Zhao Jianzi (the doctor of Jin State in the Spring and Autumn Period) was hunting in Zhongshan, with Yu Ren (the official in charge of Shanze) leading the way, eagles and dogs running behind, birds (pronounced fierce) and beasts. Countless people fell down. When wolves are in power, people stand and cry. Jianzi got on the bus with his fingertips and held the Ukrainian bow (the legendary bow of the Yellow Emperor). When the Yellow Emperor boarded the dragon and lowered a bow, the people held the bow and wailed, hence the name' Wu Hao'. From "Historical Records") used the arrow of caution (the northeast minority, whose arrow is famous, used tribute), and the wolf lost his voice and stumbled (pronounced as bū, ran away). Jianzi got angry and drove away. The dust covers the sky, and the footsteps are like thunder. Ten steps away, you can't tell men from women. Zhao Jianzi is hunting in Zhongshan with great fanfare, officials are watching the mountains in front, eagles and hounds are behind, and agile birds and fierce beasts are responding. There is a wolf on the road, standing there howling like a man. Jane spat on her hand, jumped into the car, picked up a bow and rode on a sharp arrow. The arrow hit the feather and fell into the meat. The wolf screamed and ran away. Jane was very angry and drove after it. The rising dust covered the sun, and the pounding of horses' hooves was like thunder. Ten steps away, you can't see people clearly. At that time, Mr. Dong Guo, a Mohist school, was an official in Wenhe Mountain in the north. Ce Ji m 4n (pronounced Ji m 65333 wolf election (pronounced y m, n, suddenly) arrived, and the leader said, "Sir, are you interested in saving things?" In the past, Mao Bao let a turtle cross the river. It is said that Mao Bao, a former state secretariat in the Jin Dynasty, once put a small white turtle into the river. Later, Mao was defeated and jumped into the river. The white turtle helped him survive. See "Continue to Find the Gods"). Sui Hou saved a snake and got a pearl (it is said that Sui Hou once cured an injured snake, and the snake held a big pearl in the river as a reward. See Huai Nan Zi). Turtles and snakes are stronger than wolves. Why didn't you put me in a bag earlier to live through today? If you stand out in a different era, your husband's favor will make you wish you were dead, and you dare not try to show the sincerity of turtles and snakes! "At that time, Mr. Dong Guo, a Mohist scholar, wanted to come to Zhongshan in the north for an official position. A lame donkey with a book in his bag got lost in the early morning and was very scared to see the dust flying. The wolf suddenly came, looked at him and said, "Mr. Wang must be interested in saving the world, right?" "Once upon a time, Mao Bao released the white turtle and was helped by the white turtle to cross the river to survive when the army crashed into the river. Sui Hou got a snake and a treasure ball. Tortoise and snake are not as spiritual as wolves. Today, why not let me stay in the bag and live? When (I) can get ahead in the future, my husband's good thing is to save lives and let bones grow. How can (I) not try to imitate the sincerity of turtles and snakes? " The master said, "If you are a wolf in private, you will offend the officials and dignitaries in the world. What do you dare to expect? " ? However, Tao Mo, universal love-oriented, I will love you eventually. You won't hesitate to take off (even if there is a disaster). "It's a book, and the empty bag (pronounced tuó, bag) slowly turned into a wolf. Worry (worry) before (step on, step on) Hu (here refers to chin), fear (sound, pressure) after, accept if you are unsuccessful. Wandering, happy-go-lucky (originally meant leisure, here refers to slow), pursuers are closer. The wolf asked, "Urgent! Will Mr. Wang bow (bow, salute) and Mr. Johnson (humble, polite) put out the fire (fire) and drown (drowning) and sing Phoenix (car bell) to avoid thieves? Mr. Wei, hurry! "It is a quadruped (pronounced as jú, jí, flexion), bound by a rope, from head to tail, covered with a curved ridge, bent by a hedgehog (pronounced as huó, moth pupa), rested by a snake, and obeyed a gentleman. As Mr. Wang pointed out, he put the wolf in the bag, so he sealed the mouth of the bag, carried the donkey on his shoulder, and avoided the road to the left, waiting for Zhao's fault. Mr. Wang said, "What can you expect in return for offending hereditary officials, disobeying powerful people and hiding you?" "However, the aim of Mohism is fraternity, and I must save your life. Even if there is a disaster, I have no intention of avoiding it. " Take out the book (from the bag), empty the bag and slowly put the wolf in. I'm afraid to step on its chin in front, and I'm afraid to press its tail in the back. Repeated attempts to install failed. Slow down, the pursuer is closer. The wolf begged, "hurry! Does Mr. Wang really want to (so) politely put out the fire to save the drowning person and ring the bell to avoid thieves? Please hurry, sir! " He curled up his limbs, tied the bag with a rope (for Mr.), bent his head to his tail, arched his back and buried his chin, curled up like a hedgehog, bent like a moth pupa, held his breath like a snake and waited for Mr. (deployment). According to its instructions, Mr. Wang put the wolf in the bag, tied the bag tightly, put it on the donkey's back, and retreated to the side of the road, waiting for Zhao Jianzi's people to pass by. I have arrived in Jane, begging for the wolf's blessing, and I am furious. I drew my sword and beheaded Mr. Duan, cursing, "He who dares to hide the direction of the wolf has this axis!" Mr. Wang squatted down on the spot and crawled forward, saying, "If I am not wise, I will be interested in the world. If I run away from home and wander the right path, I can show my master's eagle dog." However, what I heard was:' the road is ambiguous and the sheep is dead.' Husband sheep, a boy can make it, if tamed, it will still die ambiguous; Wolves are not better than sheep, but what is the limit of the difference between Zhongshan and sheep? Isn't it just (just) taking it along the avenue, not much more than keeping trees? What's wrong with hunting in the field? Excuse me, leather crown (hat worn by people in distress, referring to people in distress)? What's wrong with the people walking the streets? And although I am stupid, I don't know my husband and wolf. The nature is greedy and ruthless, and the party abuses it badly. If you can get rid of it, you can be solid (pronounced kuǐ, every move is enough, and both moves are enough), but you are willing to be embarrassed without saying anything! "Jianzi silently, press enter the baggage and take the journey. Mr. Wang also drove the donkey all the way. Shortly after Jane arrived, she was so angry that she couldn't find the wolf. She drew her sword, cut the top of the shaft open for her husband to see, and scolded, "Those who dare to hide the direction of the wolf are such shafts! "Mr. Wang threw himself on the ground, crawled forward and knelt all the time, saying," I'm not very clever, but I'm interested in making some contributions to the world. I've lost my way. How can I find the trace of the wolf and show it to your eagle dog? "However, I once heard:' The road loses sheep because of many forks. Sheep, a child can tame it, as tame as a sheep, but it is also lost because of more forks; Wolves can't be compared with sheep. Is it different from the possibility of losing sheep at the fork in the road in Zhongshan? It's just finding it all the way. Isn't it better than waiting for the rabbit to find the fish? Besides, this hunting is to meet mountain people. Excuse me, the man in the fur hat. What are the charges of passers-by? Stupid as I am, don't I know wolves? Greedy and cruel by nature, he associates with wolves to do evil. If we can get rid of it, we must strive to get twice the result with half the effort. How can you hide without saying anything? "Jane was speechless, back on the road. Mr. Wang also drives the donkey at twice the speed. For a long time, the shadow of feathers gradually disappeared, and the sound of chariots and horses could not be heard. The wolf is far away from Jane and says in his voice bag, "Sir, please pay attention. Come out of my bag, untie me, pull my arm, and I will die! " Mr. Wang raised his hand and the wolf growled. He said, "It's a good idea to drive people away, but it comes soon. Fortunately, Mr. Wang gave birth to me. I am so embarrassed that I can't eat and I will die. " It's better to die in danger than to starve to death. You can also give it to animals and put beans (pronounced Z incarnation, both of which are containers for food) at home. Since Mr. Mo is a Mohist, he cares about the world and benefits it. What makes him mean to me and completely helpless? "Then I kissed my paw with the drum to show my respect for my husband. After a long time, the flag of yak tail gradually disappeared, and the sound of horses and chariots could not be heard. The wolf estimated that Jane had gone far, so he made a sound in his bag and said, "Sir, think about it. Let me out of the bag, untie the rope that binds me, and pull out the arrow from my arm. I want to go! " Mr. Wang began to release wolves. The wolf growled at Mr. Wang, "I was chased by the mountain guards just now." They came too fast. Fortunately, Mr. Wang saved me. I am very hungry. If I am hungry, I will starve to death. "Instead of starving to death on the road and being eaten by wild animals, it is better to die in the hands of mountain guards and become a meal in your home. Because Mr. Wang is a bachelor of Mohism, he is so tired that he is hurt from head to toe. Does he want to make some contribution to the world? Why leave me an extra corpse to eat and save my life? " Then stretch out your mouth and grab (attack) Mr. Wang with your claws. Mr. Wang rushed to hit him with his hand, but he hit him hard. After shielding the donkey, turn around and leave. The wolf finally couldn't add Yu Xiansheng, and Mr. Wang tried his best to refuse. Tired of each other, they panted across the donkey. The master said, "The wolf failed me! The wolf lost me! " The wolf said, "I really don't want to be ungrateful to you." I was born like you and really need our food! " "After a long stalemate, the sundial (pronounced guǐ, an ancient instrument that used the shadow of the sun to time) gradually moved. Mr. Wang secretly thought:" It's getting late, the wolf is coming again, and I'm dead! The wolf said, "folklore, if you have any questions, you must ask the three elders." The first (just) line, ask three old people, ask them, if (if) I eat fast food, I can't do it right away. The wolf was overjoyed and followed him. Mr. Wang quickly struggled with it with his hands, resisted and retreated, hiding behind the donkey and running around in circles. A wolf would never hurt Mr. Wang, and Mr. Wang tried his best to resist. Both of them were tired and gasped through the donkey. The gentleman said, "The wolf betrayed me! The wolf betrayed me! The wolf said, "I don't want to betray you, but you were born to wait. You need us to eat!" " "At loggerheads for a long time, the shadow gradually moved (west oblique). My husband thought, "It's getting late, and wolves will come in droves again. I'm dead!" " So he lied to the wolf and said, "According to the folk custom, if you have any questions, you must ask the three old people." . Let's go, find three old people and ask them, if I should be eaten, I will eat (for you), and I shouldn't eat. The wolf was overjoyed and followed him. Over time, there are no pedestrians on the road, and wolves are greedy. He looked at the old wood standing by the roadside and said, "I can ask if it is old." "The master said," What's the use of knocking at the door? "The wolf said," If you ask him first, he should have something to say. Mr. Wang had to kowtow to Mu, told the whole story and asked, "If so, will the wolf eat me?" "There was a loud noise in the Woods, and Mr. Wang said," I'm Xinger. It took a lot of time to plant in the old nursery a few years ago. "Over the years, these years, three years arch (two palms so thick), folded for ten years, as for today, twenty years. The old nursery eats me, my wife eats me, and all the guests and servants eat me. Similarly, it is actually adjusting (seeking) profits in the market. I made a great contribution to the old nursery. Now that I am old, I can't pick flowers. Jia (pronounced, provoking) got angry with the old nursery, cut off my pieces, cut off my branches and leaves (pronounced shān, cut off), and sold my workers (craftsmen) to shops. Hey! Death (pronounced Chu, Ailanthus altissima, whose wood can't become useful), the scenery of Sang Yu ('scenery' means' shadow'). "Sang Yu scenery" refers to the old times), and it is impossible to get rid of the axe (pronounced yuè, axe). Why do you care about wolves? Do you want to avoid them? Eat you are solid. With that, the wolf kissed his paw again to show his gratitude to Mr. Mr. Wang said, "Wolves are cool and have the spirit of alliance." Yasun's three elders, today's value (encounter) An Xing, why feel compelled? "Reunion, travel together. After a while, there were no pedestrians on the road. The wolf is very anxious. He saw the old tree standing upright on the side of the road and said to her husband, "You can ask this old tree." Mr. Wang said, "I know nothing about plants. What's the use of asking? " The wolf said, "Just ask him, and he will have something to say." Mr. Wang had to bow to the old tree and describe the whole story in detail. (Then) he asked, "So, should wolves eat me?" There was a loud voice in the tree. He said to his husband, "I am an apricot tree. When the old farmer planted me, he only spent one stone. " It took a year to blossom and another year to bear fruit. Three years is like watching the fire from the other side, and ten years is like watching the fire from the other side. Today, it has been twenty years. The old farmer eats me, his wife and children eat me, and all the guests and servants eat me. Still selling me in the market to make money. I have made great contributions to the old farmer. Now that I am old, I can't bear the result, which makes the old farmer very angry. I cut off my branches and branches, and I have to sell them to a carpenter's shop for money. Alas! (I am already) a rotten wood, an old country, but I can't ask for exemption from axe killing. What do you recommend about wolves? Do you want to avoid death? This situation should eat you. Just then, the wolf put out his mouth and claws, attacked the gentleman and said, "The wolf broke the Covenant! I agree to invite three old people. Now (only) I met an apricot tree. Why should I force it at once? "Then move on together. The more anxious the wolf was, he saw the old man (pronounced as a son, a cow) basking in the sun (pronounced as a sun) and said, "Ask the old cow. "Mr. Wang said," Those who are ignorant of vegetation will be harmed by fallacies. Cows and animals' ears nowadays, let alone asking questions? "The wolf said," Ask me first, don't ask me to bite you. "Sir, if necessary, I will ask you again. The cow frowned and stared, licked her nose and opened her mouth, and said to her husband, "What Lao Xing said is true! I was strong when I was young. The old farmer sold me a knife, which made my second (deputy) herd stronger and more tired. I put everything down. He can drive, I will drive in other places, and I will choose a convenient way to rush; He can plow the fields, and I will take off the radial balance (the crossbars of the cattle rack) and walk in the suburbs (pronounced Jing, country) to open hazelnuts. The old farmer kissed me like a right-hand man. Food and clothing support me, marriage support me, taxes support me and lose, and Cang Yu (pronounced y incarnation, grain shop) supports me and is true. I also believe in myself (self-confidence). I can be covered by curtains, such as horses and dogs. In previous years, there was no bear stone in the house, but now the wheat harvest is more than ten (pronounced Hu, and' bear' and' stone' are ancient units); A few years ago, the poor lived in poverty (neglected), but now they have lost their arms and walked in the village community; A few years ago, the dust bowl (pronounced zh: and glass) (pronounced Y: and yěng:jar) was full of wine and clay pots, and no one answered it for half a life; Today, I called you arrogant. A few years ago, my clothes were short and brown (pronounced as Hé, coarse cloth) and my hands were unclear (pronounced as jí, gathering), but I was not clear about my study in my heart. Today, I am holding a rabbit garden book (an old textbook), a Dai Li, a belt (a belt made of ripe leather), and my clothes are wide and wide. A drop in the ocean is my strength. Gu (but) bullied me and drove me out of the country; The sour wind shoots at the eyes, and the shadow hangs on the cold day; Skinny, tears like rain; Saliva droops but cannot be collected, and foot contracture cannot be relieved; All the fur is dead, but the sores have not healed (pronounced chài, they have healed). The old farmer's wife, jealous, said sooner or later,' A cow has no waste: the meat can be preserved, the skin can be scraped (pronounced kuò, depilated skin, leather), and the bones and horns can be learned to be tools. Pointing to the eldest son, he said,' You've been in the business for so many years, and you haven't sharpened your knife (pronounced xíng, whetstone) and waited for you?' The trace is (according to this sign), but it won't be good for me. I don't know why I died! My husband and I are meritorious, and I will be in trouble. Why did you avoid the wolf? At this time, the wolf kissed its paw again and said to the gentleman, "Don't worry!" " The wolf is more anxious. When he saw an old cow sunbathing in a broken wall, he said to his husband, "You can ask the old cow. "Mr. Wang said," I don't know anything in front of me. Nonsense is a bad thing. Now it's a cow and an animal. Why ask it? The wolf said, "Just ask him, or I will eat you." . Mr. Wang had to bow to the old cow and tell the whole story before asking. The cow frowned and stared, licked her nose and opened her mouth, and said to her husband, "Old apricot's words are good! When (I) old horns were still like cocoons and chestnuts, when I was a teenager, my bones and muscles were quite strong. The old farmer sold me a knife and asked me to be the deputy of the cattle to farm. When (I) grow strong, the cattle become old and weak, and I will bear everything. He wants to drive a Mercedes, I drive a hunting car, and I choose a convenient road to run fast; If he wants to cultivate self-cultivation, I will take off the beam and walk in the country to open up thorns. The old farmer regards me as his right-hand man. I supply food and clothing, complete marriage, pay taxes and fill the grain depot. I am also confident that I can get shelter from the curtain mat (wind and rain) like a horse or a dog. Originally (his) family didn't save a stone of grain, but now the wheat harvest is as much as ten hooves; Once upon a time, (he) was very poor, and no one took care of him, but now he is swinging his arm in the village community; A few years ago, (he) sealed the glass and jar with dust, his lips were dry, and he dug a pot of wine, which he had not drunk for half his life; Nowadays, we are proud of our wives and concubines, making wine with grains and holding wine glasses. A few years ago, (he) was dressed in coarse clothes, accompanied by trees and stones, and his hands could not be put together well, so he was ignorant. Now he is wearing a book, a hat and a belt around his waist, and his clothes are very loose. A drop in the bucket is all thanks to me. But (now) bullying me and driving me to the countryside; The cold wind blows the eyes, and the sun shines on the body in cold weather; Skinny (like a mountain), tears like rain; The saliva can't stop, and leg cramps is hungry; The fur is gone and the scab hasn't healed yet. The old farmer's wife is jealous and fierce. Sooner or later, she persuaded, "cows have no waste: meat can be preserved, skin can be made into leather, and bones and horns can be made into utensils." Pointing to the eldest son, he said,' Your apprentice has been under my door for many years. Why not sharpen your knife and wait and see? According to such signs, it is not good for me. I don't know where I will die! I have made meritorious service, and I will suffer soon. What morality do you have for wolves, hoping to avoid death? "Just then, the wolf stuck out his mouth and grabbed (attacked) Mr. with his claws. The gentleman said, "Don't worry! "Original: Looking at Laozi stick and quinoa, I have a handsome beard, elegant clothes and just right cover. Mr. Wang was happy and ashamed, but he gave up the wolf, knelt down and wept bitterly, and delivered a speech saying, "Beggars are born with words!" ""When my father-in-law asked him why, her husband said, "It was the wolf who was embarrassed by dangerous people and asked me for help. I was born. If you yell at me today, I'm dead. If you want to delay less than a few minutes, you must swear at the third age. When you first meet an old apricot, you are forced to ask it. If you are ignorant, kill it. Every time I meet an old man, if I ask him, the beast will kill me again because he is ignorant. I met my husband today, and I haven't lost any sven (literati and Confucian) in the world! Dare to say a word. "Because of the bow of the staff, we should bow our heads and obey. Hearing this, the father-in-law sighed again and again, hit the wolf with his cane and said, "You are mistaken! Madam, it is ominous that kindness is back! Confucianism says that what is owed to others is filial piety, and the tiger and the wolf know the father and son. If you are so ungrateful now, there will be no father and son. " But he snapped, "Wolf, go, or you will be killed by a stick!" " Seeing (an) old man (person) leaning on a stick, white beard and eyebrows, elegant clothes and hat (dressing up), he should (probably) be a wise man coming from a distance. Mr. Wang was pleasantly surprised. He left the wolf and went to see the old man. He cried and knelt down and said, "Please tell the old gentleman to save my life!" " When the old man asked him why, the gentleman said, "The wolf was forced by the mountain keeper and asked me for help. I really saved it. Now it wants to eat me instead. No matter how I beg, I will die at its hands. I want to postpone it a little, but it depends on the people. When I first met Lao Xing, I was forced to ask. My ignorance of vegetation almost killed me. Secondly, I met an old cow and forced me to ask her. The beast is ignorant and wants to kill me. If you meet an old man now, no one has lost his life! Dare to ask (you) to save my life. " So, I kowtowed under the crutches and crawled under the instructions of the old man. The old man sighed again and again, hit the wolf with his cane and said, "You are wrong! There is nothing worse than betraying someone who is good to you! According to Confucianism, a person who owes others but can't bear to betray must be filial, and the tiger and the wolf know the love between father and son. Since you have betrayed a kind person to this extent, it is not good to reject the love between father and son. " Then he snapped, "Wolf, get out of here or I'll kill you with a stick!" " The wolf said, "My husband knows one thing, but he doesn't know another. Please tell me, I hope my husband will listen. When my husband saved me, he tied my feet, closed my bag and put poems and books on it. I bow my head and dare not rest. There is also the word (rambling), which is used to say (pronounced shuì) sword, meaning that it will kill me and steal its benefits alone. Is it encore? " Grandfather-in-law Mr. Gu said, "If there is, it will be a country (Houyi). Legend has it that Houyi taught Feng Meng to shoot arrows, and later Feng Meng shot Houyi. " Mr. Wang is unfair, which shows that he sympathizes with wolves. The wolf also argued eloquently to win. My father-in-law said, "Nothing is trustworthy. Try again and I'll see what it looks like. Is it difficult? " The wolf is happy to follow it, Mr. foot. Mr. Wang put it in the bag again and held it on the donkey, but the wolf didn't know it. The father-in-law asked the gentleman in a low voice, "Do you have a dagger?" The gentleman said, "Yes." So I took out my dagger. Mr. Zhang's father-in-law made a dagger and stabbed the wolf. The gentleman said, "Don't harm the wolf?" My father-in-law laughed and said, "The beast is so ungrateful, but he still can't bear to kill it. Good people are stupid! Save people from the well (people who save the well also jump into the well), take off your clothes and live with your friends, and you will get what you want and die! How about this, sir? Benevolence is trapped in stupidity, and the gentleman is not (disapproving). " I smiled. So he raised his hand to help Mr. Cao hold the blade, * * * killed the wolf and abandoned the road. The wolf said, "old man, you only know one thing, and you don't know the other." Please let me be clear. I hope you will condescend to listen. When my husband saved me, he tied my feet, sealed them in a bag, and put a book of poems on me. I bent down, afraid to breathe. (He) also rambled to convince Jane that he might want me to die in a bag and steal benefits by myself. How can such a person not eat him? " The old man looked at her husband and said, "If so, Hou Yi is also guilty." Mr. Wang felt it was unfair, so he deliberately said that he put the wolf in a bag and felt sorry for it. Wolves have been fighting to win the case. The old man said, "This is not convincing enough. Try putting the wolf in the bag again. I think it is really difficult. " The wolf happily did as he said, and put his foot to Mr. Mr. Wang tied the wolf up again, put it in a bag and carried it on the donkey's back, but the wolf didn't notice anything. The old man leaned over her husband's ear and said to him, "Do you have a dagger?" The gentleman said, "Yes." So he took out his dagger. The old man asked the gentleman to stab the wolf with a dagger with his eyes. The gentleman said, "Isn't it a wolf?" The old man smiled and said, "The beast betrayed Ender, so he couldn't bear to kill him. You are indeed a benevolent person, but you are also stupid enough! " Jump into a well to save people, undress to save friends. Just think from the other person's point of view, which is not the same as killing yourself! Is Mr. Wang such a person? Kindness is stupid, which was originally disapproved by gentlemen. "Say that finish laughing. He raised his hand to help Mr. Dao, killed the wolf together, abandoned the wolf on the road and left.