Sweet potato, perennial twining herb. The root tuber is spherical or ovoid, with yellowish white skin, crisp and sweet taste and milky white mucus. The stems are slender and hairless. Leaves alternate; The stem length is 0.9 ~ 2. 1 cm; Leaves are ovoid, broadly elliptic or oblong, 3-5cm long and1.4-3.5cm wide, with short apex, rounded or obtuse base, whole or shallowly corrugated, smooth and hairless on both sides, or pilose near the base edge. Flowers solitary leaf axils or cymes; Pedicel is 3 times as long as petiole, and there are 2 bracteoles near the top; Sepals 5, ovoid; Corolla yellow, funnel-shaped, 3 ~ 4.5 cm in diameter, about 4 cm long; Stamens 5, anthers white, oval; Pistil 1, ovary superior, yellow nectary attached to the base, style longer than filament. The capsule is oblate and contains many kinds of seeds. Flowers bloom in summer and autumn. Born in the bushes on the hillside. Distributed in Yunnan and Guizhou.