Jin Wengong attacked Haraoka, wrapped it with ten daily rations, and then stayed with the doctor for ten days. To the original ten days and the original, hit the gold and retreat, hit and go. Some scholars came out of the original work and said, "It will come down in three days." The ministers remonstrated: "My husband has tried his best to eat, and your aunt will wait for him." "I made an appointment with the scholar for ten days," the palace said. If I don't go, I will die. If I break my word, I will quit. " So I left. Primitive people listened and said, "If you have a monarch, you can trust it. Can't you give it back?" That is surrender. Wei ren listened and said, "If you have a gentleman, you can trust him, but what can you do?" That is surrender.
Note original text: original text. National defense: defending the country.
Jin Wengong attacked the original country, brought ten days' food, and agreed with the doctor to withdraw within ten days. Ten days after arriving at the original place, but without capturing the original country, Wen Gong rang the golden bell and retreated and left the original country. A man from the former capital said, "The original country can be captured in three days." The ministers approached and remonstrated, saying, "The original county and city were out of grain and the soldiers were tired. Let the monarch wait for the time being. " Wen Gongzheng: "I have an appointment with the doctor for ten days. If I don't leave, I will lose my credit.
I won the country and lost my credit, so I quit. "So withdraw to leave. When the locals heard this, they said, "If a king keeps his promise like him, can he not submit to him?" So he surrendered to Jin Wengong. Hearing this, wei ren said, "How can a monarch who keeps his word like him not submit to him?" So he surrendered to Jin Wengong.