Yu Jianzhong and Xin Si belong to Zhao. At that time, Xianjun was the foreign minister of the Ministry of Rites, and the prime minister was the assistant minister of the official department. 2 1 year He was a student of Imperial College. Zhao and Li are cold and frugal. Every time they report, they spend $5,000 on clothes and then enter Suoguo Temple. Cheng Ming's fruit was returned, and they chewed while playing, calling themselves Ge people. In the last two years, I have been an official, with food, food and clothing, poor and far away, and I have written ancient Chinese characters. As the day approaches, it will gradually accumulate. The Prime Minister lives in the yamen, near the old age or in the pavilion, and there are many dead poems, anecdotes and books that Lu Bi and Ji Tu have never seen before, so they must try their best to spread and write. In the future, you may see ancient and modern celebrity paintings and calligraphy, a generation of strange people, and it is easy to take off your clothes. During the tasting of Chongning, someone asked 200,000 yuan for the peony map of Xu Xi. Although your child was there, how easy was it to ask for 200 thousand yuan? Stay in a hotel, if you have nothing to do, you will return. The lovers bemoaned each other for days.
After living in the village for ten years, Hou Ping was respected and had no worries about food and clothing. Put the two counties together and run out of salary to lead the work. Every book you get will be signed with * *, and the whole episode will be signed. When you get a painting tripod, you can also play with books, criticize defects and light candles at night. Therefore, the paper is exquisite, the calligraphy and painting are complete, and the book collectors are the best. I remember that every time I go back to make tea after dinner, it refers to the accumulation of book history, saying that there is something in the first line of the first page of a book, and whether it won or not is the order of drinking tea. Hold up a cup and laugh until the tea turns over, but you can't drink it. Willing to miss home forever! Therefore, although I am in trouble and down and out, I am indomitable.
After the collection of books is completed, I will go back to the library to set up a big cabinet, a book and a book. If you want to talk and read, please type the book and close the paper. If there is less pollution, you will be punished, wiped and altered, and you will no longer be embarrassed. It is the desire for comfort, and it is the desire for jealousy. I couldn't stand eating too much, so I began to eat more meat and dress more. Kubinashi pearls are decorated with jade, and there is no gold-plated embroidery in the room. If there are hundreds of words in the history of books, they will learn from them and keep them as copies. Because Zhouyi and Zuo Liezhuan are family heirlooms, the written materials of the two schools are the best. So I listed several cases and borrowed the pillow mat, so I became interested in it and enjoyed it.
To Jingkang Bingwu years old, Hou Shou Zichuan. Jinwen became the capital. Looking around, I'm at a loss. The box is full. I'm in love. I'm disappointed. I know it won't be my own business. In March, before Jian 'an was in spring, Mrs. Bentai came to South for a funeral. Since things can't be exhausted, first go to the major book printers, those who draw many pictures, those who don't know anything about ancient artifacts, those who monitor books, those who draw ordinary books, and those whose artifacts are important. After repeated deductions, there are fifteen copies left. In the East China Sea, I crossed the Huaihe River and crossed the river to Jiankang. Qingzhou is the first place to lock books and things, with more than ten rooms. It is expected to be shipped by ship next spring. In December, Jin people were trapped in Qingzhou, and more than ten families were already simmering.
Building Shenqiu in September, Hou Qifu, knowing Jiankang House. Since March, I have taken a boat to Wuhu, entered my aunt, and settled in Jiangxi water. In the summer of May, I went to Chiyang and was told to go to Huzhou. So he stayed at Chiyang's home and made a phone call alone. On June 13, I began to bear the burden of giving up the boat, sitting on the shore, wearing a towel on the shore, and my spirit was like a tiger. My eyes are rotten. I photographed people and looked at the boat to say goodbye. I was so disgusted that I shouted, "It is rumored that there is an emergency in the city. What can I do?" Ji replied from a distance, "Follow the crowd. If you have to, go to the trenches first, clothes and quilts second, books second and antiques second. Those only so-called weapons can be proud of themselves and live and die with the body. Don't forget! " So he ran away. Running on the road, steaming, feeling sick. When you are at your best, you are ill. At the end of July, books and newspapers fell ill. I was shocked. I'm anxious. Why are you sick? If it is hot, you must take cold medicine, so you can worry about getting sick. So I got off the boat and walked three hundred miles a day. In contrast, if you take Bupleurum and Scutellaria baicalensis, you will suffer from malaria and dysentery, and your illness will be blind. I sobbed and couldn't bear to ask about the funeral. August 18, I can't afford it. I took a pen and wrote a poem to end. I didn't intend to sell shoes at all.
After the burial, there was nothing left. The imperial court has sent six palaces and the river has been banned. At that time, there were 20,000 books, 2,000 golden stone carvings, utensils and mattresses that could accommodate hundreds of guests. I'm seriously ill again. I only have to breathe. The situation is urgent. I miss Hou's brother-in-law as assistant minister of the Ministry of War. From Wei Zaihongzhou, I first sent two old collectors to deliver luggage. In winter and December, Jin people were trapped in Hongzhou and abandoned it. The so-called book of crossing the river disappeared without a trace again. In my spare time, I paid little attention to small scrolls and book posts, and wrote a collection of Li, Du, Han and Liu. According to the world, there are dozens of axes in the manuscripts of stone carvings in Han and Tang dynasties, and dozens of things in three generations. When I was in the Southern Tang Dynasty, I wrote a book and occasionally played. People who moved in the bedroom were left alone.
It is impossible and unpredictable to go to Shangjiang. I have a younger brother who is an official, so I lean on him. In Taiwan Province, Taiwan Province garrison has fled, an uproar. When he left this land, he abandoned his clothes and was taken away from Huangyan. He chartered a boat to go to sea. When I was stationed in Chang 'an, from the temperature of the imperial ship to the sea. In Geng Xu in December, officials were dispersed and roads were occupied. 19 1 1 In the spring of, Shaoxing was returned to Vietnam. Lunzi went to Hangzhou again. When Hou was in a hurry, Zhang Feiqing, a bachelor, went to visit Hou with a jade pot and took it with him. In fact, it is very precious. I don't know who passed it on, so I rumoured that there was a gold medal, or there was a secret discussion. I'm too scared to speak or do it myself. I tried my best to throw all the bronzes and other things at home into the outer court. In Vietnam, I moved to Siming. Dare not stay at home and write books and send them. After the loyalists took the rebels away, they heard about the family background of the late general Li. The so-called solitude, carefree ten to five or six. Only calligraphy and painting ink can last for five or seven years, and I can't bear to put it anywhere else. I often open and close my hands under my sofa. In Huiji, Buju, a native of Zhong family, suddenly lost five points in the cave wall. I was heartbroken and regained my reward and redemption. Two days later, our neighbor Zhong Fuhao came to ask for the reward of eighteen axes. He knew that the thief was not far away. You can't afford the rest if you want. What we know today is cheap for Wu Shuo. The so-called solitary person, nine times out of ten. 120 and 120 are incomplete books, and there are more than three kinds of plain books and posts. You still cherish them like protecting leaders, but why are you stupid and evil?
Suddenly reading this book today is like seeing an old friend. Recalling that Hou was in the Jingzhi Hall in Donglai, he signed a pale green ribbon when he first installed it, and tied ten rolls to make a roll. The daily evening paper is official, and it needs to be sorted out in two volumes, with a postscript. This 2000-volume book has 520 volumes of inscriptions. Now the hand is like new, but the tombstone has arched, sad husband!
Yesterday, Jiangling in Xiao Yi fell into a trap. He did not hesitate to destroy calligraphy and painting at the expense of the country. Yang Guang Jiangdu capsized, but he recovered his books and did not mourn his death. What does human nature write, life and death can not be forgotten? Or is providence too meager to enjoy this stunner? Even if the deceased knows, he still cherishes it and refuses to stay in the world. What is the hardest and easiest part? Oh! I have been Ruki for two years. When I went to Qu Boyu to tell right from wrong, I was only two years old. How much have I gained and lost in thirty-four years! However, it is natural to do something and get together. When a man dies, he gets it and kicks his feet! Therefore, those who only remember the whole story also want to give a warning to those who are good at GuBoya in the future.
In the second year of Shaoxing, Xuannuo was a strong man, and the moon was new.
Whose works are the above 30 volumes of Stone? It was written by my late husband Zhao Defu. From the third generation to the end of the fifth generation, all the inscriptions cast on Zhong, Ding, You, You, Pan, Yi, Zun and Dun, as well as the deeds of prominent figures and hermits in the mountains carved on tall stone tablets-these more than 2,000 volumes of stone inscriptions * * * * *, have been corrected and selected. What is recorded here is enough to meet the moral standards of saints and correct the mistakes of historians, which is rich in content! Alas, since Wang Ya and Yuan Zhen were killed in the Tang Dynasty, calligraphy and painting are almost like peppers. There seems to be no difference between Jin people's money addiction and Du Yu's money addiction in Zuo Zhuan. Although the names are different, their confusion is the same.
I only married Zhao in the Yuan Dynasty. My husband Ming Cheng, twenty-one years old, is a student in imperial academy. Both Zhao and Li are children of poor families and have always been poor and thrifty. On the first and fifteenth day of each month, Ming Cheng asks for leave to go out, puts his clothes in the pawnshop, takes 500 copper coins, and goes into Suoguo Temple to buy inscriptions and fruits. Appreciate each other, ponder repeatedly, and be as free and happy as the subjects of ancient Ge.
Two years later, Ming Cheng became an official, and he made up his mind to travel all over the world and collect all the ancient Chinese characters, even if he was thrifty. As time goes on, more and more information is accumulated. The prime minister works in the government, and some relatives are in the secretary province. There are often poems lost in the Book of Songs and anecdotes outside the official history, as well as China ancient books and bamboo slips unearthed from the old wall of Lukongfu and the tomb of King Wei Anli in Jixian County. So I tried my best to copy them, and gradually I felt endless interest, which was beyond my control. Later, I occasionally saw the paintings and calligraphy of ancient and modern celebrities and the strange wares of Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, but I took off my clothes and bought them. I remember that during the Chongning period, a man brought a peony picture painted by Xu Xi in the Southern Tang Dynasty, and he was willing to sell it for 200,000 yuan. Ming Cheng was your child at that time, but it was difficult to prepare two hundred thousand coppers! We left it for two nights and finally returned it to him because we couldn't raise money. My wife and I were sad about it for several days.
Later, Ming Cheng dismissed from office, and we returned to our hometown in Qingzhou to live in seclusion for ten years. The husband and wife are frugal and have a little food and clothing. After Ming Cheng was reinstated, he successively became the magistrate of Laizhou and Zizhou, took out all his salary and engaged in engraving books. Every time we get one, we will sort it out together, sort it into a collection and write the title. Get calligraphy and painting, Yi, Ding and other ancient wine vessels, play with them or spread them out to appreciate them, and criticize the above mistakes. Tasting every night is based on lighting candles. Therefore, the collection of ancient books can achieve exquisite paper and complete calligraphy and painting, surpassing many collectors.
I was born to read widely and know it by heart. Every time after dinner, make tea and Ming Cheng sit in the furnace class, pointing to the accumulated book history, saying that an allusion appears on the first page and the first line of a book, so as to guess whether the game won or not, as the order of drinking tea. Guess right, then raise a glass and laugh, even pour the tea in your arms, but you can't drink a bite when you get up. Really willing to live in this environment for a lifetime! Therefore, although we are poor, we never give in to our wishes. Now that the task of collecting books has been completed, we have set up a stack room in the book return hall, numbered the cabinets with the numbers A, B, C and D, and put the books in the middle. If you need to read, open the cupboard with the key, register in the book, and then take out the book you want. Sometimes books are a little damaged or dirty, so I must criticize them and order me to wipe and alter them, so I am not as casual as before. This is indeed to seek comfort, but it has caused panic. I can't help it anymore. I try to avoid eating a second meat dish, wearing a second dress embroidered with literary colors, avoiding jewelry without pearls and emeralds on my head, and avoiding gold-plated embroidered furniture indoors. When a hundred schools of thought contend, as long as the text is intact and the version is true, they will buy it immediately and keep it as a book. There are two original versions of Zhouyi and Zuozhuan handed down from ancient times, and the text is the most complete. So we put them on several boxes and piled them in pillows. We look forward to it, and this kind of fun far exceeds those who pursue low-level interests such as singing and dancing and fighting dogs.
In the first year of Qin Zongjingkang, Ming Cheng became the magistrate of Zizhou. When he heard that 8 Jin Army had invaded the capital of song dynasty, he found himself at a loss, only finding boxes and cages full of books. While he was reluctant to go, he was disappointed, knowing that these things would not be his own. In March of the first year of Emperor Gaozong Jianyan, my mother-in-law Mrs. Guo died in Jiankang, and Mingcheng went to the south to attend the funeral. Since all the extra things can't be taken away, let's get rid of the heavy and big prints, the repeated paintings in the Tibetan paintings, and the ones that aren't in the antiques. Later, imperial academy's engravings in books, mediocre works in picture scrolls and heavy and bulky items in some ancient vessels were removed. After many cuts, fifteen books were loaded. When I arrived in Haizhou, I hired several boats, crossed the Huaihe River and the Yangtze River, and reached Jiankang. At this time, Qingzhou's hometown still locked books and things, occupying more than ten houses. I hope to prepare a boat to take away next spring. But in December, the nomads from the army captured Qingzhou, and these dozens of houses were suddenly reduced to ashes.
In the autumn and September of the second year of Emperor Gaozong Jianyan, Ming Cheng was re-employed in Jiankang House. In the spring and March of three years, he dismissed from office and took a boat to Wuhu. When I arrive in Dangtu, I plan to find a place to live in Ganjiang. In the summer of May, he arrived in Guichi, and the emperor appointed him as Huzhou, so he needed to appear before the temple. So we put our home in Guichi for the time being, and he went to court alone. On June 13, I began to pack my bags and disembark. Dressed in summer clothes, he turned up the headscarf on his forehead and sat on the shore, looking like a tiger. His bright eyes stared straight at the people and said goodbye to the ship. At the moment, I am in a bad mood and shout, "I heard that the city is in an emergency. What should I do?" He held out two fingers and promised at a distance, "Go with the flow. As a last resort, we had to throw away the parcel box first, then clothes and bedding, then books, and finally antiques. It's just that the sacrificial vessels and ritual vessels of those ancestral temples must be carried on our backs so that they can live with themselves. Don't forget! " Say and ride away. I kept running all the way, braving the heat and getting sick. Arriving at Jiankang where the emperor was stationed, he suffered from malaria. At the end of July, a letter came from home saying that he was ill. I'm surprised and scared. I thought Ming Cheng had been impatient, but he got malaria. Sometimes when you have a fever, you will definitely take cold medicine, and your condition is worrying. So I took a boat to the east and drove 300 miles a day and night. Only when he arrived did he know that he had taken a lot of cold medicines such as Bupleurum and Scutellaria, and malaria and dysentery made him terminally ill. I couldn't help crying sadly, and I couldn't bear to ask about the aftermath in a hurry. On August 18, he stopped getting up, picked up a pen and wrote a poem, and died. Besides, there is no such thing as "selling incense" After burying him, I don't know where to go.
In July of three years, the emperor scattered all the concubines in the harem, and heard that the Yangtze River was going to be banned. At that time, there were 20,000 books and 2,000 golden stone carvings at home. All the tableware and bedding can accommodate hundreds of guests. Other items, the quantity is equivalent to this. I have had another serious illness, and I have only one breath left. The situation is getting more and more tense. I think Ming Cheng has a brother-in-law who is an assistant minister of the Ministry of War. Currently working as a harem guard in Nanchang. I'll send two old butlers to deliver his luggage in batches first. Who knows that in winter and December, the Jin people captured Nanchang again, so these things were gone. The so-called books that have been transported across the Yangtze River have disappeared like clouds, leaving only a few thin scrolls, as well as poems and songs by Li Bai, Du Fu, Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan, Shi Shuo Xin Yu Yan Tie Lun, dozens of stone carvings in Han and Tang Dynasties, more than a dozen pieces of Li Ding in three generations, and several boxes of southern Tang books. Enjoy it occasionally when you are sick, and move them in the bedroom, which can be described as being alone.
Since I can't go to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the enemy's dynamics are unpredictable, I have a brother named Li Wei who took refuge in him when I was an official in the DPRK. I rushed to Taizhou, and the Taizhou satrap had escaped; I returned to Shan County, left Zhou Mu, lost my clothes and rushed to Huangyan, hired a boat to go to sea and followed the circuit court. At this time, Emperor Gaozong was stationed in Zhang 'an Town, Taizhou. So I followed the imperial ship from the sea to Wenzhou and then to Yuezhou. In December of four years, the emperor ordered the officials below Lang Guan to disperse, and I arrived in Quzhou. In the spring of the first year of Shaoxing, he returned to Yuezhou; Two years later, I went to Hangzhou again. When my late husband was seriously ill, a bachelor, Zhang Feiqing, came to see him with a jade pot and immediately took it away. In fact, it is carved from a beautiful jade. I don't know who spread it, so there is a saying in the rumor that money is given to people. He also said that someone secretly went to the table to report impeachment. I was too scared to speak or forget it. I'll take out all the bronzes and other antiques at home and prepare to throw them into the outer court in charge of the national treasure. I arrived in Yuezhou, and the emperor was very lucky. I dare not leave things with me, and even wrote a book to stay in Shan County. Later, when the loyalists searched for the defected soldiers, they took them away. I heard that they are all the homes of former general Li. There is no doubt that the so-called "lonely existence" has been removed by 56/ 10. There are only calligraphy, painting and ink, and there are still five or six baskets left, so I can't bear to put them anywhere else. I often hide them under the bed and take care of them myself. When I was in Yuezhou, I stayed at Zhong's house, a local resident. Suddenly one night, someone dug a hole in the wall and carried five baskets. I am very sad, and I am determined to offer a large reward for my redemption. Two days later, my neighbor Zhong Fuhao offered a reward for eighteen-axis paintings and calligraphy, and I realized that the thief was not far from me. I tried my best to beg him, but I refused to take out the rest. Today, I learned that Wu Shuo, a Fujian transshipment judge, bought it at a low price. The so-called "lonely existence" has been removed by this time. There are one or two books left, and three or five kinds of incomplete books. How stupid I am to cherish a mediocre book post like protecting my heart and eyes!
Today, I accidentally read this book "Records of Scholars", as if I saw a dead relative. Then, I remembered that Ming Cheng had just bound a book in Jingzhitang, Laizhou, inserted a non-success sign, tied a light green belt, and made a book for every ten volumes. Every night, when the officials are separated, he arranges two volumes of books and writes a postscript. Of these 2000 volumes, 502 are inscribed. Now his handwriting is as good as new, but the tree in front of the tomb can still hold hands. Sad! In the past, when the capital Gangneung fell, Emperor Xiao Yi of Liang Yuan burned140,000 books instead of lamenting the country's demise. Yang Guang and Yang Di were destroyed in Jiangdu. He didn't die, but got back the books carried by the Tang people after his death. Can what human nature focuses on transcend life and death and never forget it? Or does God think that my qualifications are too poor to enjoy these rare things? Or knowingly, cherish these things and refuse to stay in the world? Why is it so hard to get and so easy to lose?
Alas! Lu Ji wrote for twenty years, and I was two years younger than him and married to the Zhao family. Qu Boyu left at the age of 50, and now I am two years older than him. In these thirty-four years, how much worry and gain! However, it is common sense of human beings that what is gained must be lost, and what is gained must be gained. If someone loses his bow, someone always gets it. Why bother? So I described the whole story of this book with a little care, and I also wanted to leave a lesson for future generations. In the second year of Shaoxing, Tai Sui was in Benevolence. On the first day of August, Jiayin was inscribed in Yi 'an Room.