What is arithmetic progression?
Arithmetic progression is a common series. If a series starts from the second term, the difference between each term and its previous term is equal to the same constant. This series is called arithmetic progression, and this constant is called arithmetic progression's tolerance, which is usually represented by the letter D.
For example: 1, 3,5,7,92n-1.
The general formula is: an = a1+(n-1) * D. The first term a 1= 1, and the tolerance d=2.
The first n terms and formulas are: sn = a1* n+[n * (n-1) * d]/2 or Sn=[n*(a 1+an)]/2.
Note: All the above n are positive integers.
arithmetic mean
The arithmetic average term is half of the sum of the first and last terms of the arithmetic series. But you don't have to know the head and tail to find the arithmetic average term.
In arithmetic progression, the arithmetic mean is generally set to A(r). When a (m), a (r) and a (n) become arithmetic progression.
A(m)+A(n)=2? A(r), so A(r) is the arithmetic average of A(m) and A(n), which is the average of series. And it can be inferred that n+m=2? r .
Moreover, the relationship between any two terms a(m) and a(n) is: a(n)=a(m)+(n-m)*d, (similar to p(n)=p(m)+(n-m)*b( 1), which is quite easy to prove.
It can be regarded as arithmetic progression's generalized general term formula.
Application of arithmetic progression In daily life, people often use arithmetic progression. For example, when grading the sizes of various products, when the maximum size is not much different from the minimum size, arithmetic progression is often used for grading.
If it is arithmetic progression, and a (n) = m and a (m) = n, then a(m+n)=0.
In fact, Zhang Qiujian in China's ancient Southern and Northern Dynasties has already mentioned arithmetic progression in Zhang Qiujian's calculation:
Today, some women are not good at knitting, and the amount of cloth they knit every day has decreased by the same amount. On the first day, they knit five feet, and on the last day, they knit one foot, which is 30 days. Q * * * What is knitting geometry?
The solution in the book is: combine the first and last knitting numbers, half, and the rest according to the number of knitting days.
This is equivalent to giving the summation formula of s (n) = (a (1)+a (n))/2 * n.
The basic nature of arithmetic progression
The important condition for (1) series to be arithmetic progression is that the sum of the first n terms of the series can be written in the form of s = an 2+bn (where a and b are constants).
(2) In arithmetic progression, when the number of terms is 2n (n? N+), s even -S odd = nd, s odd? S even =an? a(n+ 1); When the number of terms is (2n- 1)(n? N+), s odd? Even s =a (middle), odd s-even s = number of items *a (middle), odd s? S even number =n? (n- 1)。
(3) If the sequence is arithmetic progression, then Sn, S2n -Sn, S3n -S2n,? It is still a arithmetic progression with an allowable error of n^2d.
(4) If the series {an} and {bn} are arithmetic progression and the sum of the first n terms is Sn and t n respectively, then AM/BM = S2M-1/T2M-1.
(5) in arithmetic progression, S = a, S = b(n >;; M), then S = (a-b).
(6) In arithmetic progression, it is a linear function of n, and all points (n,) are on the straight line y = x+(a-).
(7) Remember that the sum of the first n items in arithmetic progression is S .① If a >;; 0, tolerance d
(8) If arithmetic progression s (p) = q and s (q) = p, then S(p+q)=-(p+q).
R times arithmetic series
Why did arithmetic progression pay special attention to tolerance, and it was the first thing he studied? Because the tolerance and the first term can be used as the starting point of all arithmetic progression changes. When we have a better starting point, we can abandon tolerance and the first item without hesitation.
Suppose a cardinal number en (x) = [1, x, x 2,. . X k], the transformation matrix a is a square matrix of order k+ 1, and b=[b0, b 1, b2,. . , bk].b is the same length as en (k+ 1). B' represents the transposition of b, and when k= 1, we can call it a linear sequence. When k=r, we can call it a sequence of order R (x, k can only take natural numbers).
p(x)=En(x)*b '
s(x)=x*En(x)*A*b '
m+n=p+q(m、n、p、q? N*) then am+an=ap+aq.