There is a passage in Shan Hai Jing and Xiye Jing: "There is a country with mutual people, the grandson of Emperor Yan, named Lingyi, and Lingyi gave birth to mutual people, so it can go up and down to heaven. Some fish are dead, so they are called fish women. When Zhuan Xu dies, she will recover. When the wind blows from the north, the sky is a big spring of water, and the snake turns into a fish, not a fish girl. If only Zhuan Xu were dead. " Among them, "Zhuan Xu came back from the dead" is a mystery, and there is no explanation about Tongtai since ancient times. Guo Pu noted: "Huainan Confucius said:' Hou Ji built muxi, whose man came back from the dead, and half of it was a fish.' . Gai yue, this is also. Interpreting "Zhuan Xu's death is the revival" with the death of a certain place, interpreting myths with myths and interpreting grotesque with grotesque is equivalent to not interpreting, and the result is still strange. Mr. Yuan Ke quoted Guo Pu's note, and then added an example: "Guo's note quoted the article Huai Nan Zi Falling Shape. Today, it says,' Hou Ji built Muxi, and its life was revived, half of which was fish. "Therefore, the dragon in Zhu Guo should be long, with half in the middle and the wrong font. The Song and Ming Tibetan editions are in the middle of writing. According to the meaning of scripture, the fish girl was immediately transformed by Zhuan Xu. Because of the storm, the snake is a fish machine, and the fish is resurrected. The half-length is still a human body and the half-length has turned into a fish, so it is called "fish girl". Hou Ji came back from the dead, also known as' half fish in it'. It is known that there was such an anecdote among the people in ancient times (Yuan Ke Shan Hai Jing Note, 4 17). Mr. Yuan Ke's view that the fish girl is Zhuan Xu, and the fish girl is released "or the fish is revived by the combination of the surging waves and snakes, and the bust is still a human body, and the bust has turned into a fish" is absurd, and it is heartless to regard this "anecdote" of the ancients as unfounded. Mr. Lu Sixian said: "Zhuan Xu is a' fish girl' and a personified fish god. The so-called' resurrection after death' refers to the hibernation habit of aquatic animals, also known as' winter death and summer life' (Myth and Archaeology by Lu Sixian, 65 pages, Cultural Relics Publishing House, 1995). He also said: "This is a myth that ancestors held spring parties when winter went and spring came. In ancient mythology, Zhuan Xu was the god of the north and the sun god from the winter solstice. Zhuan Xu's death will be restored', which means that the winter that makes everything wither is coming to an end, and the spring that restores life is coming. A fish is too dry, so it is called a fish woman. This is a record of a hibernating fish, because its body is stiff with cold, so it is "too dry". But the fish mother's stomach is full of roe, and when spring comes, she lays eggs and becomes a small fish, so she is called the fish woman, that is, the fish mother ... "(General Theory of Astronomy and Archaeology, written by Lu Sixian and Li Di, 1766) Mr. Lu said earlier that Zhuan Xu is regarded as a fish woman, which means that aquatic animals (fish women)" die in winter and live in summer. " "Death in winter and recovery in summer" does not conform to the original meaning of "death in summer". There is no time interval between "death in winter and recovery in summer", so there is no connection between them. Later, Mr. Lu said that Zhuan Xu was separated from the fish woman, Zhuan Xu was the northern emperor representing winter, and the fish woman was the fish mother. After the winter is over, the mother fish recovers and lays eggs. This theory makes the original version of Shan Hai Jing smooth, but there are still some problems: Tai Hao, Yan Di, Huangdi, Shao Hao and Zhuan Xu are seen in Huainanzi, but Guo Pu quoted Huainanzi's explanation of "Zhuan Xu came back from the dead": "Hou Ji Longjian, who came back from the dead, is half a fish." It shows that taking Zhuan Xu as the Northern Emperor to explain "Zhuan Xu's resurrection after death" is not the original intention. Considering that "a fish is too dry, so it is called a fish girl, and Zhuan Xu came back from the dead" is preceded by "a country with common friends, the grandson of Emperor Yan ..." and the annotation of "Zhuan Xu died and recovered" in Huainanzi, both of which are sorted into one paragraph in Shan Hai Jing, it can be considered that the original intention of "Zhuan Xu died and recovered" may be related to Emperor Yan. Thanks to the harvest of archaeological excavations, the ethnic groups in Dahe Village have been basically determined, so it is possible for us to know the original meaning of the phrase "Zhuan Xu rose from the dead" today.
Let's talk about "mutual person" and "fish girl" first. Guo Pu's remark that "the country of friendship" is "a fish with a human face", and Guo Pu's quotation from Huainanzi that "Hou Ji is a dragon building a wooden west, and its life is revived, and half of it is a fish" is unreasonable. The former is about Emperor Yan, while the latter is about Zhuan Xu. Both are tied together with "fish". Visible, in the ancients, Yan Di, Zhuan Xu and fish are closely related, and even it has a very old origin (of course, it is unlikely to be a fabrication of Guo Pu and Huai Nan Zi). Although "Face Fish" and "People Come Back from the Dead" are half-baked. "Shan Hai Jing Hai Nei Nan Jing" said: "Bian Renguo is building muxi, which is a mermaid, but not enough." Mr. Yuan Ke thinks that the "country of friendship" in Xiye Jing is the "country of friendship". He said: "Hao Yixing says that the country of friendship is the country of friendship in the south, and the words of friendship and friendship are similar and correct, and the words of common friendship are also the words of friendship. Wang Niansun and he are both reformed and religious, and they are all countries that communicate with the Western Classics, that is, countries that communicate with the classics, and they are all descendants of Emperor Yan "(Yuan Ke Shan Hai Jing Note, p. 280). No matter whether the two words "Birenguo" and "Birenguo" are wrong or not, they are all building a wooden west, are all human faces, and are undoubtedly the same reference. Huainanzi, according to Guo Pu's annotation "Zhuan Xu came back from the dead", cited the cloud that "Hou Jilong built a wooden west, and his man came back from the dead, and half of it was a fish", which shows that "Zhuan Xu came back from the dead" must be related to the descendants of Emperor Yan. There are "mutual things" and "mutual people" in ancient books, both of which are related to fish. "Zhou Li Tianguan" said: "What turtles and people take from each other makes fish, turtles and turtles vulgar, and turtles are offered in spring and turtles and fish are offered in autumn to sacrifice ticks." "Li Zhou Di Guan" said: "Take the palm and collect the common things, sacrifice * * *, sacrifice * * *, sacrifice * * *." Mr. Lu Sixian explained a passage in the Classic of the Wild West: "There is a country that respects each other ...": "Jiang, a Qiang nationality, originated from Qiangshui. The fish noodle patterns unearthed near Baoji today or at the site of Beishouling in Baoji are related to lineage. The name of "Mutual Man" disguised as a "human face and fish body" in "Mutual Man Country" should be a wizard who integrates heaven and earth in sacrificial activities. Later, the use of "Mutual Man" in sacrificial ceremonies should be based on "Mutual Man", which is also quoted in Zhou Li Tianguan and Diguan. Choosing the standard of reciprocity, Zheng sinong said:' reciprocity means to grow a full beard.' The image of armor refers to scales, the image of beard refers to whiskers, and the fish pattern on the half slope is indeed' full of armor and beard', which should refer to' mutual objects' or' mutual people' that can go up and down in the sky (Myth and Archaeology by Lu Sixian, 128- 129). Mr. Lu's interpretation of these two paragraphs is indeed the most important. Everything contained in the ancient books is related to and consistent with the phenomenon of human face fish lines unearthed in Banpo and Jiangzhai, which shows that the relevant documents do have a real historical and cultural background and are by no means fiction. Therefore, it is speculated that the "fish woman" called "fish woman" should probably be "fish mutual", that is, people who take fish as mutual objects or "mutual people", that is, the descendants of Emperor Yan. "Fish woman" was called "fish woman" after Zhuan Xu's death, which may mean that Yan Di ethnic group became active and recovered immediately after the end of Zhuan Xu's rule, while Guo Pu's note was "Zhuan Xu died and recovered". It depends on what "dryness" means.
I hope it helps you.