During the Zhenyuan period (the reign of Emperor Dezong of the Tang Dynasty), there was a commoner named Wang Shen to the west of Wangyuanyi. He planted elm trees on the roadside with his own hands, forming a forest and built several thatched huts. Pedestrians are provided free soup and water, and officials who pass by are invited to come and have a rest and drink tea. Wang Shen had a thirteen-year-old son and often asked him to entertain guests. Suddenly one day, the son told his father: "There is a woman on the roadside begging for water." Wang Shen asked his son to call the woman in. The woman was a young man, wearing a green coat and a white headscarf. She introduced herself: "My home is more than ten miles south of here. My husband has died and has no children. I will go to Mawei to visit relatives and ask for some clothes and food." She spoke very clearly. Understandable and likable in manner. Wang Shen then stayed with her to eat and said to him: "You can stay here tonight and go back at dawn." The woman readily agreed. Wang Shen's wife then took him to the back hall and called her sister. I asked him to help me with some needlework and completed it from noon to midnight. The needlework is so fine that it simply cannot be done manually. Wang Shen was very surprised. His wife liked her especially, so he joked: "Since my sister has no one close to her, can she be my new wife?" The woman smiled and said, "Since I have no place to live, I am willing to live in your house." Sweeping the house and cooking." Wang Shen took out the clothes and betrothal gifts to marry her as his daughter-in-law. It was very hot that night, so the woman said to her husband: "There are many thieves nearby, so don't open the door." So she used a thick wooden stick to prop up the door to sleep. In the middle of the night, Wang Shen's wife dreamed of her son with disheveled hair and cried, "I'm about to be eaten up." After waking up, she planned to go see her son. Wang Shen said angrily: "I just got a good wife. I'm so happy that I'm talking in my sleep!" His wife lay down again and fell asleep, still having the same dream. Wang Shen and his wife held up candles and called their son and daughter-in-law, but neither responded. They opened their windows, which were closed tightly as if they were nailed shut, so they broke the doors. When I opened the door, I saw a monster with round eyes, sharp teeth, and a blue body. It rushed away from the two of them and ran away.
All that was left of their son was his skull and hair