How to set up table summary

The specific steps for setting chart summary are as follows:

Tools/materials: Huawei MateBookX, win 10, excel20 13.

1. Open the table to be processed and click Insert-Pivot Table in the menu bar to open the Create Pivot Table window.

2. In the window of creating PivotTable report, select relevant data and check "New worksheet".

3. In the PivotTable field list, check "Class, Name and Level", click "Sum Item and Level" in the numerical window, then select "Value Field Settings" and select "Average" as the calculation type.

4. Select menu bar-Options-Pivot Table-Options, and select the Summary and Filter tab in the pop-up window, only check "Use custom list when sorting" and remove other checks; Switch to the Display tab, and select Show field headings and filter drop-down lists and Classic PivotTable layout options.

5. Right-click the cell and select Field Settings to open the Field Settings window. In the sorting, summarizing and filtering tab, check "None" and click OK.

6. Select the PivotTable area, copy it, and then click the "New Workbook" button below to paste the copied contents into the new workbook.

7. Select the original workbook, frame the data, use the format brush, and use it directly in the latest workbook.