Fish is what I want from Mencius and his disciples in the pre-Qin period; Bear's paw is what I want You can't have your cake and eat it. You can't have your cake and eat it. Life is what I want. Righteousness is also what I want. You can't have both, and you have to sacrifice your life for righteousness. If people don't enjoy life, then what can be used to find a means of survival, which can't be used? If there is nothing more in disgust than death, what can be done to avoid evil that can be used to escape evil?
In the past, some people would rather die than accept charity from others for morality, but now they accept it for the beauty of their houses. In the past, some people would rather die than accept charity from others for morality, but now they accept it for the service of wives and concubines.
In the past, some people would rather die than accept charity from others for moral reasons. Now they accept it to make the poor people they know appreciate their kindness. Can't this behavior be stopped? It's called dehumanization.
Mencius is one of the Confucian classics in China, which records the thoughts and political strategies of Mencius, a thinker in the Warring States Period, and is compiled by Mencius and his disciples. Mencius occupies a very important position in Confucian classics and is one of the "Four Books".