First, don't look at the strings for the sake of yin and yang; Therefore, if you have a child, you will be punished for disability. You should be the second taboo of deep caution. Thunder and wind move the world, and blood is surging. Therefore, if you have children, it will hurt and swell.
The third taboo, new drinking, satiety, lack of grain gas, is yin and yang, satiety, white urine. So, having children makes you crazy.
The fourth taboo, new inconvenience, exhaustion, yin and yang combined, meridians astringent; Therefore, when a child is born, the child is evil.
The fifth taboo, tired and burdened, active, combined with yin and yang, muscle and waist pain: therefore, children will be disabled.
The sixth taboo, the new bath, the skin is not dry, in order to combine yin and yang, so that the popularity is short: therefore, the child will not be complete.
The seventh taboo, the soldier is angry, the stem pulse is painful, and the internal injury is sick, so it is seven injuries.
Jade room secret translation:
First of all, it must be forbidden that sexual intercourse between men and women on the dark day and the first day of the lunar month, that is, the last day and the first day of each month, and the chord day and the full moon day of each month, that is, the seventh, eighth, twenty-second and twenty-third days of the lunar month, the sixteenth day of the big month and the fifteenth day of the small month, will damage the essence and blood gas of the human body. If you are pregnant and have a baby at this time, you will definitely be killed or disabled, so you should think carefully.
The second thing that must be taboo is that sexual intercourse between men and women will lead to an upward surge of blood when there is thunder or strong wind. At this time, pregnancy and childbirth will definitely produce purulent inflammation.
The second thing that must be taboo is that you have just drunk wine or eaten too much, and the food in your stomach has not been fully digested. At this time, sexual intercourse between men and women will lead to indigestion, often feel full, and urine is white and turbid. At this time, if you are pregnant and have children, you will definitely become crazy or stupid.
The fourth thing that must be taboo is that sexual intercourse between men and women will lead to blood stasis in the whole body. Pregnancy and childbirth must be a monster at this time.
Fifth, it must be forbidden: because of excessive load or other heavy physical labor, the spirit and emotions have not completely settled down. At this time, sexual intercourse between men and women will lead to back and whole body muscle pain, and pregnancy and childbirth will definitely lead to premature collapse or disability.
The sixth thing that must be taboo is that the hair and skin are not dry just after washing your hair or taking a shower. At this time, sexual intercourse between men and women is easy to feel cold, which makes people shortness of breath; At this time, pregnancy and childbirth must be born with disabilities, and all aspects are unhealthy and incomplete.
The seventh thing that must be taboo is: excessive erection of Yin X, and the tendons inside have already caused pain due to excessive congestion, so sexual intercourse between men and women is not normal, resulting in internal injuries and diseases of Yin X.