can't wait to punish Yin Jiaquan for his false words. However, he thinks that Yin is a moral template set by himself, and it is not good to hit yourself in the face too much. Yin Jiaquan is at least an official of the imperial court, and he is 70 years old, so he can't be reprimanded directly. So Emperor Qianlong thought for a long time, held back his anger and wrote Zhu Pi on the throne. Peace is a national law, how can we ask for it?
Should be punished. I think you are my father's business, so I forgive you for the time being. Fidgeting at home again will make you feel guilty! ? I hope Yin Jiaquan, an old fool, will be alert after seeing the throne, restrain his pursuit of fame and fortune, be an honest man in the future, and don't come out to embarrass his Lao Tzu and the court again. Perhaps what Emperor Qianlong said was not too heavy, or perhaps Yin Jiaquan was obsessed with ghosts and insatiable greed-after failing to ask his father, he didn't give up and turned to play: Please allow your father to worship the Confucian Temple!
The memorial begins with Lu's blessing and worship of the Confucian Temple, saying that Lu is the only person who worships the Confucian Temple in this dynasty, and then leads to his father's worship of another famous Neo-Confucianism scholar, Tang Bin, and his long-cherished wish to study Tang Bin's political achievements. Finally, the final purpose is to conceal: not only Tang Bin, but also Fan Wencheng, Li Guangdi, Gubadai, Zhang Boxing and other civil servants. Should all worship Confucius Temple as one. As for Yin's father, he got a poem from the Holy Father, praising filial piety. In the branch of virtue, he is worshipped by himself. ?
Behind also shattered glass ground to say:? I didn't dare to invite him, so I begged the emperor to issue an Amnesty to carry it out. ? This second letter was sent to Emperor Qianlong, which immediately made the emperor who was holding up his anger suddenly angry. Irresistible, old and new accounts together! So emperor Qianlong immediately issued a letter: Yin Jiaquan is unscrupulous and unscrupulous! Give the country a code name for its reputation! Without severe punishment, it is impossible to show the national law and punish the future! ?
At the same time, the cabinet was told to immediately remove Yin Jiaquan's top hat and take it to Beijing, where it was handed over to the punishments for strict investigation, as an example. At the same time, check the property of Boye and Yin family in Beijing. Emperor Qianlong also specifically confessed:? At the time of the raid, the property was still in the second place, and Yin Jiaquan was so rebellious and barking, for fear of writing something wrong on weekdays. ? In particular, check its handwriting, letters and poems. Play it truthfully. ?
Yuan Shoudong, the governor of Zhili, and Lian Win, a university student, ordered the seizure of Yin Jiaquan's property, and * * * seized 46 boxes of books from Boye in Shi Jing's apartment, including 3 1 1 set, scattered books 1439, and tens of thousands of calligraphy and painting, letters, editions and picture albums.
Finally, 133 1 so-called rebels were found and reported to Emperor Qianlong. Therefore, under the strict accountability of Emperor Qianlong, Yin Jiaquan (formerly Dali Temple Minister), one of the highest officials in the judicial system, was put on the trial bench by his former colleagues. Under the emperor's attention, Sanbao and others, the university students in charge of the trial, mercilessly pursued their former colleagues in court. The interrogators gloated and sneered, while the auditees were only embarrassed, humble and sarcastic.
Extract some questions and answers to illustrate the situation at that time:
Q: Yin Jiaquan, as a third-rate official, why did he stay at home? Giving posthumous title is a grand ceremony of the imperial court. Is this what courtiers want? You have been convicted of the first memorial, and the second one dares to invite you to worship the Confucius Temple for your father and list everyone in Tang Bin. His moral behavior, such as the holy can't know? Why are you invited? What do you want, being so reckless, to devote yourself to your father? From the true confession!
A: I think I can invite posthumous title, because a poem by the Holy Father praised my father Yin Hui. Because of some deeds of Tang Bin and others, it seems that we can worship the tattoo surface. As for my father, I don't want to get involved. I was always in a daze and wrote two letters. Now I'm going to read the imperial edict of Zhu Pi, and I'll wake up like a dream. I went to these two memorial halls, and it was really a dog barking, and I deserved to die.
Q: You asked your father to sacrifice, thinking that you could be filial. I wonder if you can be more intimate than courtesy when you are filial? In ancient times, many people offered sacrifices to Confucius Temple. Which one was invited by his son? Is your father virtuous? Your majesty has his own opinion. Did you buy it yourself?
A: I just do my best in the heart of the Son of Man. I didn't think that the gift of the emperor is not something that children and grandchildren can ask for. In short, I made such a desperate move, only seeking a heavier punishment, and there is nothing to argue about.
Q: What did you write? Recent thoughts? , is it? Sir, it's hard to be straight. He tried to sign up for the southern tour, but nothing came of it. ? Isn't this slandering the imperial court? ?
A: I don't agree with Fu Tai and dare not slander current politics. But it is damn to make such a statement in the world. What is there to argue about?
Q: You call yourself an old man. Last year, you celebrated your seventieth birthday. Gu Xi said? Don't you see? Is it arrogant to call yourself an old man? ?
I have read Du Fu's poems. Life is 70 years old, which is rare? I'm over seventy, so I call myself? Old man? . As for the ancient poems written by Sagrada Familia last year, I really haven't read them. Today, adults asked me, I really don't think they are very good. ?
Q: Did you write it? Li's filial daughter doesn't marry in her later years? In the text message, for example? Li Xiao's daughter is in her fifties and still waiting for news. My wife heard about Qi Xian and asked him for help, but Shi Li's daughter refused. ? Since the virgin insisted on not marrying, why did you ask your woman to send someone to be a concubine? Is this shameful thing done by serious people?
A: I wrote this story when I was waiting for my position in Beijing. I didn't know at the time. Later, I wrote this story in recognition of her integrity. As a matter of fact, I have never met her. But I'm going to marry her when she's over 50, and it's also written in the article. That's my shame. What's the point?
There are many questions and answers in the court, from talking about the rules of the court, judging ministers and judging the situation, to boasting and asking for a little wife at a young age. There is only one purpose, that is, to do everything possible to prove that Yin Jiaquan's arrogance and persistence in his father is the result of accumulation. Yin Jiaquan himself is a hypocrite, hypocrite and liar. Therefore, it is not too much to punish such a person with poor academic performance.
After careful interrogation, Sanbao and others presented all the confessions to Emperor Qianlong, and gave a preliminary judgment: Yin Jiaquan was arrogant, had no respect for your father, and blasphemed the famous religion. The crime was unforgivable. He plans to sentence the year to the crime of rude disobedience, all men over the age of 16 will be beheaded, and the rest will be paid to the hero's family as slaves without official property. After receiving the verdict, Emperor Qianlong first issued an imperial edict, detailing Yin Jiaquan's crimes such as asking for death for his father, asking for sacrifice, trying to influence the emperor's will, pretending to be an ancient and rare old man, and wanting to marry fifty boys and girls. He thinks that his crime is so serious that he should be sentenced to death. But sage. Generous? Emperor Qianlong did not agree to slice and bake the Yin family.
Instead, Garn was exempted from the punishment of the year and twisted from the leniency. All the family members are free to sit down and the property is returned. Shen En? Good Yin Jiaquan and his family didn't expect that they rushed out of the despair of destroying their homes? Thank you Ron, and then happily returned to his hometown, carefully closed the door to live, it is estimated that after the death, there will be no more papers.
In fact, the case of Yin Jiaquan, who was accused of the great responsibility of the emperor, was used by Yin to warn other officials that the emperor was too arrogant and powerful, so it was difficult for officials to do their jobs well. Don't think that they could interfere in the economic system of the imperial court. If you get carried away and flatter yourself, you will harm the country and the people and be killed. ? The discipline of this dynasty was purged, and the unknown minister was not raped. What is this? It will be a blessing for the country that cadres and officials will not be tried by famous officials and traitors! ?
This is the ultimate ideal and purpose of Emperor Qianlong. As for Yin Jiaquan, the culprit, according to Ren Qing's Prison Litigation, before his execution, Yin Jiaquan looked the same, was calm, kowtowed and thanked him, and even said that he deserved to die, failed his favor, and then drank and ate meat for execution. Emperor Qianlong was rewarded for his leisure and brought Yin Jiaquan face to face. Yin Guquan respectfully knelt in front of Emperor Qianlong, respectful as usual.
Emperor Qianlong thought you were a crazy fool, so he scolded Yin Jiaquan in a big mess, and Yin Jiaquan kept kowtowing and confessing. Emperor Qianlong scolded 1, looked at Yin Jiaquan, who was about his age, and felt that he was basically angry. The purpose of suppressing civil servants has also been achieved, and the mood is not so bad. I decided to pardon him and let him go home to eat old corn!
After the pardon decision was made, Emperor Qianlong asked Yin Jiaquan again: How do you feel at this moment? Yin Jiaquan didn't talk nonsense at all, saying, Thank God for his grace. However, in his 70 s, he was exhausted and didn't want to pay back. Before he died, he burned incense and knocked on the sky every day, wishing the emperor a long life and national peace. Although I am in the early days, I will not stop for a day. Emperor Qianlong was finally happy and said with a smile, do you still want to live to be 100 years old? Then tell him to go home quickly.
This matter, in some funny cases, is over. However, this is only recorded by unofficial history, and Yin Jiaquan's real ending should still be hanged. In the fifth year of Qianlong (1776), Yin Jiaquan's case was handled with great fanfare, and as an opportunity to consolidate Gangang's arbitrary power, a man named Watt, who was thousands of miles away, invented the steam engine and showed people the working state of this machine in public for the first time.