October is ugly in winter, but Chang 'an is lucky. Chen Bing, a high temple, is related to the Eleventh Mausoleum. In the past years, the ancestral temples of emissaries were built in Xiao He and Huo Guang. Into the lucky tree. The bronze wares in Qishan are like wine bottles, which I offer. White deer again. The emperor? There is no tomorrow, and there are no saints. People are unscrupulous and want to blame one side. Is the instrument also for coming? Fortunately, Changping, the royal Chiyang Palace, went to Gaoling in the east and built a boat in Jingjing and returned. Lucky places will meet county officials and give them pleasure.
In November, I was ordered to give Hedong the following orders, orders, orders. In December, Ding Hai, the driver returned to the palace. I am a year old, a moth in the capital and county.
In the first month of the eighth spring, it was Renchen's first month, and Dongping Wang was pale. In March, Xin Mao buried Dongping as a king and gave him a dragon flag. In summer and June, the northern Xiongnu adults led the people to surrender.
In December, winter, Wu Jiadong toured the inaugural ceremony. Fortunately, Liu Chen, Guo Liang, Huaiyang and Angelababy. Five applications, drive back to the palace.
Hey? The Five Classics have been dissected and judged, which is far from being holy, and all chapters and sentences are left. It is hard to be correct, and I am afraid that the quips of my predecessors will be abolished. Otherwise, I will focus on the past and seek the truth. It makes the Confucian group choose talented students to study Zuo, Chunqiu and Shangshu, so as to help micro-learning. What is the difference?
I am a year old, a moth in the capital and county. In the first month of the first year of Yuanhe, the king of Zhongshan came to the dynasty. Outside southern Japan, barbarians worship rhinos and pheasants. Leap Moon is ugly and ugly, and King Yin Ji is long.
JOE February, imperial edict? The king's eight policies were food-oriented, so the ancients scrambled to grow crops, which led Lei Ji to be thrifty to prevent serious disasters. Therefore, people are not hungry even if they are not on the road. Since the cow epidemic came, even food is not enough, and there is no official education for good things. The secretariat and two thousand stones are not negative. It makes the county and township have no land to support people, and those who want to move to other areas are fat and forgiving, so listen. When I get to the government, I will give you the public land, hire you as a farmer, and hire you to grow crops, rafts and farm tools. No rent for five years, except for three years. Want to go back to my hometown in the future, not to ban it?
In the summer of April, the country was divided into Dongping, and the Xianwang Cangzi was still the king of Rencheng. In June, I have a heart, Qiu Fu, Pei Wang.
Autumn and July, Ding Wei, Zhao Yue? Those who are shocked by the "law" only get the list, the moss and the booth. And "ling c", the length is counted. Now that the past has come, the prison has come, how cool it is to plunder the exam, and it is also a genus that is boring and endless. I was seduced by pain and poison. The book says that flogging is the official punishment. Appropriate and autumn and winter prison, Ming for its ban?
In August, Jia Zi, Qiu Deng Biao and Fu were appointed as Qiu. Gui You, Zhao Yue? I'm not virtuous, my officials are at odds, Yuanyuan didn't tell me, and I made amends. Bandits and thieves are constantly fighting for their hearts, and houses in border towns are not repaired. Always look at ordinary things, think about it, and be with all gentlemen, * * * Red Silk Road. Director, how to send it. The ninth year of its reconstruction is the first year of Yuanhe. The official prisoners in the county were commuted to capital crimes and were not allowed to go to the border counties. His wife followed her and occupied the place. He committed a capital crime and raised all the silkworm houses. It is a woman's palace. If the prisoner is paid a ghost or more, the crime will be reduced by one level, and the loss will be paid by Scott. Desperado redemption, each has its own merits? Ding you, the southern tour inaugural, imperial edict on the road, the counties have no storage. Life is just a pillar bridge. There are envoys to welcome you and explore your daily life, and there are 2,000 stones to sit on. It gives people who are lonely, widowed, lonely, lonely and unable to survive on their own.
September 1st, Dongping, Zhong Wang. Fortunately, the ancestral home is different from the garden temple, and the old family friends are rewarded differently.
At the end of October, I entered Jiangling, and wrote a letter to Lujiang Taishou Temple Nanyue, Changsha Wang Ding, Lingling Taishou Temple, Fuling our time, and Yulin Fujun. That's right. Luckily. November is ugly, the driver is still in the palace, and the gift givers are different.
December, Ren Zi, Zhao Yue? The Book says: Father is unkind, son is unkind, brother is not a friend, brother is disrespectful and incompatible. Demons used to talk about prison, which was far away. One person committed a crime and was made into three genera. It is impossible to hang down the official dynasty. If talented people are useless without teeth, then I pity them, not start over. All the people who were imprisoned by evil spirits in the past were removed from the road of giving up the blame, but they were not allowed to stay in the guards?
In the first month of the second spring, Yiyou, Zhao Yue? "Ling" says that people who have given birth to children are not three years old. Today's pregnant woman gives three greetings to the food helper, and her husband is not one year old. what do you think? Another letter to San Gong? Fang Chun was born and raised, and everything was armored. At that time, it was appropriate to help Yang Meng with education. Its order has a division, the crime is not fatal, there is no need to investigate the case, and it is not allowed to listen to official books. Harmony is the most important thing, and respect for heaven is the most important thing. Beginning of autumn remains the same. The vulgar officials pretend to be specious, the personnel are pleasing to the ear, and the theory of yin and yang hurts people. I am embarrassed and bitter. Quiet officials are forced to be arrogant, with insufficient daily plans and more than monthly plans. If Xiangcheng ordered Liu Fang, the officials said they were not bothered. Although they are no different, they are almost close. Once two thousand stones were very generous, but now they are as rich as an enemy, corrupt officials and unpunished, which is a big violation. A husband should be strict, clear, light and powerful. If the four are prosperous, there will be resentment. I believe in my number and cover the road, but officials don't care, and people are responsible for dereliction of duty. What do you mean by thinking about the old order?