Mencius said: "What a gentleman teaches the people is just benevolence and righteousness. Why should he call it benefit?"
Zisi said: "Benevolence and righteousness are the only benefits. If the superior is not benevolent, then he will benefit from it." If you don't get what you want, then it will be a deception. This is a big disadvantage. Therefore, "Yi" says: "Benefit is the harmony of righteousness." The greatest benefit. ”
At the beginning, Mencius worshiped Zisi as his teacher and once asked him what was the first priority in governing the people.
Zisi said: "Let them get the benefits first."
Mencius asked: "What virtuous people use to educate the people is talking." Benevolence and righteousness are enough, so why talk about interests?"
Zisi said: "Benevolence and righteousness are originally benefits. If those in high positions do not care about benevolence, then the people will not be able to live in peace; Therefore, the Book of Changes says: "Benefit is the perfect embodiment of righteousness." It also says: "Use benefits." To settle the people and promote morality. "These are the most important interests." 2. Herdsmen must be virtuous and literary
10. Shang Yuzi drives pigs
Shang Yuzi ①. The family was poor and had no calves to plow, so they took a big pig and drove it east. The big pig refused to take the yoke③, and then it was untied again: it could not break a single yoke all day long. Mr. Ningwu ④ passed by and then You said: "You have passed! You should use oxen for plowing. With its great strength, it can lift up lumps, and its hoofs are strong enough to sink into the water. How can pigs be able to plow even if they are big?" Shang Yuzi was angry and could not respond. Mr. Ning Wu said: "Now that I have replaced the plowing with my son, how can I say that I have turned my back on you? I took pity on you and ordered you to do so, but my son was angry and refused to answer. Why?" Shang Yuzi said: "My son is trying to turn me upside down. Don't you know that if you don't use oxen, you will have to use oxen? If you don't use oxen, you won't get the fields, but the harm will be small; if you don't use virtuous people, the world will be harmed. If you suffer disaster, the harm will be great. Why don’t you treat me as a favor to the herdsmen?” Mr. Ning Wu said to his disciple, “This is the case with Ji Ji.”
(Selected from Ming Dynasty? Song Lian) "Collected Works of Scholars of the Song Dynasty")
[Notes] ① Shang Yu (wù)zi: a fictional character by the author. ②豕(s h ǐ): Same as "pig". ③Yoke (è): a bent piece of wood that the oxen rides on its neck when pulling things. ④Ning Wu: The author’s fictional character. ⑤Nao (nào): mud. ⑥Serving the fields: driving animals to plow the fields. ⑦Mu: Rule and manage. ⑧Agitated person: A person who has a sense of injustice (in his heart).
[Classical Chinese Knowledge]
Say "Yi". "Yi" can be used not only as a verb, but also as a preposition and conjunction. It's also quite flexible in its interpretation. The word "yi" in "Zi Yi Yu turned it upside down" above is used as a verb and is interpreted as "think". Sometimes "Yi" and "Wei" are combined to form "thought" or "Yi...wei", which is also interpreted as "think". The "Yi" in "Yixian must be used" above is interpreted as "appointment" and is also used as a verb. Also, the "yi" in "There is no calf to plow" above is used as a conjunction; also, the "yi" in "Why don't you treat me as a special person to the herdsmen?" is used as a preposition and is interpreted as "bar".
[Thinking and Practice]
1. Explanation: ① Calf _________ ② Especially __________ ③ Guo __________
④ Should _______ ⑤ How many _______ ⑥ Gu _______ ⑦ Cover___________
2. Translation: ① Now that the solution has been restored, who will be unable to break even one border in the end? ____________________________;
②I feel sorry for you and I order you to _______________________________________________; ③Why don’t you treat me as a favor to the herdsmen? ________________________________________________________________________
3. Understanding: The theme of this article is __________________________________________________
Shang Yuzi’s family was very poor and had no cattle to plow the fields, so he led a big pig to the sunrise And made. The big pig refused to yield (to be put on the yoke), and was yoked and then freed from the yoke, and could not plow a small field for a day. When Mr. Ning Wu passed by, he scolded him and said: "You are wrong! Oxen should be used for plowing the land. The oxen are strong enough to plow the soil, and their hooves are hard enough to stand in the mud. No matter how big the pig is, How can we cultivate the land?" Shang Yuzi looked at him angrily but ignored him.
Mr. Ning Wu said: "Now that you are using it to farm the land, isn't it a bit of a reversal? I took pity on you and ordered you to do so, but you got angry and refused to answer. Why?" Shang Yuzi said. : "The son has turned me upside down, and I have turned him upside down. Don't I know that in order to conquer the fields, we must use oxen, and to herd our people, we must use virtuous people. If we don't use oxen, even if we don't get the fields, it will be harmful. It's small; if you don't use the virtuous, the world will suffer, and the harm will be great. Why don't you treat me as the herdsman?
Mr. Ning Wuzi said: "Isn't it said in the Book of Songs? "To pray to the ancestors of the pigs and catch the pigs in the pigsty" means to catch the pigs and kill them for meat. Now if you use it to plow the land instead of oxen, isn't it almost a mistake? I told you because I sympathized with you, but you got angry and ignored me. Why? Shang Yuzi said: "You think I am confusing right and wrong, and I also think you are confusing right and wrong." Don’t I know that oxen are needed to tend the fields, just as wise men are needed to govern the people. If you don't use oxen, even if you don't manage the fields well, the harm will be small; if you don't use wise men, the world will suffer disaster, but the harm will be great. Why don't you rebuke those who govern the people with the words you rebuke me? Mr. Wu Ning turned back to his disciple and said, "This person should be the kind of person who is passionate about reality." ”
Reference answers
10. Shang Yuzi drives a pig
1. ① Maverick ② blame ③ wrong ④ answer ⑤ nearly ⑥ turn back ⑦ about < /p>
2. ① I finally got it on, but I broke free again and couldn’t plow a piece of land all day long; ② I sympathized with you and that’s why I told you; ③ Why don’t you blame those who rule the people with what you said about me? What?
3. Criticism of rulers does not require wise men. 3. Herdsmen must use virtuous literature.
10. The businessman drives the hogs to the child. ① The family is poor and has no calves to farm. He took a big hog and drove it eastward.
The big hog refused to accept the yoke, so he could not break the yoke all day long. That’s it! Oxen should be used for plowing, because their great strength can lift up lumps, and their strong hooves can sink the soil.
How can pigs be cultivated even if they are big? Shang Yuzi was angry and refused to respond. Mr. Ning Wu said: "Now that I am using it to replace the plowing, isn't it very unfair?" I pity you and give you an edict, but my son is angry and refuses to answer. Why? "Shang Yuzi said: "The son turned it upside down when I turned it upside down, and I turned it upside down when I turned it upside down.
Don’t I know that those who serve the fields must use oxen, and those who herd our people must use virtuous people? If you don't use oxen, you won't get fields, but the harm will be small; if you don't use virtuous people, the world will suffer disaster, and the harm will be great.
Why don’t you treat me as a herdsman? "Mr. Ning Wu Gu said to his disciple: "This is the one who has Ji. " (Selected from "Collected Works of Song Scholars" by Ming and Song Lian) [Notes] ① Shang Yu (wù) Zi: The author's fictional character.
②豕 (s h ǐ): Same as "pig". ③Yoke (è): The bent wood that the ox rides on its neck when pulling things
④Ning Wu: The author’s fictitious character ⑤Nao (nào): Mud
⑥Futian. : driving animals to plow the fields. ⑦Herding: ruling and managing. ⑧A person who has a sense of injustice in his/her heart.
"Yi" can be used as a verb, preposition, and conjunction. Its interpretation is also quite flexible.
The word "Yi" in "Zi Yi Yu Dian Zhi" above is used as a verb. It is used as a verb and is interpreted as "to think". Sometimes "to" and "to" are combined to form "to think" or "to...wei", which is also interpreted as "to think" above. "Yi" in "Yi" is interpreted as "appointment" and is also used as a verb. Also, the "Yi" in "There is no calf to plow" above is used as a conjunction; also, "Why don't you give special treatment to me and the herdsmen?" "Yi" in "ye" is used as a preposition, and is interpreted as "ba".
[Thinking and Practice] 1. Explanation: ① Calf _________ ② Especially __________ ③ Guo __________ ④ Should _________ ⑤ Ji_ ________⑥Gu_________⑦Gai_________ 2. Translation: ①Now that we have recovered, we will never be able to break even one border? ____________________________; ②I take pity on you and order you to _______________________________________; ③Why don’t you treat me as a favor to the herdsmen? 3. Understand: The theme of this article is __________________________________________________ Translation: Shang Yuzi's family was very poor and had no cattle to plow the fields, so he led a big pig to do it at sunrise. The big pig refused to yield (to be yoked), and was freed from the yoke one day. You can't plow a small field either.
Mr. Ning Wu scolded him when he passed by: "You are wrong! Oxen should be used to plow the land. The oxen are strong enough to plow the soil and their hooves are hard enough to stand in the mud. No matter how big the pig is, how can it plow the land? "Shang Yuzi was angry (looking at him) but ignored him.
Mr. Ning Wu said: "Today, I am using it to replace farming. Isn't it very reversed? I pity you and give you an edict, but my son is angry and refuses to answer. Why? "Shang Yuzi said: "The son turned it upside down when I turned it upside down, and I turned it upside down when I turned it upside down. Don’t I know that those who serve the fields must use cattle, and those who herd our people must use talents?
If you don’t use oxen, you won’t get fields, but the harm will be small; if you don’t use virtuous people, the world will suffer disaster, and the harm will be great. Why don't you treat me like a herdsman? "Mr. Ning Wu Gu said to his disciple: "This is the one who has Ji.
Mr. Ning Wuzi said: "Isn't it said in the Book of Songs? "To pray to the ancestors of the pigs and catch the pigs in the pigsty" means to catch the pigs and kill them for meat. Now if you use it to plow the land instead of oxen, isn't it almost a mistake? I told you because I sympathized with you, but you got angry and ignored me. Why? Shang Yuzi said: "You think I am confusing right and wrong, and I also think you are confusing right and wrong."
Don’t I know that oxen are needed to tend the fields, just as sage men are needed to govern the people. If you don't use oxen, even if you don't manage the fields well, the harm will be small; if you don't use wise men, the world will suffer disaster, but the harm will be great.
Why don’t you rebuke those who govern the people with the words you rebuke me? Mr. Wu Ning turned back to his disciple and said, "This person should be the kind of person who is passionate about reality." "Reference answer 10. Shang Yuzi drives a pig 1. ① Calf ② Blame ③ Wrong ④ Answer ⑤ Close to ⑥ Turn back ⑦ About 2. ① Finally got it on, but broke free again and couldn't plow a piece of land all day long; ② I am telling you because I sympathize with you; ③Why don’t you blame those who rule the people with your words? 3. Criticizing rulers does not use wise men. 4. Translation of Classical Chinese: The Theory of Guo Qin (Part 2)
Check to see if it’s correct, it’s not my translation.
Many people find it wrong...
The poster is so lazy
p>Qin unified the world, annexed the princes, proclaimed himself emperor, and supported the world. Scholars all over the world admired him obediently. Why is this like this? The answer is: There has been no emperor who unified the world for a long time. The power of the Zhou royal family was weak, and after the five hegemons died one after another, the emperor's orders could not be passed through the world. Therefore, the princes used force to conquer each other. Proclaiming himself emperor and ruling the world means that there is an emperor above. In this way, the poor people hope to rely on him to live and survive. No one does not sincerely admire the emperor. At this time, they should maintain their authority and stabilize their achievements. Whether it is stability or crisis, the key lies in this.
The King of Qin was greedy and despicable, and only wanted to use his personal wisdom. He did not trust the heroes, did not get close to the people, abandoned the benevolent rule, and established his own personality. Authority, banning poetry and ancient books, implementing harsh laws, putting deceit and power first, leaving benevolence and faith behind, taking cruelty and cruelty as the prerequisite for governing the world, focusing on deceit and strength; stabilizing the country, We must pay attention to the changes in time: this means that the same methods cannot be used to conquer the world and protect the world. Qin has gone through the Warring States Period and unified the world. Its route has not changed, and its decrees have not changed. This is what it uses to conquer the world and protect the world. The method is no different. King Qin was alone but owned the world, so his demise came quickly. If King Qin could consider the ancient situation and follow the path of Shang and Zhou to formulate and implement his own policies, then even if the future generations become arrogant and licentious. Therefore, the kings of Xia Yu, Shang Tang, Zhou Wen and Zhou Wu have established countries with outstanding names and long-lasting achievements.
Now the second emperor of Qin ascends the throne and reigns supreme throughout the world. There is no one here who doesn't crane their necks to see his policies. The cold people feel good when they wear coarse cloth jackets, and the hungry people feel good when they eat chaff. The people in the world are miserable and crying. It is the basis for the new emperor to be upright. This means that the working people are more likely to accept benevolent governance. Divide the land and divide the people, reward the descendants of meritorious officials, make countries and establish kings, treat the wise men of the world with courtesy, release prisoners from prisons, avoid executions, and abolish complex punishments such as confiscating the wives and children of criminals as official slaves. , let the sentenced people return to their hometowns, open warehouses, and distribute money to help lonely and poor scholars; reduce taxes and reduce labor to help the people relieve their hardship; simplify the law, reduce penalties, and give criminals opportunities to seize the future. , so that everyone in the world can rehabilitate themselves, change their moral integrity, cultivate their character, and treat themselves with caution; satisfy the wishes of all people, treat everyone in the world with prestige and benevolence, and everyone in the world will join. If everyone in the world is happy and contented, and is afraid of chaos, then even if there are treacherous people, and the people have no intention of betraying the Lord, the ministers who are scheming will not be able to hide their treachery, and the conspiracy of rebellion can be stopped.
The Second Emperor did not implement this method, but was more cruel and unjust than the First Emperor. He rebuilt the Epang Palace, made the punishments more numerous, the killings more severe, the officials acted harshly and viciously, rewards and punishments were inappropriate, and taxes and plunders were not available. There are too many affairs in the country, and the officials cannot manage them; the people are extremely poor, but the monarch does not provide any relief. As a result, treachery and deceit abounded, the superiors and inferiors deceived each other, many people were punished, and people were killed on the road, one after another, one after another, and everyone in the world fell into misery. From the emperor down to the common people, everyone feels insecure and is in a poor situation. There is no peace anywhere, so they are prone to unrest. Therefore, Chen She did not rely on the virtuousness of King Tang of Shang and King Wu of Zhou, nor the dignity of a prince, to raise his arms in Daze Township and the world responded. The reason was that the people were in danger.
Therefore, the ancient holy kings were able to discern the changes in the beginning and ending, and knew the key to survival and destruction. Therefore, the way to rule the people was to concentrate on making them stable. In this way, even if there are rebellious ministers in the world, no one will respond and there will be no help. The so-called "people in a stable state can work together to be benevolent and righteous, but people in crisis are prone to do bad things together" refers to this situation. He is so noble that he becomes the emperor, and he is so rich that he owns the world, but he cannot avoid being killed because the method of saving the overturned situation is wrong. This was II's mistake.