Do this step by step ... The first step is to gradually lower the level of the main category ... Except for the first time, you can check before replacing the current category summary ... All low-level categories should check this option. ...
If EXCEL has classified and summarized, how can I cancel classified and summarized and click classified and summarized?
Check Delete all abstracts below.
How does excel classify and summarize? For example, there are four commodities in column A, and the amount in column B, and five commodities are classified and summarized every month.
First, you have to choose the data you want to sort. There cannot be merged cells in the data. The first keyword of sorting is month, and the second keyword is commodity type. Whether you go up or down, you are free. After completing the order, click the category summary. In the category field, check the month and commodity type, and in the summary item, check the amount. You can choose the summary method, and finally click OK (you must sort before summarizing or the result is not what you want).
On the Materials tab, in the Outline group, click Category Summary. In the Category Field box, click the column for which you want to calculate the category summary. In the above example, you should choose "exercise". In the Summary By box, click the summary function that you want to use to calculate the subtotal. In the above example, you should choose Sum. In the Selected Totals box, select the check box for each column that contains the values for which you want to calculate subtotals. In the above example, you should choose to sell. If you want to summarize automatic pagination by category, select the Pagination of each group of data check box. To specify that the summary line is above the detail line, clear the Show summary results below data check box. To specify that the summary line is below the detail line, select the Show summary results below data check box. In the example above, you should clear the check box. (Optional) By repeating steps 1 to 7, you can use the subtotal command again to add more subtotals with different summary functions. To avoid overwriting existing subtotals, clear the Replace current subtotals check box.
If there are categories in a column, you can click the Category Summary command in the Hierarchical Display group on the Data tab on the menu to automatically calculate the category summary and total of each column in the list.
How to realize classified summary in excell 1 Select the column to be classified and summarized: select Data in the menu and click Sort in Ascending Order.
Step 2: Classified Summary: Select Data in the menu and click Classified Summary.
Step 3: Select the corresponding item in the category summary dialog box: select the column name to be classified and summarized in the category field, and select "Class" here; Select the summary item and check the three columns of "Language, Numbers and English". As shown in the figure.
Step 4: Overview of classified summary diagram: According to the above steps, the interface diagram after classified summary is obtained, as shown in the following figure. Click 1, 2 and 3 on the left to display the summary items respectively.
Step 5: Read 5. Check the example: Choose 2, as shown below, which means: the summary scores of all classes classified by numbers and English.
Why can't Excel classify and summarize? Sort the classified fields before sorting and summarizing. If it is not sorted out, it cannot be classified and summarized. In that case, it may not be summarized.
How to classify and summarize all the data shown in the above figure in excel.
Sort the data. For example, in order to summarize the salaries of people with the same name, the names should be sorted. The purpose of sorting is to put the data of people with the same name together, which is convenient for classification and summary. The steps of sorting are as follows: Click the "Data" menu and select "Sort". Select "Name" in the "Main Keyword" in the pop-up window, as shown in the following figure. Click OK.
Select the data again.
Click the Data menu and select the Category Summary option. In the pop-up window, select the name in the category field, sum in summary method and salary in the selected summary item. As shown in the figure below. Click OK.
The summary results are shown in the figure. In the summary result, it separately summarizes everyone's salary, with a total data. It looks more intuitive this way.
Note: Before sorting the summary, you must sort it out, just like the above steps. Sort the summary directly without sorting, and the result looks messy.
I really don't know how many layers excel can execute at most, but three layers are already very confusing. If there are more layers, the number of rows of data is more than the corresponding summary, which is not easy to compare. When there are many, it is recommended to use PivotTable to summarize a lot, which is also clear.
Excel how to classify and summarize two steps:
1, sort the fields to be classified in ascending order, and start-edit-sort and filter-ascending order;
2. Navigate to the data area and summarize by category: data-hierarchical display-classified summary, and set the classification field, summary method and selected summary items in the classified summary dialog box.